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Author Topic: Is Getty worth to join in now?  (Read 3682 times)

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« on: October 08, 2014, 19:56 »
Hi guys!

I want to apply for Getty and Corbis and other macrosites. But I don't know, if it's worth to do that? How different it is between macrosite like Getty and microsite like SS? Can I sale my picture in both of them as RF licences? And except Getty and Corbis, are there others sites worth to be tried? Like LatitudeStock, SuperStock, AgefotoStock?

« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 20:03 »
No, Getty is exclusive and will never let your content go until you cancel your contract.


« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2014, 01:37 »
My Getty results are getting poorer every month and like Sean said everything must be exclusive. They are making a very short-term policy at the moment so a new sell-out is probably likely, you still can have good results if you make it to the higher ranked RM-collections but RF at Getty is pretty much dead I personally have better results with RF-micro than RF-Getty now.
Since about two years Corbis allows non-exclusive content at a reduced commission but the content has to be in the same price range at other sites (so no RF-micro for them which makes sense). You can have the occasional good RM-Sale there but results are not that great anymore.
Some photos/sessions will still do better at Getty or Corbis than Micro but the overall situation isn't great there.

« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2014, 03:13 »
Getty is like a micro site that every month sells 2 ou 3 EL.

I have lots of sales at micro prices and lower ... and they dont have volume.

The true is that microsites wont sell with volume anymore ... that's why I like the Stocksy approuch.

« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2014, 05:04 »
Income at Getty gets worse and worse every month. Once upon a time a Getty statement was like Christmas every month. These days I barely bother to look at my Getty statement, it's that bad.


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