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Author Topic: Attila at SnapVillage?  (Read 7628 times)

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« on: April 23, 2009, 19:39 »
Ok, maybe "Attila" is a bit of an exaggeration.

But certainly things aren't the way they used to be at SV. Maybe they are moving into Veer mode?

Used to be, you'd upload a bunch to SV, wait 2-3 weeks, and then get all of them approved (unless you included a part of a building, in which case you'd get a rejection for lack of PR).

So I wanted to improve my chances of getting moved to Veer Marketplace by uploading some of my latest & greatest images. I uploaded 10 images, and in less than 2 hours, they were all reviewed.  :)

But to my dismay and disbelief, 6 of the 10 were rejected! Yikes! Like I said, not the good, old "we take it all" SnapVillage anymore.

So what's the story? Of the 6 rejection reasons, 1 was for "multiple technical problems".  I guess the reviewers at SV are better at discovering technical problems than the iStock inspectors, as this one was just accepted yesterday at iStock. You'd think that with multiple problems, though, iStock should've been able to find at least one of them (they seem pretty good at it, IMO).  ;D

All the other 5 rejections were for "lack of commercial appeal" or something like that. One of those 5 has been on iStock for just under a month, and has sold 5 times. Not bad to me. Another has sold only once in that time, but apparently it has at least a little appeal.  ;D Two of the others are too new to judge (a week or less), but the last is over a month old without a sale. So I suppose that one doesn't have much appeal.

But to me this is as bad as DT's "too well-covered or too specific" rejection. C'mon, guys: If it's technically ok why not give it a chance? Delete it after a year if it hasn't sold once. You'll end up with a more diverse collection of images, and you won't piss off contributors by arbitrarily (and in some cases, incorrectly) rejecting images that may sell better than you think.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 21:33 by KB »

« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 19:58 »
Ok, maybe "Attila" is a bit of an exaggeration.

But certainly things aren't the way they used to be at SV. Maybe they are moving into Veer mode?

Used to be, you'd upload a bunch to SV, wait 2-3 weeks, and then get all of them approved (unless you included a part of a building, in which case you'd get a rejection for lack of PR).

So I wanted to improve my chances of getting moved to Veer Marketplace by uploading some of my latest & greatest images. I uploaded 10 images, and in less than 2 hours, they were all reviewed.  :)

But to my dismay and disbelief, 6 of the 10 were rejected! Yikes! Like I said, not the good, old "we take it all" SnapVillage anymore.

So what's the story? Of the 6 rejection reasons, 1 was for "multiple technical problems".  I guess the reviewers at SV are better at discovering technical problems than the iStock inspectors, as this one was just accepted yesterday at iStock. You'd think that with multiple problems, though, iStock should've been able to find at least one of them (they seem pretty good at it, IMO).  ;D

All the other 5 rejections were for "lack of commercial appeal" or something like that. One of those 5 has been on iStock for just under a month, and has sold 5 times. Not bad to me. Another has sold only once, but apparently it has at least a little appeal.  ;D Two of the others are too new to judge (a week or less), but the last is over a month old without a sale. So I suppose that one doesn't have much appeal.

But to me this is as bad as DT's "too well-covered or too specific" rejection. C'mon, guys: If it's technically ok why not give it a chance? Delete it after a year if it hasn't sold once. You'll end up with a more diverse collection of images, and you won't piss off contributors by arbitrarily (and in some cases, incorrectly) rejecting images that may sell better than you think.

Hi KB -

While we may not always agree 100%, I'm always willing to give images another shake. ;)

Thanks for the feedback on the rejection messaging.
PM or email me with the details of the rejections if there are any files you want me to take a second look at.

- Brian


« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 08:05 »
KB, i don't think atilla is with SV  ;D

It's just that every site in the Big 6 is clamping down on being too lenient. The reason is obvious. Competition is now getting stiff, and if you take everything you risk losing buyers.
I also had 100% approvals with SV for many months, but now it's almost about 80%. It's a reality. They are moving to Veer and the culture is different. Then again, ask anyone who is submitting to the Big 6, and they will tell you rejections are higher there too.


« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 16:04 »
It's just that every site in the Big 6 is clamping down on being too lenient. The reason is obvious. Competition is now getting stiff, and if you take everything you risk losing buyers.
I also had 100% approvals with SV for many months, but now it's almost about 80%. It's a reality. They are moving to Veer and the culture is different. Then again, ask anyone who is submitting to the Big 6, and they will tell you rejections are higher there too.

Yeah, I've pretty much suspended UL'ing to DT & FT because of that.  >:(

No problems yet at IS & SS, though. 123 & BigStock are also ok, though you're right, they do reject more than they used to.

80% wouldn't have warranted this post!  ;D That was a 40% acceptance ratio, and just not warranted, IMO.

I appreciate Brian's offer, and would take him up on it if it were worth my time (it isn't, but maybe Veer will make it worthwhile). My point was just that 3rd or 4th tier sites shouldn't be rejecting so many images that the top sites are accepting. It isn't good for their long-term health, in many ways.

« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 18:07 »
If you ask me, Atilla is just a guy who rejects tons of images not even looking at them as he should look, and he is doing it just for one reason: To earn faster those few cents from reviewing. It's sad that we have to deal with people who reject our images for such miserable reasons. We even call him "Atilla". He must be proud.
Don't ask me why I said what I said now, but trust me, I never say something without good reason.

Try to resubmit your images and you will see they will be accepted (mostly) and they will sell good. My last batch was rejected completilly. I resubmitted it and I am selling it like crazy.... "Atilla" rejected whole batch because of limited commercial value.

I think we all should write to some important people at certain agencies. Maybe it could help stopping this insanity.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 18:17 by Whitechild »


« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 18:22 »
If you ask me, Atilla is just a guy who rejects tons of images not even looking at them as he should look, and he is doing it just for one reason: To earn faster those few cents from reviewing. It's sad that we have to deal with people who reject our images with such miserable reasons. We even all him "Atilla". He must be proud.
Don't ask me why I told what I told now, but trust me, I never say something without good reason.

 I think we all should write to some important people at certain agencies. Maybe it could help stopping this insanity. Try to resubmit your images and you will see they will be accepted (mostly) and they will sell good. My last batch was rejected completilly. I resubmitted it and I am selling it like crazy.... "Atilla" rejected whole batch because of limited commercial value.

hmm, you may be right , i never thought about that . i just know about atilla because lately someone keeps mentioning atilla. i think there are more than one atilla. maybe atilla, atilla's wife (or husband, if she is a she), atilla's son, and atilla's daughter...  and they all work to keep the sadistic generation alive,  ;D
i say this because it is unusual to see a specific rejection reason all coming in at the same time from different sites. i can only guess that it's a coincidence, or maybe lightning does strike at the same place twice, or even 4 times.
you know what i mean?  like it's normal if you get rejected with different reason with 4 sites at different spaces in time. but if you get rejections from the same batch all done in the same space and all with the same explanation, maybe there is one person moonlighting with all the different sites enjoying blood of the contributors.

i don't think we should keep calling this person "atilla". atilla was a great warrior. he fought face to face. this one does it behind our backs and incognito.  maybe we should call atilla "jack the ripper"
it's more appropriate, no?  maybe he/she considers us all prostitutes as we give our souls to earn 10 cents, 25 cents , an image,  ;D
so "jack the ripper" enjoys slicing our throat  ;D ;D ;D

what dya think? we give atilla new name? 8)

« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 18:26 by batman »


« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 18:40 »
sorry double post
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 18:59 by tan510jomast »


« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 18:43 »

I don't usually question a rejection, but if you think there is the work of Atilla , I might be raising some eyebrow. I remember reading somewhere, this reasonable advice, "...wait a little bit, and then resubmit ". The reasoning behind it being, it's quite unlikely that the same reviewer will pick up your images the second time.
If they did, then it's really bad luck. Or maybe if the second reviewer rejects it, then MAYBE there is really a problem.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 19:00 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2009, 18:46 »
It's interesting you said that. I read a while back that some people said the reviewers make more money by rejecting than accepting. Don't know if it is true for all sites.

