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Author Topic: Is SlapperTown dead....?  (Read 14107 times)

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« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2007, 13:15 »
Often when I try to upload five pictures the thing times out - a little red message appears at the top of the screen saying "an unknown error occured - please try again after some time".

On other occasions an error message pops up saying 'invalid character in file name".

When these errors occur I resort to uploading only two pics at a time - that solves the problem, but man is it shortening my life.........

Re FTP - see the announcement by SV above "we plan to introduce FTP sometime in the next few months....."  Not exactly what you'd call 'dynamic business growth'......

« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2007, 13:21 »
Oops -error.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 13:27 by hatman12 »


« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2007, 13:28 »
I had three dl's yesterday

« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2007, 13:36 »
Hatman - are you using Mac or PC and what system?  I have a Mac with Firefox and still can't seem to get it to work.

Thanks for the info!

« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2007, 14:37 »
Just got this error message when I tried to login.   :-\

The village idiot just got loose!

(We told you we were in Beta!)

« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2007, 16:09 »
Just got this error message when I tried to login.   :-\

The village idiot just got loose!

(We told you we were in Beta!)

Are they referring to the CEO or the web site programmer?
*Slaps own hand for extreme naughtiness* SY

« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2007, 16:12 »
Scrappin, I'm using Windows XP and IE7.

Just uploaded 15 pics to SV.  They would only take ones and twos (doh) but I did it while eating breakfast so no sweat.

« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2007, 16:34 »
next time i will try to submit 1-2 at time. SN is at MS-DOS level still ...


« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2007, 17:13 »
I wonder if they are making it hard to upload on purpose?  If they had FTP running properly, they might get swamped with images and as I have seen with other sites, it isn't easy to grow a stock site quickly.  istock have had years to build up their site and they still have problems now.

Albumo grew quickly but they seem to have forgotten the buyers.  At least SV has some buyers at this early stage.

« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2007, 17:25 »
I've never seen so many folks suffering over an obviously defective stock web site. Piece of advice: When you poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick don't do it again.


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« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2007, 18:01 »
I've never seen so many folks suffering over an obviously defective stock web site. Piece of advice: When you poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick don't do it again.
The reason I stick with them is because it has potential.

Despite the fact that it's a trainwreck, is difficult to upload to, and I'm sure the buyers are having problems too, I'm actually getting sales and showing some growth. I can set the sale amount and average sales earnings are higher than most other sites for me. 

Imagine the possibilites if it actually worked right and got out of this never-ending "beta".

« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2007, 21:21 »
I agree about the possibilitis Nazdavie; after all this is Corbis we are talking about.

On the other hand the whole SV thing gives the impression that it is being run by an old school RM agency person who simply doesn't believe or understand about microstock - it's so sloppy it's like an afterthought.

Until that changes, SV will not realise its potential.

It's quite remarkable that in the space of three or four months SV has launched and managed to become the laughing stock of the microstock industry.  That's quite an achievement.

Still, hopefully one day something will happen to make it change.  But at the moment it reminds me of an old Korean phrase - "a frog living in a well has a limited view of the world".

« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2007, 03:11 »
It's quite remarkable that in the space of three or four months SV has launched and managed to become the laughing stock of the microstock industry.  That's quite an achievement.

It hasn't launched though, it is still a beta site.  I am not going to judge them before the site has been officially launched.  Use the way back machine and you will see that SV is ahead of where IS were after 5 months.  IS were still giving away images for free http://web.archive.org/web/20000819163438/http://istockphoto.com/

I know IS was the first so that is probably not a good comparison but I haven't seen a site with more sales than SV after 5 months.  Is there one?

« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2007, 04:13 »
Good point sharpshot.  I wasn't around in those old days, nor for the launches of DT and FT.

However life has moved on.  IS alone will turn over nearly $100 million in sales this year.  That's serious business.  So to enter into a market the venture has to be serious and expert, because it isn't a startup industry any more.

Anyway, we'll see how SV develops.

« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2007, 05:29 »
It's quite remarkable that in the space of three or four months SV has launched and managed to become the laughing stock of the microstock industry.  That's quite an achievement.

The laughing stock title I believe belongs to LO. After a year of hard work, they have finally achieved what I thought not possible for an agency that stirs up so much dust: none of my images have had a single sale for two months   ???

Snaptown, I believe, isn't even officially launched yet.

« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2007, 00:29 »
I have 128 photos on SV. And had 9 downloads.

So far $1.80. I have loaded 190 drawings for T Shirts on Red Bubble and just got my first payout.


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