yes,more precisely,once the minimum payment you have set is reached,during the first 3-4 days of the next month,the money you have collected during the previous month is deducted from your balance account,and is then paid to the payment method you have set, usually within the 10th of the month.
for example in this case,since you already have 76 usd,if you set 25usd in your account settings,all the money you accumulated in June will be paid next month,by July 10th.
if you then reach 24.99 usd in July you will not receive the money in August but in September.
Since it is still June 2nd,it is possible that your balance has not yet been deducted from your account,and it is possible that it will be paid this month by the 10th,if you have already set up your payment method,and your tax form is approved.