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Author Topic: File Transfer Error -- Please check your file and resubmit.  (Read 6880 times)

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« on: November 25, 2016, 09:31 »
Anyone having the same issue? It seems to only happen with editorial photos... Yesterday spent couple of hours to put dates in my captions and today all editorial photos rejected with "File Transfer Error -- Please check your file and resubmit."
Makes me want to cry  :-\

« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2016, 11:09 »
Had that with one file (not editorial) yesterday.
Resubmitted, same error.
Then I opened and re-saved in Photoshop, after that it went through without issues.

« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2016, 13:34 »
In my case all non-editorial photos in the same submission went through, but only ones marked as editorial got this error...

« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2016, 14:21 »
Anyone having the same issue? It seems to only happen with editorial photos... Yesterday spent couple of hours to put dates in my captions and today all editorial photos rejected with "File Transfer Error -- Please check your file and resubmit."
Makes me want to cry  :-\

1st, sounds like you are editing online?  you'll save a lot of time by adding iptc info once - then resubmitting isn't so hard

I've had this error too, for both ed & non-ed -- between 1 and 10 images in 100 when it happens


« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2016, 15:09 »
Two editorials just rejected for the same reason. There's a thread open on the SS forum and lots of people are getting this (mainly on editorials it seems). Have just re-submitted and awaiting result.

« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2016, 11:48 »
Anyone having the same issue? It seems to only happen with editorial photos... Yesterday spent couple of hours to put dates in my captions and today all editorial photos rejected with "File Transfer Error -- Please check your file and resubmit."
Makes me want to cry  :-\

1st, sounds like you are editing online?  you'll save a lot of time by adding iptc info once - then resubmitting isn't so hard

I've had this error too, for both ed & non-ed -- between 1 and 10 images in 100 when it happens


I use iptc, but as other websites do not recquire dates in caption I enter it manually when submitting on SS, this time was more than 100 photos so took me a longer while... All non editorial I was submitting in the same time went through fine I believe, some of them are not showing on the website still, which is weird...


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