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Author Topic: more detailed stats at Shutterstock  (Read 8064 times)

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« on: April 21, 2007, 16:21 »
after browsing through some of the more recent threads I thought it was time for something a bit more constructive so I thought i would start making suggestions for things I would like to see at various sites.

I have about 2,700 files at SS and am having a fair amount of success but I am finding it slightly difficult to track what images are moderately sucessful, the best sellers are obvious they appear on the first page of 20 images but I checked I have 100 pages of downloaded images so about 2,000 downloaded images.

I would like to see would be a search option for just the  photographer to arrange my portfolio in order of number of DLs (as "most popular" takes into account time on the site) preferably with the number of DLs under it. so at 60 photos per page it would a slightly more managable 33 pages.

If I could search just my own portfolio for a keyword to compare sales that would be great

so has anyone else got a sensible suggestions for other sites I suppose we should post them on the sites own forum as well

« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2007, 17:04 »
More stats at SS definately would be nice. If they would have it as DT has it that would be great, and probably a lot of photographers would start to join SS, when they see how many dls the images have. :)

« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2007, 04:15 »
The stats you get from IS have got to be the best and most detailed, something along those lines would be good.

« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2007, 09:45 »
after browsing through some of the more recent threads I thought it was time for something a bit more constructive so I thought i would start making suggestions for things I would like to see at various sites.

I have about 2,700 files at SS and am having a fair amount of success but I am finding it slightly difficult to track what images are moderately sucessful, the best sellers are obvious they appear on the first page of 20 images but I checked I have 100 pages of downloaded images so about 2,000 downloaded images.

I would like to see would be a search option for just the  photographer to arrange my portfolio in order of number of DLs (as "most popular" takes into account time on the site) preferably with the number of DLs under it. so at 60 photos per page it would a slightly more managable 33 pages.

If I could search just my own portfolio for a keyword to compare sales that would be great

so has anyone else got a sensible suggestions for other sites I suppose we should post them on the sites own forum as well

I have no where near as many photos on SS as you do but I'm able to view individual image download amounts under "Download Stats / by Subscription Download".

« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2007, 10:32 »
There is a killer Excel spreadsheet that further enhances IS statistics. Go here to get it.

I've hacked it a bit to work with SS, but it still needs a little work.

« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2007, 10:34 »
I have no where near as many photos on SS as you do but I'm able to view individual image download amounts under "Download Stats / by Subscription Download".

Yeah, he knows this - he has 2700 images and doesn't like the fact that he can only view things 20 images at a time.

« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2007, 10:48 »
An easy workaround I have is to take advantage of a little-known Internet Explorer/Excel integration.

I right-click on the By Subscription Download page and select the Export to Microsoft Excel option, which feeds data into an Excel spreadsheet. I then copy and paste this data into another spreadsheet which calculates Age and $/Month data. I've found that only my top 100 images are relevent, and have the spreadsheet sorted by $/Month.

I suggested to SS that they do a slight revamp of things to make this easier: here is their response.

One of the things I found interesting was how closely the spreadsheet echoed how SS displays Images in Gallery when sorted by Most Popular. In order to work better, I revamped the spreadsheet so that it ignores new and dead images (i.e. age < 5 days, DLs < 1/wk). I'm currently working on it so that it automatically shows image thumbnails - a handy feature.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 11:04 by sharply_done »

« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2007, 23:20 »
2700 images. I dream ... i dream

« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2007, 03:55 »
Thanks Sharply_done for the insight

I didn't manage anything too fancy on excel (no thumbnails YET) but I managed a little spreadsheet for the top 600 earners which shows $/Month and DLs/Month so i can spot the themes are should be pursuing.

If anyone wants to make sense of their SS sales send me a site mail and I can e-mail the spreadsheet. You will need to do a bit of copy and pasting to insert your figures and replace $x with x but the formula are all there.


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