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Author Topic: Self-Hosted at 14.6 - top 5  (Read 35816 times)

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« Reply #75 on: October 26, 2013, 06:56 »
Some of the top contributors had their own self hosted sites before Symbiostock started.  So I think the poll probably reflects how they are doing with photoshelter, ktools or whatever platform they used.  I've no doubt there's a few doing quite well with Symbiostock but I really don't think that it would get such a high earnings rating on its own this early on.

As Symbiostock is such an interesting development, I'd love to see it on its own in the poll.  It might be quite low down now but it would be great to see it creeping up.

I agree. I think a few are doing well because they did well already and already had other sites up that now link to SY. The added SEO benefits help them for sure.  Hopefully the more people come on board, those good results will filter down to the others.


« Reply #76 on: October 26, 2013, 07:47 »
I dont see why its not possible for SH to be ranked so high. People tend to price higher on their own website and also get to keep 90-95% royalties (deducted fees). So if someone makes 100 dollar on IS per month by selling 100 images, and sells 3 images for 75 dollar on his own site, its not unlikely to get SH in the top 3. I wonder how high Stocksy ranks when they get 50 votes.

« Reply #77 on: October 26, 2013, 10:38 »
+1 Ron.
This isn't only Symbiostock sites. Reached 50 votes all the option to sell directly show that is possible to sell with less downloads and earn more. Probably it's unreal a third place at this time, but not impossible in future. Also I think that in the future a good self hosted site when get some stable buyer can be the top one earner for some of us. And I'm curious to see Stocksy, I expect it really high in the right side.

« Reply #78 on: October 26, 2013, 10:48 »
3rd place. Impressive.

On the downside, I think this is why I pulled away from a lot of the micro sites after I started getting sales at my own site. It really put in perspective how little I was making at some of them and what an awful job they were doing selling my images.  :o

« Reply #79 on: October 26, 2013, 10:55 »
I dont see why its not possible for SH to be ranked so high. People tend to price higher on their own website and also get to keep 90-95% royalties (deducted fees). So if someone makes 100 dollar on IS per month by selling 100 images, and sells 3 images for 75 dollar on his own site, its not unlikely to get SH in the top 3. I wonder how high Stocksy ranks when they get 50 votes.

In your own case, are you making $100 self hosted (or thereabouts) for every $300 @ SS?  This is what those numbers are saying


« Reply #80 on: October 26, 2013, 11:01 »
Fantastic result! 

I haven't read the four pages of posts but just a couple of questions if I may. 

Is 'Self-Hosted' symbiostock earnings only or does it include all direct sales?  Does it include RM as well as RF?   I see Alamy is on the list too.  Does Alamy's portion include RM as well as RF? 

Can you sell RM with symbiostock or is it just RF only?


« Reply #81 on: October 26, 2013, 11:03 »
Its all earnings from direct sales


« Reply #82 on: October 26, 2013, 11:39 »
Its all earnings from direct sales

Thanks Ron.  I did a search and found they don't include RM.  That's a shame. 


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #83 on: October 26, 2013, 13:01 »
  I see Alamy is on the list too.  Does Alamy's portion include RM as well as RF? 
It depends what people report. I only sell RM at Alamy.
However, if I post my Alamy stats, it punts me into iS indie, so now I've stopped posting Alamy figures.

« Reply #84 on: October 26, 2013, 14:19 »
I dont see why its not possible for SH to be ranked so high. People tend to price higher on their own website and also get to keep 90-95% royalties (deducted fees). So if someone makes 100 dollar on IS per month by selling 100 images, and sells 3 images for 75 dollar on his own site, its not unlikely to get SH in the top 3. I wonder how high Stocksy ranks when they get 50 votes.

for me symbio has been in3-5th position; same as with pond, it only takes a few sales to outperform the vast majority of micros with their penny increments


« Reply #85 on: October 26, 2013, 14:29 »
I dont see why its not possible for SH to be ranked so high. People tend to price higher on their own website and also get to keep 90-95% royalties (deducted fees). So if someone makes 100 dollar on IS per month by selling 100 images, and sells 3 images for 75 dollar on his own site, its not unlikely to get SH in the top 3. I wonder how high Stocksy ranks when they get 50 votes.

In your own case, are you making $100 self hosted (or thereabouts) for every $300 @ SS?  This is what those numbers are saying

For me no, but for some it may well be the case, or more. My own site makes me more per month than all middle tier, its just below FT and 123.


« Reply #86 on: October 26, 2013, 18:39 »
So maybe a score of 10 (which is pretty impressive) would probably be a fair reflection?

« Reply #87 on: October 26, 2013, 18:41 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 08:52 by Audi 5000 »

« Reply #88 on: October 26, 2013, 18:49 »
There are people here that have an interest in inflating the ratings.

It's me. I make money gambling on the poll numbers.  ;)

« Reply #89 on: October 26, 2013, 19:02 »
So maybe a score of 10 (which is pretty impressive) would probably be a fair reflection?
There are people here that have an interest in inflating the ratings.

Possibly but more likely the difference is down to the cross-section of contributors that doesn't include the bottom feeders.

« Reply #90 on: October 26, 2013, 20:32 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 08:52 by Audi 5000 »


« Reply #91 on: October 26, 2013, 21:57 »
There are people here that have an interest in inflating the ratings.

True but the same could be said for any of the poll choices. People have favorites, companies they want to see at the top, etc. On average, though, the poll numbers probably aren't that artificially inflated.

« Reply #92 on: October 26, 2013, 22:06 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 08:52 by Audi 5000 »


« Reply #93 on: October 27, 2013, 01:37 »
There are people here that have an interest in inflating the ratings.

