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Messages - gcrook

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VideoBlocks / Re: Many refunds at videoblocks (smells bad)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:34 »
One 4K refund a few weeks back and simultaneously a 4K sale of the same clip which left me with (thankfully,temporary) symptoms of manic depression :)
Still not good for an agency with such growth to report or even accept refunds unless there is an extremely serious reason to do so,which i believe is the minority of reasons for a refund.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS Down?
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:37 »
Nothing has shown up since Friday.It's uploading now but not sure if im wasting my time.
Btw did anyone have footage sales reported on Monday?Just curious since it's rather strange to not get at least one.

Adobe Stock / Re: 4K live on Adobe Stock
« on: February 10, 2016, 17:38 »
If i was Mat and felt like cracking a joke (which people should do now and then) i would answer "Yes but only in prores 4K" .

Adobe Stock / Re: 4K live on Adobe Stock
« on: February 10, 2016, 16:14 »
Pc as well.But that has been my workflow for all stock agencies for some time now plus production houses and broadcast and never was there a complaint or a qc fail.

Adobe Stock / Re: 4K live on Adobe Stock
« on: February 10, 2016, 15:09 »
I always failed sending 4K video via FTP :(
I stopped uploading 4K ProRes files as the previews are not encoded properly. Instead you see strange artifacts at the first few frames.

Same thing here.Someone reported that his 2160p prores clips are displaying properly, but mine are not, so i upload as mjpeg both 2160p and 2304p.Same applies for 1080p prores clips so it's not the resolution
The only thing left to ask since support hasn't got the slightest idea about how their site works is, are your prores clips encoded on a windows or on an apple machine?

Adobe Stock / Re: 4K live on Adobe Stock
« on: February 05, 2016, 14:12 »
I can see my 2304p clips on ft and adobestock but i have no idea whether this format is properly supported from a technical standpoint.
FT displays them, so does adobestock, but adobe converts clips (and downconverts? ) and i have no guarantee that the h264 conversion will be technically sound for 2304p files.
After all you either support a resolution, or you dont, and you support that decision from your end,in between a lot can go wrong or perhaps nothing at all (by sheer luck) , but that's hardly professional.

Also i would like to point out that regarding fotolia i was told by some of your staff months ago that the encoder would be improved and the previews would load and display properly,but it doesnt seem to be the case yet.
Doesn't fotolia think that being able to display video in it's intended framerate is paramount to a business aspiring to sell video to a professional audience?
These are VERY basic stuff here and these problems dont exist anywhere on the net since a decade ago let alone a professional agency that sells media.

And what about the 4K subscription price someone mentioned?Is that really happening?As far as i know (and looked) i couldn't find subscription credits or any other deals regarding 4K video or video in general.
Maybe that 17.50usd was a downconverted 720p sale or a reduced commission (due to foreign tax holding) for a 1080p clip?

Happens from time to time.The worst is the rare occasion where sales vanish and reappear in the earnings summary and microstock analytics and earnings programs totally lose it.Happened during this month too.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:00 »
Yes remarkably easy.Just tested it and batch delete works well and fast,and left me refreshed and rejuvenated lol.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 19, 2016, 14:52 »
It's ok if you only upload 1080p ($79), but then again who knows how long that will last.

It's a huge drop from $299 to $79 for 4K. They must be feeling the pinch.

Ok i just researched it a bit further because i couldn't believe what i was seeing.
It seems that there are 2 pricing models for the ex-multi agency clips.

The one we are discussing (RF Basic), with these prices, and a "premium" one (299-499) for clips of "high quality both in terms of objective and subjective attributes." according to nimia.
By default all of our clips are being offered in the low pricing tier.
Theoretically we can resend them for curation by selecting the premium option.

