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Messages - derby

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The first of all, everyone who use Midjourney, could get images with THE SAME QUALITY.
WHY I produce 100k simlilar files?
I produce 4 images in one prompt. I dont use any repeated prompts unless the images are really good at selling.

When you have more than 100000 or 200000 or more ai images, WHAT TO CREATE is meaningless. I CREATE EVERY THING.

Well, yes, not only you but everyone can create anything, this is no more a breaking news, it's more than one year that Midjourney is on its way.
And in one year we saw boith traditional photography and AI images that sells well.
So I'm not agree with you, what you're talking aboout is quite overtaked... There are actually billions of AI images in Adobestock and, you guess, traditional photography is still selling.
Sorry but I'm not agree with you, you seems to be a little outdated. Actually the best sellers are quality images not quantity, as quantity is something that anyone can have access to.
My opinion, of course

I have upload more than 100000 AI files to adobe stock. And I have developed some tools to help me to get it.
Such as
keywording automatically.
upscaling automatically.
remove the background automatically.
Upload automatically.
Submit automatically. (It is not work yet.) :-[

SO if you have some questions, You can ask me.

Yes, there is a question.
Why do you only speak about quantity?

Success in microstock is a good mix between quality and quantity, and this is a well known rule for any contributor.
Speaking only about quantity is not good way. 100K images... images of what? you have to find what to create. Or you could produce 100k similar files, that is a nonsense.

A good and quick workflow is for sure a good idea, but in terms of revenue it has 50% of weight.
So why do you speak about quantity only?

As someone else already told, there are a lot of contributors that do same or better results with 1/20, or maybe 1/50 of that numbers

Exactly same trend for me I was around position 3000 and in a couple of week I'm down to 4690

About how position is calculated, my opinion is that it counts last seven days and is updated continuously day by day, so if you have a great day you go up even if the day after should be very poor. It's not calculated on fixed week monday/sunday (for example) but it's from today plus six days back downloads

Because on Sunday it resets to zero, so it's not a running 7 day total. Unless the Derby post was about lifetime, but then why mention weeks?

I don't see any reset on sunday... Total weekly download reset to zero, that's true; but the position ranking doesn't reset at all, it remains quite near the previous days :-)
Well, this is what I see... I think...
I can't be sure of course :-)

Exactly same trend for me I was around position 3000 and in a couple of week I'm down to 4690

About how position is calculated, my opinion is that it counts last seven days and is updated continuously day by day, so if you have a great day you go up even if the day after should be very poor. It's not calculated on fixed week monday/sunday (for example) but it's from today plus six days back downloads

Pond5 / Re: What is this "Lump for 9184"?
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:53 »
It's dataset earnings
Just check in financial page of your account, easy to find

This is all Uncle Pete fault for starting thread too early  ;D
Yes we have the guilty  ;D ;D ;D ;D

BTW I have a HUGE amount of refunds too... 

Shutterstock.com / Re: Yay my photo is used as a book cover
« on: March 15, 2024, 17:54 »
In last years I found several book covers with my images, and yes, it's included in standard license under 500,000 prints.
So 1.88us$ it's not bad, you could receive 0.10

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: February 26, 2024, 12:06 »
Yes it's not completely clear the timing and the way in wich numbers are calculated, by the way in general terms it's useful to understand your own trend
Sorry I don't remember how to attach the screenshot, I'm actually number 2980 this week with 31 downloads (around 27 USD, but it doesn't count for position.... I think)

In the United States, a federal judge ruled in 2023 that AI artwork cannot meet federal copyright standards because Copyright law is limited to the original intellectual conceptions of the author. With no author, there is no copyright.

What am I missing - no human author - no copyright?

I don't understand.

As Her Ugliness said before, USA is not the world. Every country has its own rules and laws.
And even in USA one single court decision doesn't make a general law.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 21, 2024, 11:38 »
It is a total game over for all stock producer. This will no longer exist in 5 years at most.

I'm not agree.
It's this market model that is collapsing, smart companies will find new models to survive

About the images and video self production, you seems to forget that they will cost money: probably not less than thew money for stock subscriptions. And after the money you have to know how to manage the AI tools.

It will be of course quite simple to get a tomato, a senior man happy on the beach, and billions of simple images.
But there will always need to illustrate concept, feelings, ideas.

And you need to know what to produce more than a tool that produce anything

Adobe Stock / Re: 2023 Adobe Stock contributor bonus plan details
« on: February 20, 2024, 03:29 »
Just to add my experience:
Yesterday I did the mistake as others, to activate the bonus code without waiting the end of the pay plan. In my case it was a really different plan.
The customer care takes around 30 seconds to solve the double plan and closed the payed one without any additional payment.
Probably the fastest and simplest customer care I met in my life :-) Thanks Adobe and @Mat please report a very very good job from your department! :)

Have you seen this?

That's really devastating... much more than midjourney for photographers in my opinion

I think I may have an explanation for why we're seeing lower royalties on custom licenses this month versus during January. In another thread about royalties, Mat Hayward said:

It should make sense JoAnn but there is still something I don't understand:
For what I can see the "custom license" earning for contributors is not really "fluctuating": at the contrary it decreases regularly from january 1st
It started with about 1,47$, then started decreasing and it had never went back to that price

I can't see a single sale with a higher amount than the previous ones.
It quite difficult to understand that the increase of use of this pro plan is so regular in 45 days from the beginning of year.

I suggest Adobe also make the price the same for HD and 4K video (for non-subscription sales). This will lead to more 4k sales and creator income.
At the very least, we will see whether the buyer even needs 4K. But the fact that the buyer is bad at buying 4K means that the price for 4K is high for the buyer.
Initially, the price for video was formed on the market; previously there was only HD. The advent of 4K should not lead to higher prices for video.

