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Messages - marceloaft

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First thank you all who spent time reading and replying to my first post and also this one, it's really important to me (and surely others) that we can have this help. Thanks a lot!!

this was my second attempt to enter Istock.




Reason given to the rejection was composition.

Any thoughts how I can improve any of those if should I use any of them?

Marcelo Tropea

Thanks for sharing Miklav, never thought about that.


Thank you guys!!

I thought about posting those images just so I could understand better the mistakes made by me. I have been reading a lot of critical requests from fellow photographers and that is helping me a ton, so I wanted to see something personal to understand my mistakes.

Click Click I don't know what happened with the 3rd photo but I think it got its artefacts from compressing somehow as I have never edited any of those photos.

It's funny but as soon as you guys mentioned I could see the mistakes right there but before I couldn't see it very well.. I guess I have to be training my eyes!!

I will post my second rejection, I promise its a bit better!!

Thank you SO MUCH for your honest critiques!!!

Photo Critique / Help with Trying to get Accepted at Istock
« on: March 16, 2012, 17:02 »
Hi Guys Im trying to get accepted in Istock, so far I failed in 2 attempts and now Im trying to close in the chances of that happening thats why Im here.
Im very keen to hear all critiques, pls do!! I didn't change the files at all, they are all raw. I think thats one of the reasons that I failed.

This was my first attempt




That was back in 2009 with a canon sx120!!

As soon as I understand that I will post the second attempt so I dont mess around with too much information...

Thank you so much for helping out, it's wonderful to have this community!!

Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:03 »
Thanks very helpful!! :D

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