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Messages - ThomasAmby
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« on: June 10, 2020, 01:29 »
After 1 min of extra thinking... So how many stock contributors will be banned? 100? 500? Shutterstock will be fine without them. This action is... Boring. I won't change my avatar or whatever. Nor publicly cry. Take it, or leave it. But you can fight I will be thankful for your activity.
The few people deactivating their portfolios now probably only has a slight symbolic value (an important one to send a signal nonetheless). Personally I'm not under the illusion that they will even take note of my action. I just don't want to support their success and I can easily afford it. Many people however can't afford it. But they CAN afford to stop providing new quality content and focus on the other agencies instead. And this, I believe, will be the downfall of Shutterstock. This will have a MUCH bigger impact in the long run. Clients won't notice at first, but will have a harder and harder time finding relevant content that meets a certain standard and ultimately they'll stop renewing their subscriptions. Not as a protest or anything, simply because they'll want quality, and if it's not found on Shutterstock, they'll go elsewhere. No one wants to wade through tons of low quality content from hobbyists (which is now apparently being accepted all the time. What happened?!?). Photos will begin to look dated within a couple of years. For the clients it's all about quality, and if Shutterstock can't afford quality contributors anymore (or has made a decision not to), then it's the end. It won't happen in a day, and Stan will likely meet his bonus criteria. But it will have consequences and it won't be sustainable for the company in the long run.
« on: June 09, 2020, 11:15 »
« on: June 09, 2020, 03:41 »
I disabled my portfolio immediately when I saw the reality of this news which I hadn't given much thought. Two days of selling for 10c and I had it. My portfolio was a small one so won't be doing nothing to the numbers of their catalog but it was a good one with 130.000 sales since 2008, and supposedly hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings for Shutterstock to line their pockets over the years. And now I'm making sure that at least I won't be contributing a penny to their continued success from here on. Actually they made it extremely easy for me by slashing my income by 60-70%  I prefer not selling at all and focusing on my full time job instead. I won't even make a big fuzz about it, it's just a no-brainer, haha. I'm surprised actually that they made such a big move at once. Wouldn't you want to introduce the paycuts gradually to get people used to it? From a corporate perspective it seems to be such a ridiculous move to do it all at once! And it has me suspecting that they are planning to come up with a less bad revenue system in a short while, just so we can all be really relieved and cheer on them and say "Thank you for listening to us, Shutterstock! The best agency and always has been! Thanks for caring about your contributors" while now accepting the new and "improved" 20c commissions. Everybody seems to win some (but actually only the agency wins, as they planned for 20c commissions all along). Either way, I'm not coming back unless everything goes back exactly the way it was before OR better. I'll also take better. But for sure won't be accepting even a 1% paycut. No bargaining. SOOO now you'll have to buy Luigi, the world famous pizza chef, elsewhere
« on: November 09, 2013, 10:34 »
I'm coming and I'm hoping to meet other illustrators there
« on: September 19, 2013, 03:33 »
Thanks jsnover and cathyslife  I went on a live chat with the Hostgator support and the guy worked for an entire hour to get it fixed, and was in fact at the point of giving up when suddenly he got it to work. Fantastic. Looking so much forward to get to the network part, but before engaging in the network I need to set up the site, design it, write FAQs, upload images and do some sandbox testing.. I don't even know how the network works yet.. But will be interesting to see. I'm feeling positive about this, because I only need to earn $15 for it to have been a worthwile investment - and it also seems logical to have an agency where you yourself are the boss and get to decide categories, pricing, discounts, which images should be featured and where to lead the customer. Even if it only generates $50/year I will consider it worthwile. I bought ktools for something like $300-400 a couple years ago but never got the site up and running because I lost interest quickly, so it was a total waste of money for me. I'm much more excited about this because of the opensource and network aspects, and also because it's so easy to change things in Wordpress. Thanks again
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:17 »
I'm leaving it for now, because it's driving me crazy. Hopefully someone can chime in about this issue Some additional information: I upload EPS + JPEGs, and they go to the "process images" tab, but the problem occurs when I try to move them to drafts or publish them. I use Hostgator for webhosting, and I've been using them for 4 years (maybe something needs to be updated on their part?) Also, I saw a thread yesterday evening about Symbiostock and decided to try it, and has been very pleasantly surprised by how easy the setup was (okay, I'm a routined WP user, but I expected more things to go wrong). Also there are some pretty good manuals for initial setup at the Symbiostock site. Nice. Here's my progress so far: http://www.buyillustrations.net (I also bought the domain yesterday evening, it's not original or funny or anything but hopefully it will drive some traffic from Google ? Who knows.. Anyways, looking forward to actually launching the site with my entire port)
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:51 »
I also get this error when uploading
Insufficient memory (case 4) `/tmp/magick-MlcOx49v' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/316 Using ImageMagick (exec enabled). info: Image Processing.