Of course we dont know how many clips will qualify for this since these criteria are subjective.And of course the default low pricing tier option is an insult as well.
We weren't asked about this.
i will change all my clips to the premium and see how this goes.The ones who make it will stay there,but im not uploading any more so i can later delete them if they dont make the premium (something tells me most of my clips wont)

Another thing that bugs me is that i dont find an editorial tag for any of the collections.How will they know if a clip is editorial or not?
This is messed up however you look at it.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 19, 2016, 14:30 »
That's as bas as it gets.Complete turnaround from their previous model, i can hardly believe they dropped prices so low.
Im waiting for official response,if that's true then good riddance to them.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:49 »
Still waiting for official response but if this is the case good riddance.
And while i dont really care since i never put much hope (and work thankfully) in them,if these prices are correct they will hurt their exclusives more than anyone else.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 subscription program to start
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:43 »

Of course they are a honest company that's why we're having this discussion.
Well as honest as a company can be, that is.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 subscription program to start
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:03 »
You have to be invited to participate.Doesn't hurt to ask them i guess.


WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR (based on a rather cryptic forum discussion so dont lash out on me for speaking out):

In an early discussion over at the p5 forums i think the subs price was divided between  2 tiers a low one and a high one.
Both roughly under 8 usd ,one was like 3-4,but take this with a grain of salt,i can't even remember how long ago this was discussed let alone the pricing details,plus things might have changed,so i speculate based on what i know.

Also the selection of clips to be used for the subs is (i think) handled by the p5 stuff (perhaps this explains the 2+ months curation period?) so if anyone thinks he will give them 500 junk clips that aren't selling to make a profit is in for a shock,since a specific selection will make it in the program.
You can only opt clips out not in.I dont know if this selection has happened noone is speaking openly so we dont know how many clips are in or if they are quality clips.Also all clips to be selected are new clips i think August 2015 and on.

Other than that no one knows for sure or isn't telling.
I believe (given the VERY little i know) that everyone participating is slowly digging his own grave,but to be honest i understand one's decision.

At least -if p5 wants to impose a vb model- they pay the contributors for these,so why aren't the usual trolls cheering?

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 subscription program to start
« on: January 19, 2016, 06:06 »
What high prices has exactly been ss pushing lately?Dont tell me about the occasional 40 ,85 or even the 115usd hd sale because my rpd (which is low enough as it is) there is getting lower and lower every month.

P.S This topic is about video not stills.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 subscription program to start
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:35 »
I don't see a big  problem because we don't have to give clips to the subs program.  It will work like VB, if you have something that isn't in the subs program, people will pay for it.  Anyone without any unique content is screwed but that's going to happen anyway.

VB's prices may be low (for HD) but they are the same for all clips in the marketplace, so everyone is competing on the same terms more or less.
At p5 one can sell 4K for 30usd if he wishes,which is already happening ,big time,and the cheap subs program will propably, "suggest",that they need to price as low as possible.

Given the 4K--> downconverted hd price search bug at pond5,this could be a recipe for disaster.
But it will depend on the quality (and size and versatility) of the subs marketplace.If it's really aimed for those who need a few "mediocre" clips for a mediocre/cheap project then it wont be so bad.Until i see the marketplace i cant tell.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 19, 2016, 04:23 »
Im not even sure if multi-agency clips are being offered at anything above 720p.If that's the case im good with that and they can keep their exclusives happy without ridiculing them by offering their hd and 4K clips at high price while everyone else sells hd and above for 79usd.

So i can work with that by uploading only downconverted 720p (with the 25gb limit thats 5X-10X more clips per batch at least) and i can keep my hd and above for other agencies.After all sd and 720p priced like this it still a higher price than fotolia, depostiphotos, or shutterstock for example.Nimia will become a specialized option for me that will earn me (if there are sales) decent money without jeopardizing my hd which is in high demand everywhere else.SD still sells (ss sells sd very often for me) and 720p makes more sense for broadcasting.

But if it's not and hd and 4K and 1080p are being offered for 79usd, (which i find rather hard given their pricing pholosophy) ,im deleting everything at once after i email them and they confirm that.

