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Author Topic: Losing my enthusiasm for Veer  (Read 22697 times)

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« on: August 11, 2009, 16:10 »
Anyone else having a really rough time getting their portfolio on Veer? 

Never saw a new site that makes it so hard to get images online.  First there were the crazy upload limits.  Now those have been raised, but they are rejecting massive numbers of images, including anything remotely similar to anything else, and entire subject areas that have sold very, very well on other sites. 

To top it off, I just received a notice from the reviewing department that I will have to start submitting all images from a shoot together in one batch rather than breaking them up into smaller, separate batches.  what??  I have 5k images to upload and I have them stored on my computer by subject category, not by individual shoot or model.   This process is painstaking enough without adding yet another massive hoop to jump through.

Are others having similar difficulties getting their portfolios uploaded there?  Anyone else get the note about grouping all images from a shoot in one submission batch?

After the spectacular failure of Snapvillage I had hoped that Corbis would have learned from their past mistakes and create a website that would effectively compete with Getty, but with the difficulties they are already putting contributors through I am no longer hopeful. 

« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2009, 16:17 »
Yep... I didn't get that note, but I am getting rejections on images have sold well on other sites. I am also getting a lot of similar images rejections.

Well, I'm suspending my uploads until I see results.

« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2009, 16:26 »
Although my very best selling image from all sites were rejected by Veer, I have not had any major grieves over the rejections.

I am more worried about the sales and functionabilities of the site. We had placed our blind trust on Snapvillage simply because it was related to Bill Gates. I now wonder if we are giving Veer MP too much confidence simply because it has become a branch of Veer.


« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2009, 16:38 »
I agree with both of you.  I did have a lot of confidence because they were part of a respected brand like Veer and I am no longer so confident.

And aremafoto, you are right about suspending uploading until they can get organized and prove they can deliver sales.

I probably should do the same and stop struggling to get images on a site has no sales record yet.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 16:39 by lisafx »


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 16:38 »
I have some 200 something rejections.  Most of my images are textures and patterns, etc.  They accepted one and rejected every additional texture even know the image is 100% different.  Not sure what they are thinking really.

« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2009, 16:47 »

I probably should do the same and stop struggling to get images on a site has no sales record yet.

Exactly Lisa said. Even 123rf sells far more than VMP.


« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2009, 16:53 »
Yikes! I can't even imagine trying to get 5k images to Veer. I find the whole process very tedious, and have lost interest in trying to get my portfolio uploaded. Rejections seem random, and limited functionality makes it difficult to keep track as to where I am with the process of uploading.


« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2009, 16:56 »
It's very sad to read these. As Lisa said, I was hoping that VMP would allow Corbis to better compete with Getty than the very poor effort that SV turned out to be. In fact, I was hoping it might help pick up the revenue lost due to no longer selling on & JUI. (Speaking of the latter, I recently had an EL-like sale on JUI for a size described as "SUPER". Is it really not an EL? Oops; very OT, sorry!)

OTOH, this does make it easier for me to be "patient" (from another thread). But I hope these problems are just growing pains, and something will be done to correct them ASAP.

« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2009, 16:59 »
I'm having the same problem.  They are rejecting images that are in sets (same models) and my acceptance ratio is less than 50% (which is way low compared to every other site I am on).  I stopped uploading because I'm finding it to be a waste of my time. Lots of 'too similar' because they have the same model in them and 'not suitable for stock' rejections.


« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2009, 17:13 »
I don't know if this has been answered yet in the forum - but does anyone know what goes on with the main portfolio view? When i find one of my images in search and click on my username i cannot see the rest of my portofolio anywhere, just a notice that i haven't published any portofolios yet


« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2009, 17:15 »
Lisa, do they let you post a DVD like SV did?  That might be an easier way to get a big portfolio online.  I was lucky to get mine transferred from SV.  They must be crazy if they don't want all of your portfolio.  That does make me wonder if they are going to make the same mistakes SV made.  So far I think they are doing much better than SV but that doesn't take much.