I tried increasing the memory in wp-config, didn't work
Some files seem to go through, but most won't.
What could be the problem?
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:33 »
What is this?
« on: August 31, 2013, 17:45 »
I'm not going to contribute with something useful here, I'm not a photographer so I can't give valuable advice. Just wanted to say I love the choice of Peignot for your logotype I love every peace of design that keeps alive the memory of Cassandre, my all time favourite graphic designer.. Nice! Best regards Thomas
« on: June 04, 2013, 11:07 »
Hi Monkeyman, Thanks for the answer and sorry for the delay. I'm not on iStock anymore, but decided to try it out with the other sites. So far all of them were accepted at Fotolia  Conclusion (which might be useful knowledge to others): You can use a gradient with one slider transparent. When you save it as EPS10, the gradient will not turn into raster but Illustrator instead creates opacity masks. It may look weird in the vector file itself once you open the EPS10 file (subtle outlines show on the shapes where the opacity masks are applied), but when saving as JPEG, they look perfect.
« on: June 02, 2013, 05:15 »
Yesterday I created some illustrations for microstock and everything went well except for the fact that I carelessly used CS6 functions throughout the entire illustrations (transparency on only one slider of the gradient panel, multiple artboards etc.). Yes I should have known better, but it's been a long time since I created microstock.
So, I saved the illustrations as EPS10 (fortunately also remembered to save a CS6 compatible version of each), and when I opened the EPS10 file again, what I noticed was that the shapes which I filled with gradients where only one slider was transparent, had however not been rasterized. Instead, apparently they had been automatically converted to "opacity masks" which is a function I have never used before.
My question is now, do the agencies accept these opacity masks or do I need to manually apply new EPS10 compatible gradients to all of them / redo the illustration?
I hope someone can help me. I know I can always try by submitting, but it's such a hassle if done in vain.
Best regards Thomas
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:48 »
Yuri was doing incredibly well. He boasted in an article that he was making millions each year. He wants to make even more. So Getty must have paid him or I don't think he would be doing this. So all your facts are wrong as usual. Just because you want Yuri to be barely paying the bill doesn't make it a fact. At any time he could of cut his costs to zero and just made millions each year from his portfolio for the rest of his life. He's obviously more ambitious than that.
If you wanted to have any idea about the financial side of this business, you would do some research and use some actual facts instead of just making up what you would like to happen.
Hmmm. You say that but Yuri can't even afford to operate in his own country. He's had to leave his home in the idyllic country of Denmark (by many reports about the nicest place on earth to live) to set up shop in crime-ridden South Africa. By his own admission he can't afford the costs of doing business and paying taxes in Denmark.
Now he's even sold his soul to the devil and climbed into bed with Getty.
Wealth is supposed to bring freedom and choices isn't it? Seems to me that Yuri's 'wealth' has made him a prisoner of his own ambition and greed.
Not to turn this into a political discussion, but taxes in Denmark are incredibly high, sometimes up to 60-65% depending on your level of income. So, as a dane, I understand Yuri's move and in fact I encourage it.
« on: March 14, 2013, 13:38 »
Hej Thomas
Mange tak for info, du skulle vel tilfldigvis ikke ligge inde med et link, har prvet at grave ls hos Skat, men uden held.
Jeg har desvrre ikke noget link, nej, og jeg er ikke selv hrd til regnskab. Ring evt. til skat - de plejer at vre hjlpsomme Ellers kan det strkt anbefales at betale for en time med en revisor, hvor du stter ham ind i din konkrete situation, s du kan f klarlagt tingene. Vis ham prcist hvordan det foregr fra salg til du har pengene p din bankkonto. Sidst jeg havde besg af en sdan (et par uger siden), var han enig i, at det her er en kmpe grzone i skattesystemet. Jeg lavede selv en trd om det p Amino da jeg var grn, mske hjlper den - mske ikke: http://www.amino.dk/forums/t/54100.aspxMen jeg sidder ikke, som jeg skrev dengang i 2009, og taster al indkomst ind i dollars og laver efterflgende kurs-spekulation. Jeg opgiver simpelthen til skat den indtgt, der ryger ind i kroner og rer p min danske bankkonto, og undlader at bruge af indtgterne fr de str dr (dvs. ikke noget med lige at kbe ting via PayPal mens pengene str dr - det gr regnskabet undigt besvrligt).