True but the same could be said for any of the poll choices. People have favorites, companies they want to see at the top, etc. On average, though, the poll numbers probably aren't that artificially inflated.
Look around this site and you'll see very few people making anywhere near the average and if there are some doing better than the average almost no one is saying so.  Most people reporting sales appear to be in the $25 or less per month category or are getting one sale of $10. 
There is also a thread started encouraging people to vote for self-hosted "Guys, we need to get in there in droves and report all our SYS sales in the MSG poll. Lets get noticed on the poll and see how many people will jump on board."   Best way to get noticed would be to inflate (or flat out lie about) your numbers to inflate the poll results.
By interest in inflating the poll results I meant a financial interest but clearly there is also an emotional interest and a desire to "get noticed".
I said that, and I reported my sales honestly. You are now insulting all my colleagues in the Symbiostock network and questioning their honesty. What kind of a messed up person must you be to say something completely unfounded and insulting like that? You just cant stand anything being successful outside that contributor ripping off company of yours. Its just another pathetic attempt of yours to make anything none getty look bad. Any shred of respect I had for you, because you seem to do well as a photographer, has now gone. What a Shill.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 02:25 by Ron »

Uncle Pete

« Reply #94 on: October 27, 2013, 05:39 »
You could claim that about EVERY site on the right. Any proof or are you just going to keep throwing out insults and accusations in hopes of making another senseless and obvious point, but directing it at one way of individual marketing?

The poll is a survey, it's representative of the people who voted. It's not scientific, it's for information. That information is relative.

Leo and the 95 sites are moving along and all you want to do is complain? I have an idea, why not find some other topic that you have an interest in, and that would actually effect you in some way, instead of slamming some people who are moving into a free market adventure.

Some people do have K-Tools or other sites, it says "Self-Hosted" it doesn't say Symbiostock!

ps 22.5 when I looked today.

There are people here that have an interest in inflating the ratings.

It's me. I make money gambling on the poll numbers.  ;)
I'd be willing to bet that the numbers are being skewed by a few people.

« Reply #95 on: October 27, 2013, 07:06 »
Look around this site and you'll see very few people making anywhere near the average and if there are some doing better than the average almost no one is saying so.  Most people reporting sales appear to be in the $25 or less per month category or are getting one sale of $10. 
There is also a thread started encouraging people to vote for self-hosted "Guys, we need to get in there in droves and report all our SYS sales in the MSG poll. Lets get noticed on the poll and see how many people will jump on board."   Best way to get noticed would be to inflate (or flat out lie about) your numbers to inflate the poll results.
By interest in inflating the poll results I meant a financial interest but clearly there is also an emotional interest and a desire to "get noticed".

And I guess you didnt read my post 75 where I said "I think a few are doing well because they did well already and already had other sites up that now link to SY. The added SEO benefits help them for sure." The few that are doing well would skew the numbers and as you said, the others probably do fall into the "under $25" category. For now.

That category includes ANY self-hosted site and maybe others using Photoshelter or KTools are doing well, too.

There are people who are definitely encouraging people to jump on board SY. Those of us like myself who are not making a lot of money yet believe that the more people who jump on board, the more our images will be in front of buyers...same principle as the agencies. The whole project was started to make money on images...some it benefitted right away, some have to wait. Yeah, people are going to be talking it up...

« Reply #96 on: October 27, 2013, 07:13 »
It depends what people report. I only sell RM at Alamy.
However, if I post my Alamy stats, it punts me into iS indie, so now I've stopped posting Alamy figures.

I have been a bit rubbish about contributing to the stats here. I added to the September stats and that included Alamy RM. Where are you seeing that it is classing us as independent if we do that ? Also - I already cannot remember if I included my August GI via iStock income which was paid in September. Or whether I included it all. It does not look like I did. That's a another thing about the stats - the whole business of when we include income from partner sites.

I find it very difficult to make any sense of the stats. I haven't got a clue what the numbers mean. Can anyone explain or point me to a link ? I look at it and wonder whether people are reporting 10s or 1000s. Shutterstock is at the top with an earnings rating of 76.4. iStock exclusive is below that with an earnings rating of 298.3. How does that work ? Is there a chart which I am missing which compares actual income in $. I enter $ but cannot find the $ chart. That would be a good graph to see - actual money. I would love to know what the mean average income is at the different sites.

Anyhow - even not understanding it, I definitely think there is a case for classing everyone as independent. Few of us are employees and many iS exclusives are also with Getty independent of iS as are many people who are completely independent.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #97 on: October 27, 2013, 07:29 »
It depends what people report. I only sell RM at Alamy.
However, if I post my Alamy stats, it punts me into iS indie, so now I've stopped posting Alamy figures.
... I added to the September stats and that included Alamy RM. Where are you seeing that it is classing us as independent if we do that ?
Someone asked about it a few months back and Leaf confirmed that the system would do that.


  • Architecture; Arts; Historic buildings, Landscapes

« Reply #98 on: October 27, 2013, 08:07 »
The 3th place reflects more or less my situation  :)
My SYS site is growing during the last weeks and therefore I've stopped to upload to all sites exept my SYS site.
I prefer to sell 1 pic at 5 USD and receive all the money (total revenue=5 USD) instead of selling 10 pics at 1 USD and receive more or less 0,33 USD each (total revenue=3,3 USD); I find the first way more motivating and respectfull of my creativity.
My motivation to stay in the Microstock market has increased with the launch of m self-hosted site :-)
In the following weeks I want to concentrate my efforts in attracting more buyers to my site....
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 08:11 by Alessandro0770 »


« Reply #99 on: October 27, 2013, 09:06 »
Leo and the 95 sites are moving along and all you want to do is complain?

Just as a clarification, Uncle Pete: It's now Leo and the 126 sites, with over 150,000 images.


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