They are probably swamped at the moment.  Might be a good idea to wait a few months.


« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2009, 17:20 »
I'm having the same problem.  They are rejecting images that are in sets (same models) and my acceptance ratio is less than 50% (which is way low compared to every other site I am on).  I stopped uploading because I'm finding it to be a waste of my time. Lots of 'too similar' because they have the same model in them and 'not suitable for stock' rejections.

I never understand this 'too similar' rejection. Especially shots with the same model. I hear lots of designers say they prefer variations of the same model to enable them to run a theme through a design by using more than one shot. ???


« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2009, 17:26 »
I don't know if this has been answered yet in the forum - but does anyone know what goes on with the main portfolio view? When i find one of my images in search and click on my username i cannot see the rest of my portofolio anywhere, just a notice that i haven't published any portofolios yet


The portfolio link you are talking about has nothing to do with MP. It is for designers to post examples of their work.

There is a post somewhere that says the stats page and the contributor portfolio link are coming by the end of the month.


« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2009, 18:10 »
Lisa, do they let you post a DVD like SV did?  That might be an easier way to get a big portfolio online.  

I totally agree Sharpshot.  I had asked Brian early on about sending in DVD's, but there was never any follow up about that.  Too bad, because it would enable them to select what they want re: similars without making the inconvenient upload process even more difficult for contributors.

« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2009, 18:47 »
They are simply not ready to handle this volume of submissions. They should transfer most of SV stuff when they could so they could operate with less reviewers. Now everybody who got rejected is trying to upload all that images anyway. It looks like there is anybody who can think forward in their management :-)

« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2009, 19:13 »
Lisa, do they let you post a DVD like SV did?  That might be an easier way to get a big portfolio online.  

I totally agree Sharpshot.  I had asked Brian early on about sending in DVD's, but there was never any follow up about that.  Too bad, because it would enable them to select what they want re: similars without making the inconvenient upload process even more difficult for contributors.

They way they are rejecting similars right now means that if they'd received DVDs, they would take less images from a set LOL.

I actually asked Brian about sending a DVD, as I also have close to 5,000 images, but he said no.

« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2009, 19:39 »
All of my top selling images were rejected right off. So I submitted newer images with no downloads. Of those, a little more than a third have been rejected. I am so disappointed that they don't even have a link from our name to the rest of our images. I know it's coming, but come on...that is such a basic requirement.

I am going to upload until I get 100 images there. That seemed to be a good number for the other sites when I started seeing sales.

We'll see. I can't believe they are making you jump through the hoops Lisa. Cripes, they could be making money hand over fist with your images. Why would they make it more difficult?

« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2009, 20:06 »
My acceptance rate is 95% there. But most were transferred from SV. Maybe since I only upload 2 or 3 at a time lately I don't have so many rejections. Most of my rejections are for "lack of commercial appeal" even though all have sold okay on other sites. Just another example of the subjective nature of the beast.

« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2009, 02:57 »
I do not contribute to Veer but I do read the threads, did Veer not say they were looking for specific content and not just more of the same, so if you have 1000 live on another site and ready to upload it does not follow that they are suitable, Brian did publish a list of prefered content in one of the topics, it would be nice if the websites let suppliers know which categories were needed and which were over subscribed and getting the 'Not Required at this Time' rejections.

A smaller pool filled with higher-quality content means your content has a better chance to be noticed

« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 03:05 by Adeptris »


« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2009, 04:02 »
I do not contribute to Veer but I do read the threads, did Veer not say they were looking for specific content and not just more of the same, so if you have 1000 live on another site and ready to upload it does not follow that they are suitable, Brian did publish a list of prefered content in one of the topics, it would be nice if the websites let suppliers know which categories were needed and which were over subscribed and getting the 'Not Required at this Time' rejections.

A smaller pool filled with higher-quality content means your content has a better chance to be noticed


I can appreciate their thinking here. But this is microstock, and unless people are willing to submit stuff they dont have elsewhere. Then Veer only end up with LESS OF THE SAME.

