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Author Topic: Understanding Editorial /commercial  (Read 4754 times)

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« on: July 05, 2018, 02:10 »
Hi, I can not understand the criteria for rejecting photos because they contain property rights.

Yesterday I uploaded pictures of cityscapes of New York containing American flags on foreground with skyscrapers and other office buildings on background (no Empire State, Chrysler, Rockefeller, One World Trade,...), as well as photos with planes flying over skyscrapers, none of them contained logos or anything similar, and they were all rejected for commercial use.

If I go to Shutterstock, I find thousands of similar photos that have been accepted as commercial. As a matter of fact, somedays ago they accepted me similar photos.

Can someone explain the criteria or does it depend on the inspector?

Thank you

« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2018, 17:29 »
It depends on the inspector.  Sometimes they are quite inconsistent.

« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2018, 02:17 »
I had a few rejected the other day that I think would have been accepted in the past...think they may have tightened up or recruited some overzealous inspectors...will probably have another go in a week or two.

« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2018, 08:50 »
Did you make sure there are no bank names, Coke signs or anything like that on the buildings?  I had some rejected once for the same thing and when I looked carefully found I had missed an NBC logo on one of the buildings in the background - they went through once that was removed.  Either that or they have some new inspectors as others suggested.

« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2018, 01:54 »
Did you make sure there are no bank names, Coke signs or anything like that on the buildings?  I had some rejected once for the same thing and when I looked carefully found I had missed an NBC logo on one of the buildings in the background - they went through once that was removed.  Either that or they have some new inspectors as others suggested.

I have just done a test, Ive uploaded again one of the photos that Shutterstock rejected me, changing slightly the tone (split tone), nothing more, and they have accepted it. Frankly I do not understand this lack of criteria in the acceptance.

« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2018, 02:05 »
Did you make sure there are no bank names, Coke signs or anything like that on the buildings?  I had some rejected once for the same thing and when I looked carefully found I had missed an NBC logo on one of the buildings in the background - they went through once that was removed.  Either that or they have some new inspectors as others suggested.

I have just done a test, Ive uploaded again one of the photos that Shutterstock rejected me, changing slightly the tone (split tone), nothing more, and they have accepted it. Frankly I do not understand this lack of criteria in the acceptance.
Despite some speculation reviews are still done by humans who are fallible....given the number of submissions I dread to think how little time they must get to inspect images! Decent QC is almost non-existent it seems.


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