Can't remember when my last sale there was. Amazes me how these small sites keep going.
You had sales in February it looks like.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 1
Can't remember when my last sale there was. Amazes me how these small sites keep going. You had sales in February it looks like. 2
Illustrations have been doing better lately. We are working on our SEO around JPEGs on the site. I wish others had sales too and working very hard to make sure that happens. We all would win with an increase in sales especially from a site that pays out as much as 60% from sales.
Over the next few months we are re-building Cutcaster based on everything we have learned. Our main goal is to obviously increase sales. I welcome any helpful feedback you guys have. 3
Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster FTP upload issue« on: November 18, 2013, 17:22 »
Hey guys, Yep there has been some issues with the hard drive filling up on the ftp server. As Cutcaster approaches our 2 millionth image uploaded to the site, we are planning to make some important changes to the upload area and the options you have as a seller to upload your images to Cutcaster. These changes will require us to take down the option to upload via an FTP client while we do work to the server and re-implement new upload guidelines. Don't worry, you can still upload online via the browse/upload option which i know can be a pain if you have a huge batch to upload or you can mail us a CD and we can upload them for you as long as they have IPTC data embedded. And in the near future we will be re-introducing a newer and more powerful FTP upload option.
The changes were needed in order to address our FTP server being overloaded at times with uploads.. We hope you understand and if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]. Cheers 4
Cutcaster / Re: Issues with uploading« on: April 16, 2012, 15:24 »
Not sure either. Can you send me some details by email. john AT cutcaster DOT com.
Also let me know the program you used to attach the IPTC data and can you send me one of the files that our upload system had trouble parsing out the IPTC data? Thanks 5
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Strange refund« on: April 04, 2012, 22:14 »
Sometimes these are the result of a credit card holder seeing a transaction on their statement, not recognizing it or it being done fraudulently, and then asking their bank to reverse the charge which istock might find out about a few months down the road. I dont know if that is the case bc i dont work there but that can happen. It is strange that it was so long after the purchase and if it wasn't fraud then it really isnt fair for a customer to get a refund on a digital good after 6 months.
Cutcaster / Cutcaster crosses 1,000,000 images« on: March 14, 2012, 14:52 »
I never posted the announcement to MSG but we are proud to pass 1,000,000 quality images at Cutcaster. We werent the first or the fastest to a million but from the start we stressed quality over quantity and that guided our image growth strategy. We couldn't have gotten there without the support and patience from the amazing group of people here at MSG.
I want to personally thank all of you that helped us grow to hit one million. Lets see how fast we can get to two million. The one-millionth image was submitted by Serbian photographer, iMarin, of a woman singing into a retro microphone. http://blog.cutcaster.com/2012/02/16/cutcaster-celebrates-1-million-images-quality-over-quantity/ 7
Shutterstock.com / Re: Single Image No Longer in Trial Mode?« on: February 24, 2012, 17:10 »It's probably A/B testing. A technique to learn what setup works best for the customer by serving two similar pages to a lot of readers and measuring result... I'd say Vita is correct. They are testing which landing page converts more. Basically trying to figure out how to increase conversions. 8
Cutcaster / Re: Any action? Anyone?« on: January 12, 2012, 13:44 »
That's true and I am happy you joined us.
We have new referral banners on the site at http://cutcaster.com/help/referral-program/ and I'd love it if you guys added them to your sites, blogs or forum signatures so we can increase the traffic back to Cutcaster which has been going up a bunch lately as you can see. Thanks again and hope everyones week is going well. 9
Cutcaster / Re: Any action? Anyone?« on: December 29, 2011, 23:35 »
Lots of people are making sales at our site and Cutcaster is nowhere near going under. Your efforts will pay off and not supporting sites like ours only empowers the larger agencies who are squeezing you and will do so more in the future. We have big plans for 2012 and are planning a big expansion internationally as you can see by the efforts we made to translate our site and get it ready for new buyers. In addition, we have been making updates to the site frequently based on your requests and listen to our customers and contributors. And we have increased our payout split in the contributors favor.
I appreciate all your support and promise you that we are hard at work making sure we have more sales in 2012 so we can become a viable alternative to the other sites that aren't meeting your expectations. 10
Off Topic / Re: Happy Christmas Everyone!« on: December 26, 2011, 00:31 »
Merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year to all my friends on MSG. 2012 is gonna be a good one.
General Stock Discussion / Re: Deleting images - not possible on several sites?« on: October 25, 2011, 14:48 »
Just send me a list of the images you would like to delete and I am happy to help.
For us we require users to email us to delete their images or remove their portfolio but we have been discussing opening up the delete function to sellers on the site. Thanks for the feedback. 12
Cutcaster / Re: Translation help. Do you speak any of these languages fluently?« on: October 24, 2011, 14:59 »
Thanks for the emails and I have responded to most of you.
