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Messages - epixx

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Shutterstock.com / Re: New images not showing up?
« on: October 29, 2008, 06:19 »
There's somethings seriously strange at SS nowadays. Until earlier this year, new images sold a lot, before they ended up at a "normal" level. Now, in addition to showing up late in searches, there's no "boost" for new pictures. My sales there consist mainly of old images now, in spite of uploading many times each week.

A900 vs H3 vs AFD III at Dyxum. If you ever considered digital MF:


Crestock.com / Re: What is happening at Crestock?
« on: October 28, 2008, 03:43 »
Had an email today (six weeks after the last one), where they apologize for the MB delay. That's better than nothing, but it still doesn't explain why solving the MB matter is so much more difficult for them than for other agencies.

Crestock.com / What is happening at Crestock?
« on: October 27, 2008, 18:51 »
I shouldn't worry about what happens at Crestock, since it's a really, really low earner, but since they claim to be such a high quality agency, I'm wondering why:

- It's six weeks since I've heard anything about payout via Moneybookers. Other agencies have had hick-ups with MB too, but this is plain silly, and absolutely amateurish.

- The forums haven't worked for well over six months. There's a message on the forum page saying they will open again at the end of August, but it doesn't say which year. Every silly, little amateur website have a functional forum nowadays. What makes the Crestock forum so special. Will it include live video and smell?

- Subs payouts at Crestock are the lowest anywhere. If you sold photos like hotcakes, it would have looked better, but you don't. Your sales are slow as molasses, even compared to that other Norwegian agency, Scanstockphoto (who by the way pays 1 Euro per download).

- Now you're having a Photoshop contest again. That would be fun if the rest of your system was functional, but it isn't. You're ignoring your contributors, and that's bad.

Get your priorities right!

Crestock.com / Re: News - The Crestock Photoshop Contest 2008
« on: October 27, 2008, 18:31 »
Wouldn't paying the contributors and/or raising the price of subs to a decent level and/or getting your forums to work be a more important priority than having yet another fancy competition  ???

What I hear from users, is that the A900 is a fantastic camera. Resolution and colours are second to none. Add to that the quality of the Zeiss ZA lenses, and it's a system that it's hard to beat for stock photography.

I did a bit of research on the company that now owns getty, jupiter images, istock and StockXpert, Hellman & Friedman.  They seem to have a good reputation and recently made a 10x return on one of their investments.  Could be good for us if they mange to do something similar with istock and StockXpert.


That depends. If they lower the commissions at StockXpert to the same level as at IS, I couldn't care less about how they're doing. I will still be the one losing on the deal.

Crestock.com / Re: sales getting better?
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:40 »
As far as I can see, Crestock is the only agency having problems with Moneybookers at the moment, and this issue is very old now. Add to that the fact that most sales are 25c each. I'm not impressed, to say the least   >:(

SnapVillage.com / Re: How many customers does this site have?
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:35 »
SV has been doing surprisingly well for me this month. BME again, almost as good as BS and better than 123.

StockXpert.com / Re: What Happened to Payouts??
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:32 »
I got a payout from them within a day or two. Although the message from StockXpert said that it was paid out to PayPal, it was transferred to Moneybookers, which was what I requested...

StockXpert.com / Re: Subsciptions everywhere
« on: October 17, 2008, 20:36 »
Unfortunately, I think that subs will become more and more prevalent as time goes on.

Subs become prevalent if we let them. If most of the leading contributors opt out, buying a subscription will become less interesting, since it excludes too many images.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: "submarine sandwich" keywording question
« on: October 16, 2008, 10:01 »
It never stops to amaze me what keywords are lacking at IS, and what's in there. Every time I use the word "iron", "Iron County" turns up, while words and definitions of words that are commonplace all over the world are weeded out.

123RF / Re: Payouts delayed until end of October
« on: October 16, 2008, 09:58 »
I got mine too, through Moneybookers

Featurepics.com / Re: No sale in 4 months!
« on: October 15, 2008, 12:29 »
RF Editorial, that's an interesting apparent contradiction. But never fear, I can search and read.  ;D

But isn't that the same in other sites that accept editorial images, such as DT? 


It is. SS, Yay, Scanstock and most recently BS fall in the same category. Traditionally, news media have preferred RM for different reasons, one of them being cost, but with the low prices of microstock, at least that argument falls. I see a lot of my images uploaded to Scanstock in Norwegian newspapers.

Featurepics.com / Re: No sale in 4 months!
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:31 »
It's very up and down. July and September were good months for me (BME in July), but I had no sales in August and none so far in October.

I see from sales at other agencies that sales during American business hours have gone down, while European business hours are good, probably due to the fact that the financial crisis started in the US and has hit much harder there. If FP has done little or nothing to market themselves in Europe, that may be one reason for the lacking sales now. On the other hand, a small agency like FP will always have less consistent sales than larger agencies.

