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Author Topic: Remaining Symbiostock Cleanup & Suggestions  (Read 10581 times)

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THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« on: September 04, 2013, 20:55 »
Don't know about everyone else, but I am getting a bit lost in some of the threads as to what the current issues & suggestions are (opening another thread might not help!). Rather than getting a big discussion going, how about getting a simple list of remaining quirks/issues/annoyances/suggestions to help Leo and the gang work through them all?

Here's mine:

UPDATE: I have numbered them all, NOT for importance but so Leo can simply say "numbers 1, 7, 15 are done and can be crossed off" and I can simply update them with a strikethrough

1 Fix the bug where the same image appears on multiple pages when browsing

2 Remove the redundant links to the license that existed before the new Licenses tool (e.g. on the customer account page)

3 Remove the Standard License blue bar that appears BELOW the Download button (not sure why it's there, see here for example: )

4 Remove the words "Supporting Files" that appear next to the Zip option in the product table

5 Remove the brackets around the Price column on the product table eg: ( US Dollar ($) ) - remove both lots of brackets, just US Dollar $. When zip files are showing, these brackets get a little funky with the css and aren't really necessary anyway

6 Finish making either the base theme or the paid plugin FULLY responsive and mobile friendly - e.g.: the search bar & menu. Menu shouldn't have to be in the footer for it to work on a mobile device.

7 Add (perhaps in the paid plugin?) the ability for a couple of extra file sizes - XL, XXL, and make it so that file sizes only show up if the file meets the requirements for that size, which the author sets in admin

8 Allow the batch editor to only update options which have CHANGED, not just update EVERY option on the screen. eg: you could batch alter licenses, without altering a batches price or ranking

9 Make the Download button bigger (uses bootstrap I think, can just go to the next size up)

10 Add Sort options to browsing pages (newest, oldest, most popular etc)

11 Remove the "Images/Blog" drop down menu next to the search box by default. Can have an option to turn it back on if people want?

12 Slightly alter the text thats been created with extended licenses, where it shows something like this on the product table: "15.00+90.00 105.00", just space it out a little and replace the arrows with equals "15.00 + 90.00 = 105.00"

13 Allow the "Append Text to Title:" section in the Symbiostock admin/batch editor work on a per image basis. Eg: You could append "- Stock Photo" to stock photos, and "- Stock Vector" to vectors, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.

14 Allow the licenses to be editable if you need to change something, such as upgrade price for EL's

Requested by Cascoly
15 Collections need to be more self-explanatory and simple.

16 Search Tracking should be implemented. (Base theme?)

Requested by DonLand
17 Images that are assigned categories but are not published are not shown when searching by a category.

18 Everything should be able to be added/removed in the bulk editor, such as Exclusive and Categories.

19 Need the ability to search for Drafts in the bulk editor.

20 Need the ability to search by Day in the bulk editor.

21 In the bulk editor the search parameters should be selectable there, i.e. search keywords, search title, search description.

22 When searching for keywords the search should auto fill from the list of all the keywords.

23 The search return number should default to last used value, not 48.

24 Need to be able to drag to select images in the grid. Much too labor intensive to click on every image chosen from search selection.

25 The drop down category search menu should not show categories that are empty.

Requested by Cidepix
26 The Cart Manager needs to be officially implemented and completed. (It was started for premium, now it should be installed as part of package).
sale stats by day, week, month, year?

27 download expiration

28 Display file id's to customers option

Requested by tdahl-stock
29 Ability to assign one value to selected images instead of all-values. (Seems to be same as #8 above)

Requested by jsfoto
30 one minor thing:  I would suggest to delete the vertical line that separates the licenses (in my case standard and extended license) - if the vertical line is removed can the different licences be each on their own line (otherwise button can be on line line and licence description on the next if three or more licence options) <-- addition by Keriok

31 one which is important : We can set Model and/or Property Released when editing an image ... this information should be visible on the Single image pages (perhaps as part of the description?) Option to publish the release statuses of an image on the image page, visible to the potential customer

32 I would appreciate the possibility to add a short text (in addition to hashtags) to a tweet in the batch editor of the premium plugin.

Requested by AJT

33 New field in symbiocard - checksum (md5_file) of current symbiostock_image_info.csv

34 Cookie cart - VERY IMPORTANT (CAPS added by microstock man)

Requested by Redneck
35 Either in "Edit" image or in the Stocl Images sub menu -> Link to Drafts (for faster editing/processing)

Please try and read through the list before suggesting things as some are already doubling and tripling up. Thanks.

