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Author Topic: Finally shutterstock accept my port  (Read 14288 times)

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« on: November 15, 2015, 03:52 »
Hi All,
I am happy announce that now my port is available on shutterstock:

It will be great to hear your reviews about my port & how to specifically improve my work to suit shutterstock needs.

thanks all!

« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 20:18 »
Nice :-)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2015, 00:16 »
What do you mean "Finally shutterstock accept my port"?
Why did not they accept your port before?

« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2015, 00:22 »
It says you have been a member since 2013. How many times have you tried to get 7 files accepted?

Anyway, congratulations!!! Hope your perseverance will lead you to success.

Try to find a niche, may be some work reflecting Pakistani culture.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 02:26 by anathaya »

« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2015, 01:39 »
It says you have been a member since 2013. How many times have you tried to get 7 files accepted?

Anyway, congratulations!!! Hope your perseverance will lead you to success.

Try to find a niche, may be teamwork reflecting Pakistani culture.

yes, congrats . and try to build a portfolio with your cultural ethnicity, as anathaya so rightly advised.
pakistani business people, family,  etc... look at the best sellers for business and family activity
on ss, and replace the people with pakistani ethnicity . don't forget also the cultural dress
etc. all these will gain you a niche . good luck.

« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2015, 03:01 »
What do you mean "Finally shutterstock accept my port"?
Why did not they accept your port before?

Hi Karen,
I've tried more than 15 times but they never passed 7 photos out of ten but finally, I am in & I've uploaded about 150 images that pending approval. I've now 70 images online & made 5 sales in two days. The microstock poll results on the right side here are very right about the earning.


« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2015, 11:40 »
What do you mean "Finally shutterstock accept my port"?
Why did not they accept your port before?

Hi Karen,
I've tried more than 15 times but they never passed 7 photos out of ten but finally, I am in & I've uploaded about 150 images that pending approval. I've now 70 images online & made 5 sales in two days. The microstock poll results on the right side here are very right about the earning.


wow, more than 15 x...  that's persistence for you, i give you that.
getting accepted is the easy part...
now the hard part comes... ie getting downloads.

look at the best sellers and the popular keywords
and do the kind of photo/illustration with your own "people colour"
(pakistani)...  i am sure, there is a niche for you in there somewhere...

repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)

« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2015, 20:11 »

repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)

I agree


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2015, 20:34 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2015, 00:04 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

read your comment from the link.
yes, good advice from shadysue.  if you have been abroad living  in US, England or other western cities, you would know that it is very different from the oriental custom or culture. perharps to your native culture, it may be a bit "permissive" . i guess shadysue is asking you to protect yourself
and your model(s) by explaining that what might happen.
i suppose if it is a pose such as working in an office, and a family eating together or playing,
it might not be so open to other usage.

can he not choose no for senstive usage option ?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 00:13 by etudiante_rapide »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2015, 04:35 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

read your comment from the link.
yes, good advice from shadysue.  if you have been abroad living  in US, England or other western cities, you would know that it is very different from the oriental custom or culture. perharps to your native culture, it may be a bit "permissive" . i guess shadysue is asking you to protect yourself
and your model(s) by explaining that what might happen.
i suppose if it is a pose such as working in an office, and a family eating together or playing,
it might not be so open to other usage.

can he not choose no for senstive usage option ?

To be fair to the OP, at the time I wrote that, his model pics were all taken so that the models were unrecogniseable. I have not looked at his SS port, as I have no personal experience of SS to know what sells there, (though I have second-hand reports of what doesn't).
I was really re-posting that link for the benefit of the many lurkers here, who might unthinkingly read the advice posted above and start posting Pakistani lifestyle images to all agencies, most of which do not allow any opt out for sensitive use.
On SS, if you opt out, you are cutting off one source of higher-than-cents sales, and it's all-in or all-out (even children).
My point really was that some sorts of legitimate usages which would not require a sensitive use waiver may be considered very sensitive in some cultures. I guess most of us have found non-legitimage uses, even possibly buy buyers, far less image thieves. So I'm urging extreme caution. The OP seems to have grasped this, but this group is read by many lurkers, if you check through the list of members, most have never posted.

« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2015, 07:29 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

Thank you ShadySue,
I will keep your advice in mind always while working & there is some misconception in general about my community, its very open & supportive like in any other part of the world...  ;)

to update you all, I've made 13 sales on SS in first 2 days & I am very happy with the results so far, if I am not making enough $ that is delay on my part.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:37 by stockyme »

« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2015, 08:30 »
I'm one of the not so many westerners who had the chance to work in Pakistan. An amazing country with amazing people!

