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Author Topic: 2nd attempt and rejected again  (Read 15088 times)

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« on: October 26, 2008, 17:36 »
This one is worse than first. Almost all rejected because of focus problem. This time i have selected ten from my istock portfolio (just 22 approved so far)

another desperate month has just started.. lol

« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 17:55 »
SS is very hard on the first ten. After that, things ease up a tiny bit. Submit your very best work on the next try.

« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 20:11 »
All I can say is don't give up and keep trying.  I was lucky and got in on my first try and they took all 10.  But, I have not been so lucky on other sites.  Take StockXpert for example.  I applied there at the same time and this is the reason I got for not accepting my application.

"We regret to say that your artist application was rejected. We're very sorry but at the moment we are not looking for pictures like the ones you uploaded. You will be able to submit your work again in a months' time."

Well, I decided it wasn't worth my effort to try again.  Well, over 2 years later, I decided to try again and not only did they accept the first 10, but they have accepted everything I've uploaded so far and I'm sure some of those were in the original 10, 2 years ago.  LOL  After you do get in, you might try downsizing the rejected ones and see if they will take them.


« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2008, 20:35 »
Tazzy, this is the first time i 've heard of StockXpert imposing an SS month 's wait
for rejected images.
don't you mean SS?

« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2008, 20:48 »
Keep trying!!
I got in on my third attempt.  The previous two attempts they rejected all ten pictures.  Since I've been accepted I have a 100% acceptance rate including the twenty pictures that were denied in the two initial attempts.  In two months on SS I have made more with (what is now 50 pictures) than I have with my entire portfolio on StockXpert, BigStock and 123 combined.   

« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 04:37 »
I got in on my 2nd attempt. The first time I tried was in May ... they rejected 10 out of 10. A few days ago I tried again and much to my own surprise I got in. Oddly enough this time they accepted pictures that were rejected in my first attempt. So hang in there and keep trying!!!

« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 07:05 »
Tazzy, this is the first time i 've heard of StockXpert imposing an SS month 's wait
for rejected images.
don't you mean SS?

Nope, it was StockXpert, here is the whole message.

Dear Tazzy1,

We regret to say that your artist application was rejected. We're very sorry but at the moment we are not looking for pictures like the ones you uploaded. You will be able to submit your work again in a months' time.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
The Stockxpert Crew


« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2008, 13:36 »
Tazzy, this is the first time i 've heard of StockXpert imposing an SS month 's wait
for rejected images.
don't you mean SS?

Nope, it was StockXpert, here is the whole message.

Dear Tazzy1,

We regret to say that your artist application was rejected. We're very sorry but at the moment we are not looking for pictures like the ones you uploaded. You will be able to submit your work again in a months' time.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
The Stockxpert Crew

wow, i'm speechless. this is new to me.
maybe it's a change of management. luckily for me, i have been getting better approval percentage than before, and now gets approval within 2 hours.

my suggestion to you is to look at the most recent images to get an idea of what they "are looking for".  off my head, i would say, forget about nature, sunset, flowers,animals,etc.
if you can do product shots, this would be your best option.

good luck next month. i like StockXpert , they're very consistent, and always fast to help.
even when rejected, i am told why, and then resubmits with correction done,  are accepted just as quickly.
don't give up. StockXpert is good to have.

« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2008, 15:22 »
It took me 4 attempts to get accepted by Shutterstock

and 5 attempts to get into StockXpert:

I reached $500 of total earnings from SS after almost 8 months of submitting pictures. I am short a couple of $ from reaching  $50 in StockXpert after 5 months.

« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2008, 17:12 »
Tazzy, this is the first time i 've heard of StockXpert imposing an SS month 's wait
for rejected images.
don't you mean SS?

Nope, it was StockXpert, here is the whole message.

Dear Tazzy1,

We regret to say that your artist application was rejected. We're very sorry but at the moment we are not looking for pictures like the ones you uploaded. You will be able to submit your work again in a months' time.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
The Stockxpert Crew

wow, i'm speechless. this is new to me.
maybe it's a change of management. luckily for me, i have been getting better approval percentage than before, and now gets approval within 2 hours.

my suggestion to you is to look at the most recent images to get an idea of what they "are looking for".  off my head, i would say, forget about nature, sunset, flowers,animals,etc.
if you can do product shots, this would be your best option.

good luck next month. i like StockXpert , they're very consistent, and always fast to help.
even when rejected, i am told why, and then resubmits with correction done,  are accepted just as quickly.
don't give up. StockXpert is good to have.

LOL  You must not have read my whole post.  That was from August of 2006.  I decided to try again a couple months ago and they have taken everything I've submitted, including the ones I had originally sent them 2 years ago.


« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2008, 22:52 »
LOL  You must not have read my whole post.  That was from August of 2006.  I decided to try again a couple months ago and they have taken everything I've submitted, including the ones I had originally sent them 2 years ago.

good for you.

« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2008, 15:24 »
I just got accepted today.  It was my 3rd attempt.  I listened to advice from people on this forum and applied it to my submission.  They approved 9 out of 10.

« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2008, 15:29 »
I just got accepted today.  It was my 3rd attempt.  I listened to advice from people on this forum and applied it to my submission.  They approved 9 out of 10.

Congrats and well done to you!
Good to see that the forum was of help to you.

« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2008, 16:06 »
I just got accepted today.  It was my 3rd attempt.  I listened to advice from people on this forum and applied it to my submission.  They approved 9 out of 10.

Good for you. Now don't forget to feed the beast  :)


« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2008, 17:43 »
Good for you. Now don't forget to feed the beast  :)
heh!heh!... stormchaser. since you are so concerned about the beast going hungry, i have a new monicker for you: "beastmaster"   ;D

« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2008, 18:19 »
I just got accepted today.  It was my 3rd attempt.  I listened to advice from people on this forum and applied it to my submission.  They approved 9 out of 10.
congrats, but beware when Peter reads this, he's not going to be amused that yet another person is eating a piece of "his" cake  ;D

« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2008, 21:58 »
Emphimy - I know that some people will disagree, but I would not try to submit anything from your Istock portfolio. This is just based on my experience with Istock - aceeptance at Istock means an almost sure rejection everywhere else, and vice versa.

« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2008, 00:45 »
Emphimy - I know that some people will disagree, but I would not try to submit anything from your Istock portfolio. This is just based on my experience with Istock - aceeptance at Istock means an almost sure rejection everywhere else, and vice versa.

I agree with this.. Istock and SS accept/reject almost total polar opposites most of the time..

I wouldn't count on just because Istock accpeted them that SS will.. Remember SS is big on technical quality, so if they are saying that your images are out of focus then you should re-evaluate if they are really good and worth re-sending, then maybe try to downsize them some with bycubic sharpener no less dimensions than 1850 px on the small side.. This will help sharpen them up.. Only send your top notch images, if you are not %100 sure, take it out.. If after taking out the "iffy" images you come up short of 10 then go shoot some more to get the 10.. Also make sure they are all different in subject matter and stock orriented.. Pictures of your dog or a sunset is not going to get you through.. ;D Good luck..

« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2008, 01:13 »
Emphimy - I know that some people will disagree, but I would not try to submit anything from your Istock portfolio. This is just based on my experience with Istock - aceeptance at Istock means an almost sure rejection everywhere else, and vice versa.

Actually, system that has worked for me is to submit images straight from the camera to IStock, pump them up till I just start seeng noise then back off a little and submit to Shutterstock.  Works every time!

c h e e r s



« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2008, 06:43 »
This one is worse than first. Almost all rejected because of focus problem. This time i have selected ten from my istock portfolio (just 22 approved so far)

another desperate month has just started.. lol
If you want to contribute to SS badly enough you should achieve your aim.I Just looked at your istock portfolio andyou have some neat stock images already  and a hint of good imagination ( the word coffee spelt in coffee beans) which bodes well for your future.G/l.

« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2009, 14:57 »
Feeling like i am banging my head against a brick wall my 2nd time for rejection which is fine, learn by your mistakes but whats puzzling me is the reason for one of the rejections is copyright on british pound notes ,looking though shuttershocks images i find lots of these images so find this puzzling ,other reasons focus not in best place etc so back to the drawing broad .Another 30 days so i just carry on uploading to those who take my pics ,lol

« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2009, 16:05 »
I think a good practice is posting your pictures on the SS forum for reviews and comments. It has helped me a lot and after a couple of months of figuring out what pictures to apply with, I got accepted the first time with 2 rejected, one of them for keywords.
There are some really good people out there on their forum and they want to help.

« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2009, 03:43 »
I think it's almost impossible to get in without posting your images to SS forum. Aslo, never choose your IS pictures for getting into SS. It's completly different agency. NEVER leave a trace of noise on images submitted on SS (this kind of images would be probabaly rejected on IS due to overfiltering).
Also, for your first batch, you have to submit images with sharp clear concept. Make images that would sell some product on the first view and submit them. Don't send flowers, pets and other simillar things because they will be rejected no matter how perfect they are technically. You should at least have an iguana for a pet to be accepted. Think first about the concept of your image. Will somebody see the message in your image? And you should get in.
After it, everything becomes usual, like in every other agency

« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2009, 13:29 »
I tried for the first time to apply to SS early december. 10/10 rejected. Same early January. Grrrrrr.
Next try comes soon, but I wonder if it's worth trying with my current portfolio that's not very stock oriented (see my fotolia for a better idea).
I got some strobes, background, etc, and start practicing studio lighting at home. I guess this kind of work has an easier time going through acceptance at SS (better lighting).
From my fotolia, would you say it's worth trying with those, or I'd better wait a couple month and submit a "studio" batch ?


« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2009, 13:36 »
I tried for the first time to apply to SS early december. 10/10 rejected. Same early January. Grrrrrr.
Next try comes soon, but I wonder if it's worth trying with my current portfolio that's not very stock oriented (see my fotolia for a better idea).
I got some strobes, background, etc, and start practicing studio lighting at home. I guess this kind of work has an easier time going through acceptance at SS (better lighting).
From my fotolia, would you say it's worth trying with those, or I'd better wait a couple month and submit a "studio" batch ?

You know totony, the chance of getting hit by lightning is better than getting accepted by SS in the 1st 2nd or 3rd.  So why not just send them the worst crap and who knows, you'd be surprised to get an acceptance.  ;D, just being sarcastic.

seriously, if i am not mistaken , you did not get 10/10 rejection. SS reviewers will just fail you once you get 4 rejections because you need 7 /10 to get in .   then you have to feed the beast, woo hoo! masochism lives !


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