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How has StockFresh's vector prices effected you?

I deleted my account because of the vector pricing
1 (5.6%)
I am considering deleting my port because of the vector pricing
1 (5.6%)
I didn't sign up with StockFresh due to low or inconsistent vector pricing
6 (33.3%)
I only submit jpegs because of their vector pricing
2 (11.1%)
The vector prices at StockFresh are priced fairly
7 (38.9%)
I deleted my vector port due to low pricing
1 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Author Topic: Poll: Vector Pricing on StockFresh... and in general  (Read 8942 times)

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« on: August 24, 2011, 21:52 »
Yesterday I deleted my port at StockFresh because of the low and inconsistant vector prices... and because I don't know how much they're priced upfront.  I know of at least another two illustrators here who deleted their ports recently and I know of many that have complained about it.  I'm curious to see how this has effected other illustrators... or more specifically, vector artists overall.  Is it only a few that feel that vectors are worth more than high resolution jpegs, or is the general concensus that high res jpegs are worth more than vectors.

I'm curious because most of my buyers prefer EPS files, AI files, SVG files or transparent PNGs.  Not one of them has ever asked me for JPEGs...  However, perhaps my experience defers from the norm and vectors aren't worth as much as I originally thought? I'll be adding vectors and other formats to my own site, so I'm trying to figure out what they are worth to most buyers.  Should the vector be more expensive or at least equal to the high res Jpeg or have vectors lost their worth over the last year?

I wouldn't mind reading some opinions from other vector artists.  Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 21:55 by TheSmilingAssassin »


« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 03:34 »
never mind
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 04:29 by Microbius »

« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 04:36 »
you should have an option like "I deleted my vector port due to low pricing"

That is what I did.. I won't upload again until some marginal decision is taken on stockfresh side.. I have too many vectors, I can't be bothered to upload 700 vectors, then send 50 support requests for every single $1 or $5 vector, because for most of my vectors I can only accept $10..

I would upload if I am given a guarantee that every single vector will be priced at $10 or higher..

Yesterday I deleted my port at StockFresh because of the low and inconsistant vector prices... and because I don't know how much they're priced upfront.  I know of at least another two illustrators here who deleted their ports recently and I know of many that have complained about it.  I'm curious to see how this has effected other illustrators... or more specifically, vector artists overall.  Is it only a few that feel that vectors are worth more than high resolution jpegs, or is the general concensus that high res jpegs are worth more than vectors.

I'm curious because most of my buyers prefer EPS files, AI files, SVG files or transparent PNGs.  Not one of them has ever asked me for JPEGs...  However, perhaps my experience defers from the norm and vectors aren't worth as much as I originally thought? I'll be adding vectors and other formats to my own site, so I'm trying to figure out what they are worth to most buyers.  Should the vector be more expensive or at least equal to the high res Jpeg or have vectors lost their worth over the last year?

I wouldn't mind reading some opinions from other vector artists.  Thanks in advance.


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« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 05:04 »
you should have an option like "I deleted my vector port due to low pricing"

Done, cheers!


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« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 18:24 »
Not many voters but still... the results so far speak for themselves.


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« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2011, 11:31 »
Wow, a few more have voted that vector prices at Stockfresh are fair.  That's now 5 to 9.  Unless Peter's crew is voting, this means that about a third of the vector illustrators here have just given every other microstock agent permission to reduce their vector prices.  No wonder agents keep screwing with you all... they have your blessing.

Funny stuff!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 11:33 by TheSmilingAssassin »

« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2011, 12:12 »
I didn't vote because none of the reasons above really apply. I think they should raise prices because they are too low, but I don't think that my images are priced so low that I need to delete my limited portfolio there. I've never been a fan of selling raster versions of vectors, so, personally, I'd rather see that removed.


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« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2011, 12:56 »
I didn't add that sort of category because I figure anyone that's already there selling vectors at the low prices must feel that they're fair... sorry, I don't mean to be rude and this isn't directed at you, but why would anyone sign up with a company if they thought they were not fair?  Lol I would love to add that category but I would have to make it a little condescending like "I think vector prices are low, but I'm there anyway because I'm a doormat".  This was the reason for the poll.  I'm not so interested in changing vector prices at StockFresh anymore because it's clear that Peter's not going to budge after the last thread.  I'm more interested in people's acceptance of the lower price.  I find it very odd but it explains a lot about what's going on in this industry.  I'm also more concerned about vector prices dropping elsewhere.  I appreciate you commenting though.  I know you yourself are not a doormat and if I remember correctly, you realised the prices were low after you uploaded. 

What really baffles me is not so much that the companies push contributors around (because that is expected) but that contributors let them... and let them do it repeatedly.  After IS and then FT dropping commissions twice and watching people stay there, I've sort of lost all hope in this industry surviving longer than five years.  I know the agents will survive but serious contributors will have to find alternative ways to sell their images.  But even if we come up with alternatives, how will we compete with the microstocks? 

I also don't agree about not having rasterised versions of vectors (in my case).  I can see why you would think that having flat cartoons, but when you create more complex vectors with textures, blurs, radial gradients etc, it's impossible to convert to an eps.  Maybe if they accepted svg's it would be okay but even so, in my case, I create a lot of isolated vectors and it would be quite easy for a buyer to buy the vector, change it slightly, use it as an element in their image and claim it as their own.  If they change the colours, shift the paths a little here and there it would be difficult to prove it was mine, especially if it's a small part of a larger image.   But I see what you're saying from your point of view.

« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2011, 13:56 »
I didn't add that sort of category because I figure anyone that's already there selling vectors at the low prices must feel that they're fair... sorry, I don't mean to be rude and this isn't directed at you, but why would anyone sign up with a company if they thought they were not fair?  Lol I would love to add that category but I would have to make it a little condescending like "I think vector prices are low, but I'm there anyway because I'm a doormat".  This was the reason for the poll.  I'm not so interested in changing vector prices at StockFresh anymore because it's clear that Peter's not going to budge after the last thread.  I'm more interested in people's acceptance of the lower price.  I find it very odd but it explains a lot about what's going on in this industry.  I'm also more concerned about vector prices dropping elsewhere.  I appreciate you commenting though.  I know you yourself are not a doormat and if I remember correctly, you realised the prices were low after you uploaded. 

What really baffles me is not so much that the companies push contributors around (because that is expected) but that contributors let them... and let them do it repeatedly.  After IS and then FT dropping commissions twice and watching people stay there, I've sort of lost all hope in this industry surviving longer than five years.  I know the agents will survive but serious contributors will have to find alternative ways to sell their images.  But even if we come up with alternatives, how will we compete with the microstocks? 

I also don't agree about not having rasterised versions of vectors (in my case).  I can see why you would think that having flat cartoons, but when you create more complex vectors with textures, blurs, radial gradients etc, it's impossible to convert to an eps.  Maybe if they accepted svg's it would be okay but even so, in my case, I create a lot of isolated vectors and it would be quite easy for a buyer to buy the vector, change it slightly, use it as an element in their image and claim it as their own.  If they change the colours, shift the paths a little here and there it would be difficult to prove it was mine, especially if it's a small part of a larger image.   But I see what you're saying from your point of view.

I hear you, but I'd eliminate 80%-90% of my passive income if I deleted my portfolio everywhere I thought I wasn't getting the best deal. So, I do the only protesting I can afford to do which is send my new material to the sites that deserve it (it's a short list).


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