My feeling is they are trying to offer microstock to their existing customers only. Which is why it's important to them that this new content fits in with their existing style.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 04:11 by abimages »

« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2009, 07:51 »
it would be nice if the websites let suppliers know which categories were needed and which were over subscribed and getting the 'Not Required at this Time' rejections.


Usually, sub par files get that rejection.

When I get that kind of rejection I think maybe the file is not perfect after all. But some people's pride is just too big, that it makes them think they shoot or draw the best images in the world.


« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2009, 08:05 »
My feeling is they are trying to offer microstock to their existing customers only. Which is why it's important to them that this new content fits in with their existing style.

I would be completely okay with this plan, except that they are not providing the same level of functionality  that their existing clients have grown accustomed to, such as being able to purchase vectors as jpeg files of various sizes, and the simple and absolutely necessary function of being able to put possible purchases into a lightbox. I'm absolutely flabbergasted by this and it has got to be discouraging sales. The last thing I'm going to want to do when narrowing down my selections is open up each image in a separate window and then write down the image numbers so that I will know how to find them in a couple of days when I get approval for the photo. That's just not going to be happening very often. Most designers do not have time for that, and will simply go where the buying process is efficient and makes sense.

I have been one of the biggest cheerleaders for VeerMP. I still believe they have the potential for great things. However with all of the pending problems, and things that seem like obvious necessities getting pushed back on their priority timeline, Lisa said it's hard not to lose enthusiasm.

« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2009, 09:00 »
First off, it's good to see you again Lisa!  I've missed your input lately.

I do not contribute to Veer but I do read the threads, did Veer not say they were looking for specific content and not just more of the same, so if you have 1000 live on another site and ready to upload it does not follow that they are suitable, Brian did publish a list of prefered content in one of the topics, it would be nice if the websites let suppliers know which categories were needed and which were over subscribed and getting the 'Not Required at this Time' rejections.

Every site has a list of what to, and what not to submit -- and they all seem to be the same to me.  Veer's is no exception.  No real guidance to be found there, IMO.

Quote from: abimages
My feeling is they are trying to offer microstock to their existing customers only. Which is why it's important to them that this new content fits in with their existing style.

I can find no real pattern in the rejections I'm getting to indicate a preferred "style."  The rejections seem very random, except for the "too similar" ones.  Those, it appears, seem to come from boredom.  They obviously don't like more than 2 or 3 from the same batch, but once again I can't see the pattern in the ones they do choose.  They rarely seem to choose the once I think are the best from the batch.

Oh well.  I mark the rejections I don't agree with in Bridge and in a few months, after things have settled down, I'll resubmit.

What really bugs me is how long it is taking them to get their website working right.  I am a php programmer and I know that adding a link to our portfolio is a simple, simple matter, and adding the ability to search our ports by views, downloads, etc is not rocket science either.


« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2009, 10:27 »
Thanks for the welcome Astrocady.  :)  Sorry to come back with a gripe, lol. 

Abimages makes a really good point.  This is microstock.  It is a volume business.  The only way to justify the cost of production is to get as many ideas into one shoot as possible. 

I can appreciate they don't want dozens of nearly identical files from one shoot, but to reject all but a couple (different and varied) files from a shoot as similar is overkill. 

Their reviewing department doesn't seem to have adjusted their thinking from the macro model, where one or two great images from a shoot can pay for the shoot, to the micro one where volume is essential.

Not being a buyer I wasn't aware of all the site functionality issues from a buyers perspective.  The problems Whatalife brings up are very worrying.

Hopefully in time they will hit their stride both from a contributors and a buyers perspective.  Either that or they will become just another "also ran".   

« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2009, 12:33 »
I haven't tried to upload anything at VMP, just have what was pulled over from SV. I simply want to wait until there are signs of life before i add to the workload (and I get enough wacky rejects from FT...don't need more). And with what I've read over the last few weeks, I hope this doesn't devo into VeerVillage


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