I know some of these are minor things, but the cleaner the theme the better for the buyer.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 02:22 by Microstock Man »

« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 21:55 »
I think some of your points are only valid for the Premium plugin - which surely have their own room for improvement I suppose but since I don't have the Premium plugin I cannot replicate certain issues you mentioned.

For example you said to get rid of the blue bar below the download button - I don't have that on my site (still using 2.6.4 though). No idea if this is a 2.6.5 feature or Premium plugin-related...

Anyhow, I agree that some things will always have to improved, as long as new features are being implemented it's obvious.

I just wanted to point out that bug reports like yours might better be addressed individually instead of having everyone posting "their" bugs into the same thread.

You already brought up so many things (some of which aren't even bugs for me) that for others it would be like finding a needle in a haystack to actually find a bug that affects most of us.

I don't know if this makes sense.

Like you, I'm having a hard time staying on top of the latest developments and I've become hesitant to install updates right away, not knowing if it might "break" my site to the extent of a major wipe out.  :o

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 22:02 »
I see your point. I guess this isn't meant to be a BUG thread as such, more of a "how can we clean up/streamline/improve things". I think I only mentioned one actual bug, the page display one. The rest are more quirks or small visual improvements that cut down on clutter and redundant items (if that makes any sense)

Basically, what little things can make the theme look and feel totally polished?

And yep you're right, many of the things I have mentioned will only apply if you have the premium plugin.  :)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 23:28 by Microstock Man »

« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 22:16 »
It's a tough call for some of us - or the ones who started early on with the birth of Symbiostock.

Many had to fiddle with code, add 3rd part plugins with features that become redundant with newer Symbiostock versions. My head is spinning.

I kept the customization of my site quite low - got rid of the blog/images selector via CSS so that's about it.

I don't want to upset anyone, but I feel quite comfy in the back seat at the moment, letting others vent about their bugs of the latest releases and wait for the bug fixes.

« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2013, 00:31 »
- Remove the Standard License blue bar that appears BELOW the Download button (not sure why it's there, see here for example: )

It disappeared when I set 0.00 beside the file sizes when creating the standard license ... it only appears when you leave these fields empty. If you want to have the standard license left, the extended license on the right side like it is now you must delete both in batch editor, than create standard with 0.00, than extended with your values and reapply them to the images.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2013, 03:49 »
Hey guys you haven't lost me. I'm just patiently working out some of the "rare" issues with the paid plugin that some indviduals end up with. When people pay for something it obligates you to a higher level, which is why I've spent so much time on the individual issues between Jean, jsnover, and a few others. Once thats caught up these threads will have my attention and then its on to some more refinements.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2013, 03:57 »
Basically, what little things can make the theme look and feel totally polished?

I'm right there with you. Once we finalize a few last details and bugs I want to give this one last big polishing.

I'm undecided, but I was thinking of converting over to bootstrap 3 and adding every possible wordpress supported feature as well, then finally just walk away.

I know it sounds bad, but actually once this has been "sealed" the only thing we should do is just keep up with adjustments as wordpress and web evolve.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2013, 04:06 »
One last comment before I turn in...

The only purpose for this project was to make image sellers independent
. Its technically meeting its goal. Getting over-ambitious is only going to stress people out and keep them tired (me especially). This project was born directly as a result of the Google Getty deal and was basically a practical response to signs of impending doom on our livelihoods.

I think this thread is very timely and good. Its time to put a final seal on this thing and let it do its job as mainstream image selling continues its course downward.

While I personally had some plans for a larger picture of Symbio, its probably best to let it idle for a nice long time. Its quite complete and effective already.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2013, 05:27 »
Basically, what little things can make the theme look and feel totally polished?

I'm right there with you. Once we finalize a few last details and bugs I want to give this one last big polishing.

I'm undecided, but I was thinking of converting over to bootstrap 3 and adding every possible wordpress supported feature as well, then finally just walk away.

I know it sounds bad, but actually once this has been "sealed" the only thing we should do is just keep up with adjustments as wordpress and web evolve.

Im calling it a night too, but thanks for chiming in Leo. Glad to hear we're on the same page with this. You've (and the others) done an AWESOME job with this. Just thinking that 9 months ago this was not even really in existence is incredible.

I really like the bit I've put in bold from your quote. This will be essential.

I look forward to hearing what other suggestions people have for polishing Symbiostock up a bit.

« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2013, 07:58 »
I would like to add:

- one minor thing:  I would suggest to delete the vertical line that separates the licenses (in my case standard and extended license)
- one which is important : We can set Model and/or Property Released when editing an image ... this information should be visible on the Single image pages (perhaps as part of the description?)

« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 08:40 »
- If the vertical line is removed can the different licences be each on their own line (otherwise button can be on line line and licence description on the next if three or more licence options)

« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2013, 11:43 »
- If the vertical line is removed can the different licences be each on their own line (otherwise button can be on line line and licence description on the next if three or more licence options)

I'd like to see the extended licenses each appear on their own line as well.  It would be much cleaner looking if you have multiple additional licenses. In addition, it would be great if the Standard License button was selected by default and if the licenses themselves were editable.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 13:05 by Bryan »

« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 13:09 »
I just realized something else.  I'm trying to set up multiple extended licenses for different things (ie. Extended Print Run & Products for Resale) where a customer might want two or more different extended licenses at the same time. As of right now only one extended license at a time can be selected.  Bummer.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2013, 14:25 »
Microstockman, please add this to your post (bottom) and perhaps you can update (important) issues as people post them. This is going to be my last/final reference in getting Symbiostock finalized and settled for the long term. Both premium and base version.


I will do my best to get to these as they are appropriate or achievable. As Cidepix says, premium is different for everyone. Thanks for purchasing. Free upgrades! Lets keep building.

Requested by Cascoly
  • Collections need to be more self-explanatory and simple.
  • Search Tracking should be implemented. (Base theme?)
Requested by DonLand

  • Images that are assigned categories but are not published are not shown when searching by a category.
  • Everything should be able to be added/removed in the bulk editor, such as Exclusive and Categories.
  • Need the ability to search for Drafts in the bulk editor.
  • Need the ability to search by Day in the bulk editor.
  • In the bulk editor the search parameters should be selectable there, i.e. search keywords, search title, search description.
  • When searching for keywords the search should auto fill from the list of all the keywords.
  • The search return number should default to last used value, not 48.
  • Need to be able to drag to select images in the grid. Much too labor intensive to click on every image chosen from search selection.
  • The drop down category search menu should not show categories that are empty.
Requested by Cidepix
  • The Cart Manager needs to be officially implemented and completed. (It was started for premium, now it should be installed as part of package).
  • sale stats by day, week, month, year?
  • download expiration
  • Display file id's to customers option
Requested by tdahl-stock

  • Ability to assign one value to selected images instead of all-values.

« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2013, 14:33 »
Ability to have Exclusive set as default ?

« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2013, 15:25 »
Copying this suggestion from another thread (about the twitter error):

- I would appreciate the possibility to add a short text (in addition to hashtags) to a tweet in the batch editor of the premium plugin.

« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2013, 15:57 »
Two items:

New field in symbiocard - checksum (md5_file) of current symbiostock_image_info.csv

Cookie cart?  :P

« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2013, 17:57 »
  • Option to publish the release statuses of an image on the image page, visible to the potential customer
  • Either in "Edit" image or in the Stocl Images sub menu -> Link to Drafts (for faster editing/processing)

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2013, 18:02 »
Thanks. Hopefully when microstockman comes in he can add everyone's suggestions. I'll do my best to add them at this final point.

Also I don't see a huge distinction between Symbiostock "Premium" and "Base Theme" so don't worry. Both will get attention as needed. I'm just happy to not have to live off of my own fat cells to sustain this thing :D

Also to keep people from going through update shock, what we're going to do is have this cute little branch opened up here:

... so anyone who wants to cash in on new changes can do so freely, while others enjoy stability.

Typical "testing" till stable stuff. Over the course of this thread we're going to take our cute caterpillar and turn it into a butterfly.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2013, 22:07 »
Will update post in a couple of days. Away from office at this point sorry.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2013, 22:14 »
No prob. I have MORE THAN ENOUGH to keep me busy just for starters.

BTW just fixed twitter problem.


« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2013, 01:14 »
On version 2.6.5 I have noticed that images uploaded since this update no longer display the "Leave a Reply" at the bottom.  I have always had it turned and older images display it.  Looks like a small bug.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2013, 02:25 »
Managed to find some time to get that list updated.

Leo, you poor bloke, there are 35 up there already! There is a bit of overlap in some, so please everybody try and read through it first before suggesting something. Thanks heaps.

I will try my best to keep it relatively up to date.

Leo - just email me or PM me with the numbers you have completed and I will cross them off as we go if that suits you?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2013, 05:08 »
Good deal! As of next update everything included search fields are now 100% responsive. I remember that was a wish :D

We've already gotten cleaned up a lot.

« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2013, 07:52 »
I don't know if this is too hard to achieve but as mentioned somewhere else, I'd love to see the "Similar Images" widget being disabled on "Collection" image pages.

Something like this just looks like total image overload and I can see it confusing potential buyers: .

Not to mention that showing lots of duplicates doesn't look very professional either.


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