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Messages - ForrestBrown
« on: January 05, 2023, 15:00 »
Why not just leave the footage as MP4? There's no advantage to uploading Prores if you're just converting from MP4 to Prores. And your uploads are going to take longer since you'll have larger files.
« on: March 30, 2020, 14:00 »
I only submit videos footage and my first thought is thats a really high number, especially compared to the bonus programs of the past couple years.
I have a portfolio of 9000+ videos and Ive always though that I have a wide variety of high quality videos, but Ive never had 625 sales in a year.
It also doesnt help that my sales have been going down pretty significantly since last October.
« on: January 31, 2020, 13:36 »
My January is about 2/3 of normal. Adobe and Pond5 are slow also, hopefully it's just a January thing. I have about 9000 video clips.
« on: January 31, 2020, 13:30 »
How would you take these stats?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Where are those stats from? I haven't seen that before.
« on: December 20, 2019, 13:21 »
My girlfriend found her email. It was in her spam folder.
« on: December 19, 2019, 14:28 »
I've already received my code, but my girlfriend who also submits stock footage has just hit 300 videos accepted (she thinks). How long from having 300 videos accepted do you receive the email with the code? Since it's getting close to the end of the year, she wants to make sure that she doesn't accidentally miss the bonus because she has didn't have enough videos or some other reason.
« on: December 18, 2019, 13:55 »
I think Adobe is the most annoying with having to reorder the keywords so that the most important keywords are first. It's extra annoying because even if I have several videos with the exact same keywords, I need to go through and reorder each video separately.
« on: November 16, 2019, 21:12 »
Most sites do not make HD versions based on 4096 footage. I personally shoot 4096 and crop it to UHD. That gives me some flexibility to slightly reframe the shot if I want.
I've never experienced this Forrest? I've been uploading 4096 to all the major stock sites for years and they scale down to HD fine.
Have to admit it's been a couple of years since I tried, but there definitely was a couple sites I was submitting to that would not to the down converted HD if you uploaded 4096. Maybe I'll have to give another try.
« on: November 16, 2019, 18:57 »
Recently i have upgraded my camera gear just for stock, and i have noticed that when i upload 4096 resolution the buyers get option for full HD in bigger resolution than 1920x1080. my question is, is it worth uploading 4096 or stick to UHD? Thanks
You probably want to upload your footage as UHD. All of the stock sites will take your UHD footage and scale it down to make HD (and sometime web) options for people to download if they don't want to buy the full 4K versions. Most sites do not make HD versions based on 4096 footage. I personally shoot 4096 and crop it to UHD. That gives me some flexibility to slightly reframe the shot if I want.
but why do you crop it from 4096 to UHD why just not upload the full size?
I said why at the beginning of what I wrote.
« on: November 16, 2019, 14:37 »
You can shoot 4096 and then crop to 3840. It's like you scale down in photos. It will or might look a bit clearer, wit less noise.
Going from 4096 to 3840 is just a crop, there's no scaling. Both are 2160 pixels tall.
« on: November 16, 2019, 14:32 »
Recently i have upgraded my camera gear just for stock, and i have noticed that when i upload 4096 resolution the buyers get option for full HD in bigger resolution than 1920x1080. my question is, is it worth uploading 4096 or stick to UHD? Thanks
You probably want to upload your footage as UHD. All of the stock sites will take your UHD footage and scale it down to make HD (and sometime web) options for people to download if they don't want to buy the full 4K versions. Most sites do not make HD versions based on 4096 footage. I personally shoot 4096 and crop it to UHD. That gives me some flexibility to slightly reframe the shot if I want.
« on: October 23, 2019, 15:20 »
Pretty sure it's against the rules at most of the stock agencies. If the footage is selling well, I would not worry about it.
« on: September 17, 2019, 15:40 »
You should to use standard video resolutions, so 16x9 aspect ratio, which is 1920x1080 for HD or 3840x2160 for 4K. Some sites accept cinema 4K which is slightly wider at 4096x2160, but I would stick with 16x9. Strange aspect ratios probably won't be accepted any most stock sites. If you want to create vertical animations, you need to turn them sideways so you're still at 16x9. Also, Adobe stock doesn't accept vertical videos, so I would just try to create everything as horizontals unless you have a really good reason for a vertical video.
« on: August 19, 2019, 12:30 »
It could be that they thought it should be editorial for a reason other than the model release. I've noticed that Pond5 just marks clips as editorial for things like logos or signs in the background rather than rejecting them.
« on: August 08, 2019, 13:35 »
Woohoo! I was starting to think that Adobe wasn't going to do this again this year. Very nice perk.
« on: August 07, 2019, 17:16 »
Footage+matte. The clips will be twice as long, but "alphable" when downloaded in any resolution. You can't do anything about the way stock resize and recompress your content.
I've used that method in the past. Haven't uploaded animations in a few years and was hoping that footage with alphas would be full supported by now.
« on: August 07, 2019, 14:54 »
I recently uploaded some 4K animated graphics that have an alpha channel. The footage is compressed Prores 4444.
I noticed that the Adobe Stock site is staying that the 4K version is Prores, but that the the auto generated HD version of my 4K footage is compress as H264, which doesnt support an Alpha Channel. So if someone buys the HD version of my footage, they are not going to get the Alpha.
Is this a bug?
What are other people doing as far as uploading footage with Alphas?
« on: July 23, 2019, 18:14 »
I've always wondered how many people buy editorial photos/footage without really knowing what that means and what the usage restrictions are. It seems like editorial sells better than it should if people were actually only using it for editorial.
« on: July 17, 2019, 17:32 »
Help Mat, what do I do now. Uploaded a raster in 2014 (for example), it got some downloads, and now I've decided it was good enough to make a vector. So I want to upload that version. Do I delete the raster, lose the views and sales, possibly search rank, or what?
Just make it different. If it's a vector, it should be pretty easy to make an alt version that would not be a considered a duplicate.
« on: July 15, 2019, 15:18 »
Hi Matt, its been a year since you first announced this Creative Clouds giveaway. Are there plans to do another giveaway this year?
« on: July 15, 2019, 08:33 »
Did you try ProRes 4444?
« on: July 11, 2019, 14:13 »
This applies mostly to people who are submitting animated footage. If you're submitting something with an Alpha, do you render it as Premultiplied or Straight? Straight gives better results when composited, but the un-composited video can look pretty funky if you have transparencies.
« on: July 08, 2019, 09:01 »
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