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Messages - Big Money

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Off Topic / Re: Biden
« on: February 04, 2025, 13:12 »
Biden and the Democrats stole money that was allocated to Ukraine!

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has clarified that of the approximately US$177 billion in aid approved by the US for Ukraine, the country has received about US$76 billion.

Quote: "When I hear both in the past and even now from the US that America has provided Ukraine with hundreds of billions [of dollars] (177, to be precise, based on what Congress approved), as the president of a nation at war, I can tell you weve received more than US$75 billion.

So, when people talk about US$177 billion or even US$200 billion, weve never received that. Were talking about tangible things because this aid didnt come as cash but rather as weapons, which amounted to about US$70 billion.

But when its said that Ukraine received US$200 billion to support the army during the war thats not true. I dont know where all that money went. Perhaps its true on paper with hundreds of different programmes I wont argue, and were immensely grateful for everything. But in reality, we received about US$76 billion. Its significant aid, but its not US$200 billion."

 >:( >:( >:(

Now that Musk has the financials the crap is going to hit the fan! A lot of corruption will be found!

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 01, 2025, 10:43 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

You beat me sir! I made $46 this month. I cannot even afford to feed my cat now!

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: January 31, 2025, 08:22 »
So it wasn't Taiwan leaving the UN?! Make your mind up!

History of Taiwan--- How fast we got side tracked on the actual post of the OP. Wonder if Deepseek would mention the history of Taiwan?

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: January 30, 2025, 13:34 »
I am not Chinese, but China is a country that has existed for millennia, long before many other nations even came into being. That alone suggests a depth of wisdom accumulated over time. As a society, they place great value on tradition, heritage, and education.

As for your statement: 'China finances all the world's terrorists, supports genocide, created COVID-19 as a weapon of mass destruction, and supplies fentanyl-based drugs to the EU and the US to kill millions of people of mobilization age' - that is a highly questionable claim to accept at face value. Neither I nor anyone outside the highest levels of government can ever fully know the absolute truth, so I will not engage in a discussion based on speculation.


General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 28, 2025, 11:26 »
I imputed my 1099-K in turbo tax (Home and business edition). Piece of cake. Some folks feel why bother to use the 1099-K form---One my buddies that is an IRS agent told me to make sure you include this form if you are over the threshold. I guess they hired additional folks to monitor this new requirement thus I didn't want to trigger an audit.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 27, 2025, 18:54 »
I checked the 1099-K from PP, and it matches the earnings from mass payments made by my microstock companies to the cent.  The only discrepancy comes from the 1099-MISC provided by Adobe, since they don't report payments but earnings.

Does anyone using TurboTax know where this 1099-K should be entered to avoid duplicates?


General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 26, 2025, 11:29 »

Gig worker, freelancer, hobby seller and other self-employed You're considered a sole proprietor and should report Form 1099-K payment information on Schedule C (Form 1040), Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship).Nov 20, 2024

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 26, 2025, 09:47 »
The IRS lowered the 1099K reporting threshold from $20K and 200 transactions to $5K and 200 transactions.  Next year it lowers again to $600.  Double reporting of income (1099 misc from agencies and 1099K from paypal) will be a problem for many this year. 

I'm not sure how to address it on my tax form.. I'm seeing conflicting information currently.

Bingo! I would be so easy just to input your 1099K from paypal and not several 1099C's from the companies. But the 1099K might have errors. Total mess.

Canva / Re: Canva - Canva for Education
« on: January 21, 2025, 20:37 »
Two words for Canva---F.O.!

Congrats! You're making some nice positive gains! Many are losing, including myself, each year which says you're work is very good! May 2025 be a great success to you sir! 

Off Topic / Re: California is burning!
« on: January 08, 2025, 19:49 »
:o :o :o

Raging flames driven by a fierce windstorm scorched a rapidly growing area of Southern California, destroying homes, forcing at least 30,000 residents to evacuate and choking the sky with smoke, with officials warning that the worst was yet to come.

Is there anyone from California?

What are Biden and the Democrats doing?  >:( >:( >:(

President Elected posted this info today

President-elect Trump pinned blame for the "apocalyptic" wildfires tearing through Los Angeles County on California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.

"Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way," Trump posted on Truth Social late Wednesday morning.

"He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didnt work!), but didnt care about the people of California. Now the ultimate price is being paid. I will demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!"

13 / Re: Shuterstock about to get eaten by Getty
« on: January 08, 2025, 08:24 »
I see that Getty is acquiring Shuterstock, which means that the Shuterstock board is selling their company. The merger name is nonsense, the letter clearly states that Getty will control everything.
I think that Shuterstock's revenue will fall, and the royalty percentage will be the same as Getty's.
This is bad news.