A genius of marketplace  ;D ;D ;D
Why are you here writing in the forum? You should be really rich with your innovative ideas  ;D

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License $0.30?
« on: January 30, 2024, 09:45 »
The fluctuation in custom license was visible also last months of 2023
It seems that in december it was down to 0,96, 0,95...
And at the beginning of 2024 there was somthing like a "reset", custom licenses started from 1,47 than the price went quickly down, now is 1,13.
I thougth that it was linked to eur/us$ change, but it's not

Adobe Stock / Re: Unfairly Blocked - My Story
« on: January 29, 2024, 07:18 »
Read the story again, i create rare illustrations, calligraphic names and words, some may need a single download, some may need a large volume, like wedding cards shop, t-shirt store, name necklaces, etc. (I sold batches before i joind Adobe Stock) So, what seems to have happened is that when a subscriber downloads multiple files from my account, my account get blocked for irregular sales activity.

Abdo I'm sure you're telling the truth and I have no reasons not to believe your story, but series sales always happened to many contributors, and I have them from time to time: 5, 10, up to 20 images of same series (subject or style), so it's not unusual at all, and I cannot believe that this is treated as "irregular sales". The reason have to be something different.

By the way it's really bad not to receive details about this: in this way it's impossible to answer and prove the innocence. I'm sorry, Adobe should absolutely improve this side of relations with contributors. I hope I will not fall in the same situation one day

Adobe Stock / Re: Unfairly Blocked - My Story
« on: January 28, 2024, 07:16 »
I get from time to time some series sales, ten or more for 3.30
Also last year I had one single image that for whatever reason (I could not find why) got hundreds of sales in few days, and never received warning.
I think that suspicious sales are something different, not linked to quantity

Yes, it's hard to clearly understand the border between referring to real place or to use a name as a general term.

@MatHayward I have some example: after your update of AI submission rules I review my portfolio, found and changed few images that in the title refer to amazon forest. In my mind that was a way to describe the place in general term as a big forest, because the images are absolutely not related to the real amazon forest but... but now I'm in trouble to catch in my portfolio if I have some other images with generic reference to an environment like the "amazon forest".

So I have two questions:
First, can you better define if and what is accettable as a reference for real places in general terms? I think "Amazon forest" could be a good example

Second question: is it ok to CHANGE title and/or keywords of previously accepted images, or is it mandatory to delete them from portfolio if the title/keyword break the rules?


Mat told in the past answer to similar question: changing title and keyword after the images are online is always possible but this gives minimal change in search ranking if done after some time, more than 30 days, so probably not worth it

I have no doubt that at the rate artificial intelligence is advancing, stock photography has a maximum of two years left to live. Right now the smart thing to do is to sell all the lenses, equipment and cameras on ebay before it is too late and they become worthless junk.

This is the same thought of 99% of photographers years ago, at the time when digital photography grew up.
It's simply a description of how to NOT adapt yourself to change YOUR world, while the world around is changing without your consent

Adobe Stock / Re: This is highly unprofessional
« on: October 28, 2023, 03:17 »
just out of curiosity,were the rejected batches real images or AI?
Mostly AI

Adobe Stock / Re: This is highly unprofessional
« on: October 27, 2023, 12:22 »
Come on, Mat! I really appreciate your presence here and I am grateful for all the insights you provide. However, when it comes to review process, the way you act is just ridiculous. Instead of admitting that there is a problem with random rejections (not to mention months of waiting for any decision), you keep pretending that everything is fine. It doesn't matter what the quality of 13 images discussed here is. It is a general problem that affects, as far as I can see, all the members of this forum, even the most professional ones.

Fair enough. Thank you for your feedback.

-Mat Hayward

I really like the way and the time Mat takes to help, thanks Mat.
I can also understand Mat that you speak as an official voice from Adobe and you absolutely cannot say anything about your company, this is totally understandable.
Unfortunately I can confirm that the review process is still an issue: is it completely impossible to understand the reasons why some images are accepted and others aren't.

As many others said, I see some batches approved and others refused: entire batches.
The problem is not the rejections of one, two or ten images, rejections can always have good reasons: the problem is that the process seems completely random, and at the end it seems only a question of luck... images of the same kinds, with same postproduction, accepted and rejected for incomprehensible reasons...very frustrating, after one month of waiting for review.
I think you understand the point, and I think you're working on it.
Please fix it, because it's hard to contribute this way (and for someone it's also an open door to multiple spam resend of same images for second review!).
Thanks for your work

Hope it helps you.  ;)

Thank you very much Evaristo for taking time to explain, really interesting! :)

It's no big secret sauce but to keep it simple I made a template
This is interesting!
May I ask you more details about this? How a template can be adapted to many different images (or clips)?
Is it necessary to have the pay version or it can also be done with the free chatGPT?

Back on topic, it would be nice if AI could look at an image and say, here are keywords, for us. On the other hand, isn't that what keyword suggestions already do on Adobe, SS and DT, for example?

Midjourney has a nice option, to /describe an image for reprompting. You have to upload an image and you can obtain 4 different descriptions, descriptions that often contain useful specific terms and look good for chatGPT when you ask for keywording.
Unfortunately, the time to:
1- produce a good image
2- upload to midjourney and ask for descriptions
3- check descriptions and use them to obtain good keyword list from chatGPT
4- check the keywording ChatGPT job to find out how accurate is it, what to delete, and the right keywords order in alphabetical order

... is by far longer than simply do the usual semi manual keywording

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