Still for such an agency to shift their model so drastically means that the "pie" is shrinking and everyone is trying to grab a slice.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 subscription program to start
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:28 »
Unfortunately i agree too and furthermore i believe (and i REALLY hope to be proven wrong) that the subs model will further drive p5 marketplaces down.
How this will go down will depend on the size and quality of the subs library,but given the fact that a lot of people might endorse the subs program due to the stable monthly income i have reasons to be very pessimistic.

General - Stock Video / Re: Nimia's New Pricing Model
« on: January 18, 2016, 18:46 »
Prices are being updated as im writing this.This process doesn't seem to have been completet yet but i've already noticed something weird.
It looks as if there are 2 downconverted resolutions being offered, one is 852x480 at 49usd and the other is 1280X720 at 79usd.
Both prices are more than decent and perhaps higher that most fixed price agencies for these resolutions.

Problem is, i dont see price and option for original resolution, be it 1080p, uhd, or 4K.Nor do i see an 1080p downconversion from higher res original clips.
Anyone else noticing this in his portfolio?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 17:48 »
Say no more.
Where do i sign?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 17:05 »
Although im afraid that if i do i will start blaming myself for being poor

Remember the African farmer! He is poor, not you!

Everything is relative.He might be poor next to me but he sure is way richer than an Afghan refugee.
Didn't your idols teach you that relativity (or lesser evil) is the cornerstone of western society since at least two centuries ago?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 16:55 »
I'm happy you got it.
Do you prefer JM Keynes financial perpetuum mobile or K.Marx wonderland?

See here's the thing.I prefer neither.You apparently prefer Mises and Friedman which would make more sense if you were Paris Hilton (money-wise) .
But you are not.At least one can dream of becoming an elite and that's something im not against to be honest.
Sadly for every Bill Gates there are 1000 Paris Hiltons and 1.000.000 suckers.
Like you.
Or me for that matter.

I don't "prefer". I study and make sense of what I read. If a theory makes sense, it doesn't matter who you are and how much money you make, as long as it answers your questions.
Understanding these basic principles would definitely help you more in finding your way, than these constant BMW about "greed", "evil corporations", "poor me is not my fault" or "who moved my cheese?" complaints.

Hijacked thread alert!!!!!   :o

False alarm!  :P

Thank you for you deeply inspiring words, i will definitely educate myself further just like you did,allowing you to expand your mind and create opportyunities where there weren't any.
Although im afraid that if i do i will start blaming myself for being poor because ultimately it's the poor people's fault for being poor and frankly i kind of like to whine about my poverty.
Did i also mention that im lazy?yes,im afraid these two go hand in hand because nature says so.
Looks like no libertarianism for me chaps.I can't handle the burden of enlightenment.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 16:33 »
I'm happy you got it.
Do you prefer JM Keynes financial perpetuum mobile or K.Marx wonderland?

See here's the thing.I prefer neither.You apparently prefer Mises and Friedman which would make more sense if you were Paris Hilton (money-wise) .
But you are not.At least one can dream of becoming an elite and that's something im not against to be honest.
Sadly for every Bill Gates there are 1000 Paris Hiltons and 1.000.000 suckers.
Like you.
Or me for that matter.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 16:02 »


 F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman

Please say no more.I got it.Really.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 16:01 »
The mega argument of every illiterate libertarian.

Lol ;D especially those winning awards in economics. A bunch of illiterates, indeeds  :o

Thank God human nature created the awards.

Indeed.  Among others, Alfred Nobel created some of them.  ;)

Truly a remarkable troll that man was.His awards usually end up being shared by scientists with totally contradicting theories.Especially in physics and economics (efficient market hypothesis shared award was the motherload of surrealism a couple of years back).
Other awards ,such as the nobel peace prize, is sometimes being awarded to people who hold the record for most failed states under one's precidency.

In other news sales are picking up for all because it happened to me and i said so.If i were a public figure i would have been awarded a nobel prize.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 18, 2016, 15:47 »
The mega argument of every illiterate libertarian.

Lol ;D especially those winning awards in economics. A bunch of illiterates, indeeds  :o

Thank God human nature created the awards.

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