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Author Topic: Ideas about video support  (Read 1649 times)

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« on: May 02, 2013, 03:06 »
Hi guys, I have done some testing and research about symbiostock in my virtualbox and would like share with you about my views for video suppot.

I just noticed symbiostock doesn't store media files into database, even watermarked previews.
It stores previews in:
and final full resolution files in:

so perhaps it makes video support more easily. My idea is, we can just add more directories like:
The first two store thumbnails and previews, which are open to buyers, the last two(or more) store the final clips, which need payment to download.
What a videographer need to do, basically, are generating and uploading related files to above directories.

Let's have a look at this example:
You have a video clip named, with 1920x1080 resolution, to get this clip online(on sale), you need to do:
1. Generate the thumbnail,preview,and low-resolution final clips. In this case, they are: 2013-my-dog.jpg 2013-my-dog.flv version)
2. Upload
      2013-my-dog.jpg to symbiostock_video_thumbs
      2013-my-dog.flv to symbiostock_video_previews version) to symbiostock_video_1280x720 version) to symbiostock_video_1920x1080
3. Tell symbiostock the index file name "2013-my-dog", attach metadata(keywors,description etc.) to this index name.
4. Publish.

For this idea, what we need to work on is making symbiostock scripts record the metadata into database and correctly show the elements on the final purchasing pages, which I am really not good at ........ so that would be very nice if any PHP programer can implement these functions.

BTW, I haven't tested, but batch processing video clips should be easy with correct tools like mencoder.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 03:55 »
Hi there!

Making directories and such are not the issue. Its the "noodles". All those connected parts of the site which have to be re-arranged to accomodate a different type of media, with different technical issues, with different licensing...

For instance, to simply include it as a "different type of file" on the existing page you are already aware of - that is possible but hardly professional. The right way to do it would to make a video-dedicated page type...which in itself is not hard. But then to update the cart system to make those special considerations for video.

I'd like to allow for the sale of any sort of downloadable product actually. Especially of the "symbiosis" aspect of Symbiostock becomes wildly successful. In the meantime though its just putting together what we have now until its perfected (you know, to standard and moving quickly upward).

BTW - if you know more coders bring them in!

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 04:09 »
Just so you know though I'd like to undertake it soon! I'm not knocking the idea or anything. It would be awesome to get that in sooner than later. I sort of wish I was not the only one building the the tool

« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 05:48 »
I completely understand, I was a programer, too. It's easy to say and hard to do.

What I meant is, at least we can do some quick work to get a testing video git branch, which we can improve on.

I am going to try some simple modifications, if I think something is useful, I will give you a notice to see if it need to be submitted to the code tree.


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