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Messages - Sheridan

Pages: [1] 2
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Time for an iStock replacement site?
« on: January 14, 2013, 18:57 »
Seems like Sean has the insight on a lot of stuff- I wonder if he was a detective before turning pro  photographer  :)

Now you mention it ... I've never seen Sean and Columbo in the same room
Thats because Colombo is dead

Bummer! Maybe Sean can find out whodunnit!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Time for an iStock replacement site?
« on: January 14, 2013, 18:43 »
Seems like Sean has the insight on a lot of stuff- I wonder if he was a detective before turning pro  photographer  :)

Now you mention it ... I've never seen Sean and Columbo in the same room

People are talking about stopping uploading as way of punishing Istock but what would be far more effective would if everyone used their full upload allocation to submit images that would get rejected (for one flaw or another). Istock would still have to pay their inspectors for the work but would gain no benefit whatsoever. In fact it would cost them quite a bit if it was done on a large enough scale.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, might have done us a favour!
« on: July 21, 2012, 11:56 »
Go to "My Uploads."  On the left hand side of the page listed under "Contributor Tools" is a link to PP figures per file.  However, if you want to see each sale individually, you have to go back to "My Uploads" and click on each photo individually, then look under the PP tab.  It's not a very good setup.

If you have an Android phone or tablet, then the Livestock app by member Theasis has a feature that lists individual sales (thumbnail) by date order.

I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)

you can use a stylus on iphones, ipads and android phones.

It's just to handy, you have to carry it separately. I'd rather use a toothpick from a bar :)

But you'd have to visit a bar then? Oh wait ...

Yes use it all the time. One big advantage in a static situation is that after focussing once, you can recompose and fire away at will.

Well yes. Sales are few still, but regular and increasing. More than I expected. peopleimages.com will not be able to compete against the big buys in the marketplace. We are too specialized.
For the right kind of client we are perfect however. And we are starting to see that, because our customers are absolutely crazy about us. One actually sent me a pair of socks to my private adress, thanking me for finally giving them a "proper" workplace. There must be a pretty big built up pressure inside some of these designers.
Socks... Can you believe that! :)
Socks, that's one of those gifts you can't really go wrong :)

You'd think so - but I got two left-footed ones once!

Incredibly, it seems that May was my BMY for $$ - though there were lots of miserably poor weekdays. Saved by an inexplicable purple patch 21st - 24th where I had more than usual + sales, and most sales were L or L+, apparently mostly totally unconnected sales - my best non-EL week since the heady days of late 2009, after two successive very poor weeks.

Just hope there are no refunds!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Kelly Thompson Leaving Getty January 20th
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:28 »
His beliefs and reputation will follow him, not related to iStock.  At least I think he fought for us all the way as long as he could. That is why he got the axe.

You can stick your faux sympathy where the sun doesn't shine. Thompson's 'beliefs and reputation' as well as his actions led to millions of dollars of commissions being diverted from contributors to Istock during his watch. He was in charge of Istock when they offered to 'grandfather' canister levels and then essentially went back on that a few months later. If he'd had genuinely 'fought for us' and not got his way then he should have resigned at the time. To not have done so, as the man in charge, meant he endorsed the changes (far more than his 'beliefs and reputation').

Under Thompson's watch the most damaging series of actions in Istock's history occurred and have resulted in the downfall of the immensely strong business he inherited. If he wasn't responsible for that then at very best he was a weak and ineffective COO promoted way beyond his capability and his level of courage. He's lost us all a lot of money. F*ck him.
Agreed. Kelly was one of most ineffective leaders I've ever seen. Sure, he was a nice guy, as Stacey pointed out.  But just because you're nice doesn't mean you can run a company. 

ain't that the truth.  My ex-husband is a really nice guy (and pretty good dad to my kids), too, but he can't handle a marriage (just ask his 1st, 2nd and 3rd x-wives!) 

Sounds like he's been 'let go' a few times himself!

The Livestock app for the Android platform tracks individual RC totals on each sale.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: How do you feel about IStock?
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:22 »
I would like to know if it's correct that "most of its users do still think reasonably well of iStockphoto" as stated on another thread. What better way to check if faith has been eroded in the brand than by a poll!

In that case, your poll has the wrong premise/options.

It should be something like, "Since last year, has your view of Istock changed for the worse?"
Very much
Not at all

Send photos of the top managers at IS HQ to the FBI's most wanted.

Re-interview everyone for their current position - panel made up of totally independent people.

Hire an IT company to create a stock website.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istockphoto Down For Maintenance or Hacked?
« on: November 27, 2011, 14:16 »
Wooyay! Ooops, sorry wrong thread.

« on: November 23, 2011, 12:12 »
No wonder stuff is broken if they're wasting their time on crap like this
Glenhairy Glen Ross an iStock Movember Parody

It's exactly one year since the great F5 botch up. Is it no coincidence that large purchasing companies have not renewed?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: No crisis du jour at istockphoto?
« on: June 06, 2011, 00:15 »
Lobo* just took out a post altogether that he locked a short while ago - if I were CEO of iStock by dcdp. There was nothing rude or defamatory, just a list of specific suggestions about how to do things differently. They clearly aren't going to permit discussions of that sort, no matter how polite.

* I know lobo locked the post as I read the short "lock it" post he made. I don't know that he deleted the post afterwards, only that the post is gone.

This from the Off Topic forum (Push for gold)
Posted By dcdp:

"If I were CEO of iStock, the first 5 things I would change would be ..."

Feel free to add your thoughts here

Posted by Lobo:
Sorry. I think you might want to hold off on starting any threads that are liable to just become an offshoot of the main thread. I get where you are coming from but at this point we are going to have to only have one thread going at a time.

Still time to get your gushing 'thanks Lobo' in after he broke the news that it ain't going to be fixed today.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Has the best match Dust Settled??
« on: April 12, 2011, 01:51 »
I'm wondering if this drop is related to next year's RC targets. Maybe they are just 'gaming' short term to get the RCs where they want them to fall for specific groups?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: strange observation regarding DLs!
« on: March 31, 2011, 13:58 »
This weekend sees the end of the financial year in the UK. People/businesses using up 2010-11 budgets could be one reason for the increased European time sales.

I like Paul Cowan's suggestion that the five have a list of questions they can answer in advance of the meeting.

Since this is a spinoff of the fraud thread, it's fair to assume that this conference relates only to that issue.  If it covered any other issues, then the five should refuse to sign the NDA.  Finally, if possible the group should include a lawyer and a programmer.

And an accountant.

and maybe a lie-detector operator!

Instead of posting wooyay to KK's posting what about "Where the fuck have you been for the last 3 months"

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock Deactivation Notice -- Similars
« on: February 26, 2011, 03:51 »
I had a spate about a month back

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock hires new vice president
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:19 »

I wonder if they're going to have a new Head of Progamming too.

Yes but his mother's not picking him up from school until later!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Editoral Submissions Now Accepted
« on: February 02, 2011, 04:59 »

Have to say I'm not very excited.  Wish they would hold off on new features until they've fixed the ones that are broken.

Lots of wooyahs however

Only wooyahs allowed apparently. I noticed a message disappear which asked why they were adding a new feature to an already broken site. I'm out of koolaid here.

Pages: [1] 2


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