« on: March 14, 2013, 13:08 »
Hej Blammo,
Der er ikke moms p royalties Jeg betaler B-skat og retter min forskudsopgrelse til et par gange om ret
Mvh Thomas
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:16 »
Is that a wedding ring 'O' in the second logo? In that case, it's two different concepts in one logo - which is confusing. Generally I find the first one more appealling, otherwise I would suggest to implement the heart into the second option (in one of the frames), and ditch the wedding ring concept altogether. Or go with the wedding ring concept and emphasize the ring by making the O the same yellow as the top of the ring. Just two different concepts in one logo is too many
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:27 »
Just deleted my port of 87 vectors of which 17 were flames. Felt good! Happy D-Day everyone  ETA: I put in this as reason "I no longer wish to support iStockPhoto due to low royalties, terrible communication and exploitation of contributors in general."
« on: January 22, 2013, 00:55 »
Has anyone thought of starting up Facebook invitation about this date? It would be hard to get it out there, as non photographers will not join and pass it on but If it gets momentum it might help.
Can we get this invite up? It would be a great way of keeping track of participants, because right now I have no clue how many we are
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:46 »
I love Franzl Lang!
He must be a pain to share an apartment with though
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:10 »
I would be glad to offer my help in creating the badges once the categories are settled on
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:06 »
« on: January 15, 2013, 04:42 »
Did you read my entire post (particularly the section that starts with "but...")? That was exactly my point. I'm not doing this for the sake of making an impact, but should the word happen to spread in the design community, I certainly wouldn't mind either - that would be an added bonus. That's why I plan on doing it on February 2 rather than right away, because nevertheless chances of that to happen are probably marginally higher than if I go ahead and deactivate my measly 82 files today. Maybe it will inspire others to take a stand as well. Trying to be a little strategic about the gift that I'm giving myself.
In fact this would be my advise to everyone participating in D-Day: Don't expect iStock to fall on their knees, do this for yourself. You deserve to be freed from the Getty corporation and focus your thoughts on positive stuff - the future is bright..
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:32 »
Count me in for 82 files
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:10 »
I hope this will make an impact, that the word will spread in the community and to various news channel etc.
But it's not the sole reason I'm pulling my portfolio on February 2. I'm doing this primarily for myself - as an investment in time and happiness. I'll never have to worry about iStock again, I won't spend anymore time reading threads of hundreds of pages about how Getty/IS managed to screw us once again. I won't be furious when they bring us more "exciting news" in the future.
That's how I see it and I think the fuel that powers Deactivation Day should be regaining freedom and getting new opportunities focusing on other more positive ways of selling stock content, rather than the impact itself.
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:28 »
I was just discussing this the other day, so this came timely. More than ever I'm ready to deactivate my entire portfolio and lose out on the income. I just don't care anymore, and since I'm a student in Denmark I can always get state education grant if my income falls way below the pain threshold. My portfolio consists of only 82 files unfortunately, but they are all vector files and have sold quite well over time. I may keep one (insignificant) image in case they close my account if there are no files at all.
This thread makes me very happy and proud to be part of this community. I'm looking much forward to manually deactivating my files one by one on D-day (should have happened way earlier, but I'm glad it's happening now).
Count me in for 81 files
« on: December 29, 2012, 18:24 »
Do you believe that Shutterstock fairly closed my account or not?
I am almost %100 sure that they "fairly" closed your account..
Claims like yours require proper evidence.. You are wrong until you post the image here.. The reason you don't post it here is because you already know that shutterstock is right on this issue..
Using other people's works for "comparison"(! yeah I am that naive to believe it is for comparison) is wrong..
I use reference images as well, don't you? If I am to create an illustration of an apple I create a moodboard to see what an apple looks like - with 5 or 10 different photos from Google (always photos though, no illustrations due to the risk of subconsciously copying the styles of other illustrators). I always place them directly into my Illustrator file when starting a project, and obviously I don't trace them, not even basic shapes, I just use them to get the feel of an apple from different angles, with different lighting, color etc. Therefore I kind of feel bad for the OP if this is the case for him as well, and the end result of his illustration cannot in any way be identified with his reference image (in my opinion he should have used way more than one reference however). But I guess you're right, since we haven't seen the illustration and the watermarked image side by side, we won't know if that is the case or he simply is ashamed to post it because we would see the similarities immediately. That would not be acceptable of course, and in that case it was a fair move by SS. My concern, however, is that SS reviewers just saw the watermark and that alone was enough to delete his port, because they don't have the time to investigate all cases and they would rather delete one too many than one too few. That makes it very vulnerable to be a contributor I guess the only way to judge if SS made the right choice is for the OP to post his illustration along with his reference image. In 2 seconds we would know whether they handled this right
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