Taking into account ShadySue's considerations on cultural sensitivity you have plenty of opportunities out there. Incredible landscapes and urban landmarks. I'm thinking about places like Badshahi or Wazir Khan mosque, I sold one that even appeared in Dawn.com. Also, if you have the chance to get models with nice shalwar kameezes and kurtas in business or family situations I'm sure they will be popular.  I still have mine outfits from Khaadi, too bad I cannot wear them here in tropical Brazilian summer
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 13:09 by sigalavaca »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2015, 09:28 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

Thank you ShadySue,
I will keep your advice in mind always while working & there is some misconception in general about my community, its very open & supportive like in any other part of the world...  ;)

So, is this not true: https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/asia-and-the-pacific/pakistan/report-pakistan?
I've never been to Pakistan, only because so far it doesn't feature on the 'wildlife travel' must-visits. It seems to be promoted more as a mountaineering/cultural destination.
I did see a documentary a few years back about 'reasonable numbers' of our Punjabi diaspora in their second and third generations here choosing to go back to live in Pakistan, mainly to Islamabad, but also to Lahore; if they did a follow-up, I missed it, though I'd have been very interested in following their experiences.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 18:04 by ShadySue »

« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2015, 12:44 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

Thank you ShadySue,
I will keep your advice in mind always while working & there is some misconception in general about my community, its very open & supportive like in any other part of the world...  ;)

So, is this not true: https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/asia-and-the-pacific/pakistan/report-pakistan?
I've never been to Pakistan, only because so far it doesn't feature on the 'wildlife travel' must-visits. It seems to be promoted more as a mountaineering/cultural destination.
I did see a documentary a few years back about 'reasonable numbers' of our Punjabi diaspora in their second and third generations here choosing to go back to live in Pakistan, mainly toIslamabad, but also to Lahore; if they did a follow-up, I missed it, though I'd have been very interested in followibng their experiences.

Some of this is true but mostly speculations. You must visit here to see it with your own eyes, there are some particular areas with trouble & we don't visit there but rest of the country is so peaceful & amazing.

« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2015, 12:47 »
I'm one of the not so many westerners who had the chance to work in Pakistan. An amazing country with amazing people!

Taking into account ShadySue's considerations on cultural sensitivity you have plenty of opportunities out there. Incredible landscapes and urban landmarks. I'm thinking about places like Badshahi or Wazir Khan mosque, I sold one that even appeared in Dawn.com. Also, if you have to chance to get models with nice shalwar kameezes and kurtas in business or family situations I'm sure they will be popular.  I still have mine outfits from Khaadi, too bad I cannot wear them here in tropical Brazilian summer

Hi sigalavaca,
It is really surprising that you know so much about Pakistan. Where are you from originally?

« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2015, 14:13 »
so interesting to hear first-hand from someone in Pakistan. as indicated by
sigalavaca and shadysue, we can have different perception of foreign countries
via the media, depending on which station we watch.

obviously some have different agenda, which is not surprising either.
i have been under the same influence on my travels where i am told "don't go there..
you'll get robbed... " or "go to this place, not that, as it is not only dangerous but unhealthy",etc
etc etc
only to find all that was in fact a way to keep tourist to certain areas promoted by
the country or the tourist-organization. ie they want to keep the wealth to themselves
or due to some subtle racial discrimination, they want you to stay away from
the other side so as to keep them deprived of tourism.

for this reason, the www has opened up for us to get firsthand story instead of relying
on media on TV or newspapers.
i like to visit Pakistan too, as there are many things from the old countries that are
full of history and cultural gems undiscovered. i am sure all of you concerned
know what i am referring to , in terms of the subtle "prejudice" of the mass-media.

stockyme,best of luck and congrats on your opening sales.
shadysue, thx for the warning re lurkers. sadly, i don't do that investigative research
here, or anywhere , to know that.

« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2015, 15:05 »
Hi sigalavaca,
It is really surprising that you know so much about Pakistan. Where are you from originally?

:) I'm originally from Eastern Europe. Spent around 3 months in Pakistan working on some of the extremely complicated issues mentioned in the Amnesty report ShadySue quoted. And of course, there are many problems in the country, but since those are more easily accessible through mass media, I always try to show the nice parts as well.

In Lahore I've met extraordinary people, as Asma Jahangir, the country most well-known human rights lawyer. Even had a short meeting with Imran Khan a former cricket superstar and now leader of  one of the main political parties. Unfortunately it didn't seem appropriate to take a selfie or an editorial shot : ((

And etudiante rapide, though I'm not following the situation in Pakistan so closely,  if you happen to travel in India I think it should be reasonably safe to cross the border and visit Lahore for a couple of days. Especially if you are into mughal architecture or culinary destinations, Lahore is amazing from both aspects.

that being said and to get back to the topic: best of luck to stockyme and all of us at the microstock agencies
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 15:08 by sigalavaca »

« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2015, 16:12 »
Hi sigalavaca,
It is really surprising that you know so much about Pakistan. Where are you from originally?