If I want to have something to worry about, I would rather look at SS. The number of sales per day there for me are around half of what they were one year ago.

Here are my figures, a bit late. Ups and downs compared to September 2007:

SS 30%, down 17%
IS 18%, down 18%
DT 17%, up 14%
FT 9%, up 32%
BS 8%, up 142% BME
StockXpert 5%, down 9%
SV 4%, no sales last year
123 3%, down 7%
FP 2%, no sales last year
Crestock 2%, up 173%
Scanstock 2%, same as last year

Total was up 5% compared to September 2007 and up 11% compared to August this year. Not a good month for me this, but apart from IS, the sales mostly follow the trends from earlier this year. SS is going down, and I wonder where it will stop.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: What was your first camera and the next?
« on: October 09, 2008, 20:02 »

Shopping list:
Fuji S5 (for portraits etc.)
Olympus E-3 (for travel)
Panasonic M4/3 (carry anywhere)
Canon 5D (replacement for the OM-3, for my old Zuikos)

Epixx, E3 is not for travel. Trust me. It is soooooo heaaaaaaavy!  :D :D :D

It's not the weight of the camera, it's the fact that my whole travel kit will consist of two high quality lenses (11-22 and 50-200) and one body, all weather sealed, all image stabilized, with live view and an articulated LCD. Nobody else offers anything close to what Olympus has in this area. And if I want to go lighter, I can just take a couple of OM primes, which will also be image stabilized on the E-3. The 100mm f/2.8 must be the most compact, high quality lens giving 200mm of reach ever. It was the most used lens on my E-1.

What might change all this is if there's a weather sealed micro-4/3 body in the future.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: What was your first camera and the next?
« on: October 09, 2008, 01:46 »
Adox Golf IA (drowned)
Olympus OM-1 (still have it)
Olympus OM-10 (dead)
Rolleiflex baby (4x4, sold)
Rollei 35T (sick)
Olympus OM-2S (sick)
Olympus OM-3 (still use it)
Olympus Z-300 (I think)
Canon A95 (given to ex-gf)
Fuji S3 (current studio camera)
Olympus E-1 (killed in motorbike accident, I survived)
Nikon D80 (current take anywhere camera)

Shopping list:
Fuji S5 (for portraits etc.)
Olympus E-3 (for travel)
Panasonic M4/3 (carry anywhere)
Canon 5D (replacement for the OM-3, for my old Zuikos)

Crestock.com / Re: Review times at Crestock slowing down?
« on: October 09, 2008, 01:37 »
My last batch from some time back in 2007 has been reviewed already and my 25 cents keep dripping in once in a while. I've been wondering if I should worry about the review times at Crestock or go out for a beer, and concluded that the beer will do me more good   ;D

SS is doing really badly for me, in spite of regular (almost daily) uploads. September seems to end 15% below September last year. Other agencies more than compensates for this by doing better though.

Dreamstime.com / Re: No Moneybookers on DT
« on: September 27, 2008, 22:24 »
Money in my account within hours. Good work   :)

Bigstock.com / Re: Is this the reason for slow sales at BigStock ??
« on: September 27, 2008, 22:23 »
BME for me as well. Just cancel your accounts guys. I'll be more than happy to take over your sales   ;D

StockXpert.com / Re: StockXpert Dead?
« on: September 27, 2008, 22:16 »
StockXpert is disappearing into a deep, black hole for me. No daylight in sight, except the occasional $5 sale   :(

Dreamstime.com / Re: DT is ahead of IS
« on: September 23, 2008, 19:45 »
"Best, "better" can refer to anything. In my view, the only data that makes sense monthly (o daily o weekly, whatever you want) revenue/total number of photos in the folder.

That doesn't work for IS, since they limit the number of uploads, while others reject a lot. I suppose most of us upload what we can to any agency. Total revenue is what counts.

DT has been doing well for as well lately, and was better than IS in August. Even more interesting is that both of them are closing in on SS fast. If they continue like this, they will be ahead early next year. Who would have thunk   :D

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Nikon Medium Format - MX
« on: September 19, 2008, 21:19 »
how can a sensor that big be useful to their current lens range?


Ironically, the bigger then sensor, the less demand on lens quality. So by getting a bigger sensor, you get less fringing and lens problems in general. Hassy lenses seem so much better, but if you know the physics, it is very mush easier to make good lenses for big sensors, then making good lenses for small sensors (full-frame for example).

Hm, not sure thats quite right. Doesn't take mp into account. Check the current pics of 5D II (which is FF) and 24-105. Looks like lens is becoming the problem. I expect all the major players to start announcing better lenses soon.

That's because of the increased pixel density, not because of the sensor size. The whole point with a larger sensor is that you can achieve the same or higher amount of pixels with a lower pixel density, an advantage that transforms into less information density through the lens as well.

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