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Author Topic: Shutterstock opens a brand-new office in Berlin  (Read 18280 times)

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« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2013, 15:14 »
Ive had excellent interactions with people from the SS team. They are extremely qualified for the positions they are in and truly passionate about what they do. They love their job, they love their team and are very proud to be the first tech IPO from New York and not Silicon Valley.

They might develop an even stronger and lively community than istock had. Everyone I know has been really impressed after personal interactions with people from SS. Very down to earth, 21st century business spirit.  And they really care about the companies reputation in the contributor community.
Thats exactly the same impression I got from them


Please spare us the whoo yahs why do you suppose threads like these threads go on year after year?  Has SS taken one bit of initiative to solve the very real issues these contributors are having?


I think we were talking about the people of SS being very nice and passionate.

I remember a while back you and I had some sort of understanding, but ever since I took a more positive approach towards SS, you seem to have turned bitter towards me. I apologise if I have upset you in any way, or if you feel betrayed.

I am not nearly as intelligent as you are, and I certainly do not have all the answers, but I will make a mental note that I can expect more conflicts with you.


I see you side stepped the question just as SS has done with the same issues over the years, but that is no surprise.  Carry on


« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2013, 15:28 »
How am I supposed to have the answer then? I just dont know, do I? I only had a meet with 2 ladies from shutterstock and you expect me to answer stuff I no nothing about.

I just agreed with Cobalt that they are lovely people.

Thats all I am going to say, I am not letting you drag me into your battle against SS.

« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2013, 15:29 »
How am I supposed to have the answer then? I just dont know, do I? I only had a meet with 2 ladies from shutterstock and you expect me to answer stuff I no nothing about.

I just agreed with Cobalt that they are lovely people.

Thats all I am going to say, I am not letting you drag me into your battle against SS.

I don't think there are too many people who can answer that question... besides perhaps a Shutterstock programmer who has spent a few hours bug stomping

« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2013, 16:15 »
Please spare us the whoo yahs why do you suppose threads like these threads go on year after year?  Has SS taken one bit of initiative to solve the very real issues these contributors are having?



The engineering teams are already looking into this issue, which appears to be intermittent and isolated in scope (for example, we can see the images here in our office).  Our team should be replying shortly in the thread, if they haven't done so already.

On an item like this, it's always best to reach out directly to the Support email address.  Some issues are isolated to very specific circumstances (local networks, configurations, etc...), but every issue is looked at and surfaced for our engineering team for investigation, testing, evaluation and resolution. 


VP of Content


« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2013, 16:19 »
Ron, congrats on a successful meeting.  Thanks for sharing some of the things you learned.  :)


« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2013, 16:21 »
Please spare us the whoo yahs why do you suppose threads like these threads go on year after year?  Has SS taken one bit of initiative to solve the very real issues these contributors are having?



The engineering teams are already looking into this issue, which appears to be intermittent and isolated in scope (for example, we can see the images here in our office).  Our team should be replying shortly in the thread, if they haven't done so already.

On an item like this, it's always best to reach out directly to the Support email address.  Some issues are isolated to very specific circumstances (local networks, configurations, etc...), but every issue is looked at and surfaced for our engineering team for investigation, testing, evaluation and resolution. 


VP of Content
Thank you once more Scott. Thats good to hear.


« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2013, 16:21 »
Ron, congrats on a successful meeting.  Thanks for sharing some of the things you learned.  :)
Thank you Lisa.

« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2013, 16:35 »
Please spare us the whoo yahs why do you suppose threads like these threads go on year after year?  Has SS taken one bit of initiative to solve the very real issues these contributors are having?



The engineering teams are already looking into this issue, which appears to be intermittent and isolated in scope (for example, we can see the images here in our office).  Our team should be replying shortly in the thread, if they haven't done so already.

On an item like this, it's always best to reach out directly to the Support email address.  Some issues are isolated to very specific circumstances (local networks, configurations, etc...), but every issue is looked at and surfaced for our engineering team for investigation, testing, evaluation and resolution. 


VP of Content

Thank you for looking into it, I truly hope that you will actually listen to the problems your contributors are having with the site and will the spend the time, manpower and resources needed to resolve the bugs instead of telling your contributors that "it's their computer / browser / internet connection's fault and not a bug. "

And please do not stop at this bug, there are plenty of long term issues that need to be looked at in depth, rather than continuing to gloss over them as meaningless or inconsequential to your bottom line. They are costing your contributors time and money!


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