@alfonsodetomas We definitely have a spanish version. If you email [email protected] I can send you the Spanish text we have so far. Still need help with from native speakers of Korean Swedish Czech Japanese Chinese If you want to work on any of the other languages please let me know as well. Thanks again for your help and support. 13
Cutcaster / Translation help. Do you speak any of these languages fluently?« on: October 21, 2011, 15:53 »
Recently, we translated Cutcaster into 15 different languages. While it was a large undertaking, translating the site, a lot of the words we had originally used on the English version of Cutcaster lost their meaning when translated into different languages. Some of our translations dont sound right or lack professionalism when read by someone living or from that country. We are asking for your help. If one of the languages below is your mother tongue and you would like to earn a little extra money for a few hours of work checking and correctly our pre-translated versions of the site, we would love to speak with you about this project.
We can provide you with an excel sheet with the short snippets of English and pre-translated text which needs to be checked and corrected if needed. We also can provide you immediate help if you have any questions. Most phrases that need to have their pre-existing translations corrected are 1 to 6 words long. Danish Korean Greek Dutch Russian French Norwegian German Italian Polish Swedish Czech Japan Portugese Chinese If you are interested please let your contact info below and the language you can help with or email us at [email protected]. Many thanks, 14
General Stock Discussion / Re: Cutcaster- Search Engine« on: October 13, 2011, 18:27 »
What seems to be the issue? Can you give me specific searches? Also have you tried to refine the search w the filters along the left hand side of the search area. These are really powerful for excluding keywords for results you don't want to show up.
Cutcaster / Re: FTP enabled again« on: October 06, 2011, 11:41 »
Of course and thanks for the feedback. The flash uploader will be out early next week.
Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster and Famocracy Photo Contest- Win $500 bucks and a bit of fame« on: October 06, 2011, 11:14 »
Love both those shots and thanks for sharing them. Just voted on them ;-)
Cutcaster / Cutcaster and Famocracy Photo Contest- Win $500 bucks and a bit of fame« on: October 05, 2011, 16:37 »
Cutcaster is offering you an opportunity to earn $500 and to get your artwork seen by over 300,000 visitors the next month. Our friends at Famocracy.com are launching a global search for the next great talent in photography with a fun competition!
To enter the competition, go to Famocracy.com, and upload your absolute favorite photograph to enter (you retain all rights over the image and can upload a small image but you must be the copyright holder). Then get as many people to vote for your image as possible, on Famocracy.com. You can upload as many entries as you want. The photograph with the most votes by December 1st gets $500 in prize money and will be featured on the home pages of Cutcaster.com and Famocracy.com, as well as on our blogs! Its that easy. This is your chance to become famous for your photos. 18
Cutcaster / Re: JPegs as Vectors?« on: October 03, 2011, 14:34 »
Can you send me an email with this so I can take a look? [email protected]
Strange but there could be a glitch with file type in our system. Nice work on the sales. 19
Cutcaster / Re: FTP enabled again« on: September 22, 2011, 15:03 »
You can now login to your FTP client when uploading to Cutcaster with your Cutcaster username AS WELL AS the email address you signed up with.
Cutcaster / Re: FTP enabled again« on: September 21, 2011, 10:41 »
For now use the email you used to register at Cutcaster to login. Let me know if you guys encounter any issues. In the next day or so you will be able to enter your username as well. Thanks
Cutcaster / FTP enabled again« on: September 20, 2011, 20:29 »
FTP is now enabled and ready for uploading. Still use uploads.cutcaster.com as the host and use the email you have registered with Cutcaster or your username to login and your Cutcaster password. Now you can upload and transfer the files to our site from your favorite FTP client. Your files will be automatically processed and added to the submit page. We hope you like the changes and let us know your feedback below or if you have trouble by sending us an email at [email protected].
Cutcaster / Re: FTP temporarily closed while we update to the new site« on: September 20, 2011, 18:17 »
FTP is now enabled and ready for uploading. Still use uploads.cutcaster.com as the host and use the email you have registered with Cutcaster or your username to login and your Cutcaster password. Now you can upload and transfer the files to our site from your favorite FTP client. Your files will be automatically processed and added to the submit page. We hope you like the changes and let us know if you have trouble by sending us an email at [email protected]. Thanks
Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster makes stock photography search faster, more accurate« on: September 16, 2011, 14:33 »
Ha. I know who Luis is and I was just being sarcastic like he was.
Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster makes stock photography search faster, more accurate« on: September 15, 2011, 13:15 »25
Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster makes stock photography search faster, more accurate« on: September 14, 2011, 17:52 »
Time will tell if you are right CoisaX. I'd rather make less work for contributors so they can do other things instead of breaking down word meanings.
There won't be an edit option in the near future but it is something we are seriously considering and in the meantime you can email us to get things changed. What do others think about the search engine and how it is working? |