14 / Re: Getty buys Shutter
« on: January 08, 2025, 08:18 »
My main concern is that they will not use my images on Shutter that are some of my best sellers but not on istock due to me not wanting them there or iStock's stupid model and property release requirements. If this is the case than I see at least a 20% drop in my sales income!

15 / Re: Getty buys Shutter
« on: January 08, 2025, 08:15 »
forgot to mention---Isn't this EXCITING NEWS  ;D
What do you see as EXCITING?  :(

I was being Fictitious sir. There isn't a * thing exciting about this merger.

16 / Re: Getty buys Shutter
« on: January 07, 2025, 18:23 »
forgot to mention---Isn't this EXCITING NEWS  ;D

Should this proceed, it would appear the microstock industry battle lines are being drawn up into two with one being the conglomerate of iStock / Shutterstock and all its marketplaces and the other Adobe Stock.

I'm not a trader so have little understanding of it but wondering why Shutterstock would want to do this merger with iStock when they would be merging with a company that has a lot lower share price (currently GETY at $2.39 and SSTK at $31.47)?

For starters Getty has over 78 million share and SSTK as 35 million shares thus double the amount of SS.

A reliable 5k a month with less than 10k images sounds really difficult. I think even if you have a very high quality people port - medically correct images of patient doctor nurse interactions, with model and property releases for everything...or real business owners and their work places and trades, I doubt you can generate 5k a month reliably.

For a quality 5k/month baseline, I think 30k files is more realistic.

It is a very interesting survey, thank you very much.

I have been carefully reading up in many groups and I cannot find anyone who can convincingly say they are making over 5k every month with 5-10k files.

A reliable 2-3000 and then sometimes months with more, maybe even 6k in a lucky month.

But a reliable 5k requires a lot more effort.

My goal is to reach a reliable 30k a year. Once I reach that I can try to go for 45k a year. That would be ideal, enough money to invest in better quality production.

So...basically I need to triple my income...

I don't agree. I personally know a few folks with small portfolio's that generate this income. Most of their images are of very high commercial value and are best sellers on all the major MS companies (i.e., Adobe, SS and iStock). Is there a pattern or type of image that sells best? Seems to be in the high volume areas like Christmas or nature (Flowers) or Homes. I knew one person (they are a realtor) that shoot nothing but very high quality interiors and make a lot of $$$$. Many folks, including myself, do not shot interiors very well compared to the high end pro's. I know one person that does Christmas only and they sell a lot!    Yeah, having more volume will get you more sales but not in a predictable ratio. I know one person that shots everything (average looking images) and they have like 50,000 images but generate less than $3,000 a month. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: New Year's Resolutions
« on: January 01, 2025, 10:41 »
2025 Goals

1. Staying POSITIVE
2. Find a Niche
3. Concentrate on images that have a high commercial value
4. Be nice to others

Sure thing and 5) time for a reset. Oh, nevermind, I meant, personal reset.  ;)

Just remember nothing at a lower level still equals nothing lol!

General Stock Discussion / Re: New Year's Resolutions
« on: January 01, 2025, 10:37 »

General Stock Discussion / New Year's Resolutions
« on: December 30, 2024, 09:33 »
2025 Goals

1. Staying POSITIVE
2. Find a Niche
3. Concentrate on images that have a high commercial value
4. Be nice to others

I reached payout ($100) about every three months thus still worth it to upload there. My best sellers are home exteriors like the yard or deck. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: What's the Future of Microstock
« on: December 16, 2024, 19:13 »
You rally want the spammers to triple, right?

Upload ai enhanced images directly from your camera to stock post processing, instant money...

Oh well...

Oh NO I just try be optimistic :)

You're a good guy but think about what you just stated. Instant money and no post processing? Come on. Thus no skill required to submit images basically. A 10 year old would be able to to this now. The very reason why this business is fading because they lowered the requirements to submit images. Initially there were required tests to get into the companies and many folks including myself failed the tests. Shutter required 7 out of 10 to pass and iStock was a nightmare. Mostly only the professional or semi pro's passed the requirements. So you want to even lower the standards of today which is very easy?  Think not...
It was just respond from AI to my question how will be microstock in 2025, make me smile and I just try share it with stockers group. I remember also sending slides to ALAMY and very well all the micro tests, when I start with that I already have many published images in magazines, the best test is marketplace. No I wan not lover standards, I just like fun :)  and love to see sometimes situation from distance and other angle.

Many years ago Yuri predicted that smartphones would take over the business. He was partly right.

Adobe Stock / Re: Multiple Accounts
« on: December 16, 2024, 18:31 »
Personally for me this would be a nightmare to manage. I like to keep things simple. Maybe your sales might do better but that not a given in this business...

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