:) I'm originally from Eastern Europe. Spent around 3 months in Pakistan working on some of the extremely complicated issues mentioned in the Amnesty report ShadySue quoted. And of course, there are many problems in the country, but since those are more easily accessible through mass media, I always try to show the nice parts as well.

In Lahore I've met extraordinary people, as Asma Jahangir, the country most well-known human rights lawyer. Even had a short meeting with Imran Khan a former cricket superstar and now leader of  one of the main political parties. Unfortunately it didn't seem appropriate to take a selfie or an editorial shot : ((

And etudiante rapide, though I'm not following the situation in Pakistan so closely,  if you happen to travel in India I think it should be reasonably safe to cross the border and visit Lahore for a couple of days. Especially if you are into mughal architecture or culinary destinations, Lahore is amazing from both aspects.

that being said and to get back to the topic: best of luck to stockyme and all of us at the microstock agencies

Its great to know you have been here & had meeting with Imran Khan (my most favorite personality) here in Pakistan & coming back to the topic, thank you for wishes & best of luck to all of us in stock photo industry.

« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2015, 17:50 »
repeat... pakistan business, culture, food, family, activity (editorials)
I agree

But remember what I said here the last time you asked for a review and were given this advice. Be very, very careful.

Ain't that the truth - need a thick skin to look for critique here

« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2015, 07:30 »
You rock. I remember how many times it took me to get in too. But once in you've taken to it with a vengeance, 70 files is a lot. Do remember that SS has a crazy hard rejection policy, but do persevere and keep uploading. Give SS also an amazing look into the life in Pak

« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2015, 06:40 »
good, congratulations. Your port is nice and will yield sales.
Go on.

I wonder why it took you so long, maybe you have some inbuilt flaws in your workflow?

« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2015, 07:19 »
good, congratulations. Your port is nice and will yield sales.
Go on.

I wonder why it took you so long, maybe you have some inbuilt flaws in your workflow?

There was no problem with my images, I think its their routine to process to accept a photographer after many tries & meanwhile the photographer upload his/her contents to other agencies... Thank you for going through my port Jens Stolt

« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2015, 07:57 »
how did you get my name so fast?

« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2015, 08:57 »
how did you get my name so fast?

Just google it & your portfolio is very impressive BTW....

« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2015, 06:21 »
Hi All,
I am happy announce that now my port is available on shutterstock:

It will be great to hear your reviews about my port & how to specifically improve my work to suit shutterstock needs.

thanks all!

You must be delighted to have those gigantic previews in SS  ;)

« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2015, 08:02 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2015, 09:22 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?

You started submitting before checking what you'd get paid???!

« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2015, 09:44 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?

Thats the norm. Thats microstock. Occassionally you might get an el or a big od and some credit sales but this is what you need to expect in this part of the visual arts business. You generally need lots of images to make any reasonable income.  Most people today cannot make a living at microstock, not that you are expecting this but i say that just to give you some perspective.

« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2015, 13:15 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?

Thats the norm. Thats microstock. Occassionally you might get an el or a big od and some credit sales but this is what you need to expect in this part of the visual arts business. You generally need lots of images to make any reasonable income.  Most people today cannot make a living at microstock, not that you are expecting this but i say that just to give you some perspective.

Thank you for your words of advice, I am doing freelance designing from last 5 years and making good income but as you freelance industry is also sinking so I need to shift my potential into this. How many images you think one need in order to make about 3-4k a month?

« Reply #30 on: November 27, 2015, 13:31 »
One good one or 50000 bad ones.

« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2015, 15:53 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?

Thats the norm. Thats microstock. Occassionally you might get an el or a big od and some credit sales but this is what you need to expect in this part of the visual arts business. You generally need lots of images to make any reasonable income.  Most people today cannot make a living at microstock, not that you are expecting this but i say that just to give you some perspective.

Thank you for your words of advice, I am doing freelance designing from last 5 years and making good income but as you freelance industry is also sinking so I need to shift my potential into this. How many images you think one need in order to make about 3-4k a month?

Your going in the wrong direction. You should get more freelancing to get out of this shrinking pie!


« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2015, 15:52 »
One good one or 50000 bad ones.

+1. get out now, while you have a brain.If this were 2003/2005 I would say different.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 15:55 by Rinderart »

« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2015, 16:43 »
One good one or 50000 bad ones.

+1. get out now, while you have a brain.If this were 2003/2005 I would say different.

+1 SLP
+1 VBI
+1 R
VBinc  says it best. if i had known back then when my freelance market was shrinking and some
kind cursed soul suggested i try stock photography...
that the time and energy spent on creating, processing, submitting , + hours cussing at the fri*gging rejections i got at the beginning even though i got in on the 2nd try... etc in total
the hours i put in for stock photography,
i would be better-off today had i spent those xxxxxxx hours doing cold calls to hustle for business,
instead of getting into stock photography with ss, etc..


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