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Topics - videoguy

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I was thinking of starting my own website selling Video Stock with a very specific niche after looking at what has been happening lately with Shutterstock, minimum revenue per sales.  Is there anyone out there who has the experience or specifically links to how to go about it or platforms, websites, etc already existing. I just need to upload 5000 + video stock and see. They videos are edit, ready and key-worded, so I just need the right platform and upload. Somewhere where a client can see the video in low res with a watermark and on payment download a digital copy. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks

Newbie Discussion / Editorial video queries
« on: March 31, 2019, 02:28 »

I have a few queries regarding editorial stock videos.

1. Where can I submit my editorial video content besides SS, Pond5, dissolve and storyblocks where it will be worth it?

2. Also is Getty editorial video exclusive? I understand that their creative videos are but couldn't find clarity on the editorial video content.

3. Besides these is there anything else? Is it possible to get to AFP or Reuters or like?


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