If you ask me, Atilla is just a guy who rejects tons of images not even looking at them as he should look, and he is doing it just for one reason: To earn faster those few cents from reviewing.
I think we all should write to some important people at certain agencies. Maybe it could help stopping this insanity.

« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2009, 18:50 »
"jack the ripper"
it's more appropriate, no?  maybe he/she considers us all prostitutes as we give our souls to earn 10 cents, 25 cents , an image,  ;D
so "jack the ripper" enjoys slicing our throat  ;D ;D ;D

what dya think? we give atilla new name? 8)

I think Fartilla would be more appropriate...

« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2009, 22:56 »
what dya think? we give atilla new name? 8)

No way, my right honorable gentlemen. As the inventor of Atilla da rEvIeWeR 2,5 years ago (see this message), I have a secret RF agreement with Leaf that entitles me to 0.05 cents every time His name is mentioned. Did you write a book about Ego-rhytm too?  ;D  No pasaran! :P


« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2009, 10:40 »
what dya think? we give atilla new name? 8)

No way, my right honorable gentlemen. As the inventor of Atilla da rEvIeWeR 2,5 years ago (see this message), I have a secret RF agreement with Leaf that entitles me to 0.05 cents every time His name is mentioned. Did you write a book about Ego-rhytm too?  ;D  No pasaran! :P

OK! OK! i submit !  all bow down to Atilla !  ;D ;D ;D
and no, i haven't written a book about "Ego-rhytm" . i don't want you on my back for copyright infringement on that too !!!   ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 10:42 by batman »


« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2009, 11:27 »
ROFL , batman, FlemishDreams and vonkara should go into the comedy business. I can't stop laughing reading your posts.

« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2009, 13:14 »

i say this because it is unusual to see a specific rejection reason all coming in at the same time from different sites. i can only guess that it's a coincidence, or maybe lightning does strike at the same place twice, or even 4 times.
you know what i mean?  like it's normal if you get rejected with different reason with 4 sites at different spaces in time. but if you get rejections from the same batch all done in the same space and all with the same explanation, maybe there is one person moonlighting with all the different sites enjoying blood of the contributors.

Ummm, sorry to sound like a jerk here but maybe your photos just weren't very good?
Obviously I haven't seen them but if the same batch was rejected at 4 different sites then maybe should tell you something about the quality of your work.

again, sorry to be a jerk :-\
they have been rejecting more of mine as well

« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2009, 13:47 »
We all cry the rejection blues from time to time, but the fact is that Veer Marketplace should have a very clear vision of what they are looking for.   It's not to say that the rejected photos aren't good.  It's unlikely that some rogue reviewer is arbitrarily rejecting photos because he is in a killing moood.  I was under the impression that Veer is only taking the content that they want - not the whole catalogue.  Am I mistaken, or isn't SV going to cease to exist in the near future?  Why put photos online that Veer doesn't want?


« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2009, 14:06 »

again, sorry to be a jerk :-\

funny, suddenly the word JERK seems to be pooping out, i mean popping up everywhere.
no need to apologize, we jerks have to stick together  ;)
and hey, this is a forum... you can say what you want. i won't tell on you to the moderator either  8)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 14:10 by batman »

« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2009, 20:32 »
Am I mistaken, or isn't SV going to cease to exist in the near future?  Why put photos online that Veer doesn't want?

As well all know, SV was a failure by design right from the start. The programming was crap from day #1, the idea of keywording themselves was too costly and not needed by contributors that keyworded their port already - and better - for other sites. As Yuri mentioned once, after he met the responsible one for SV, "she was very nice but hadn't any clue about microstock".

Veer is clearly another cup of tea, and a very established and respected site that wants to expand into the microstock playground (where, incidentally, all the growth is). They will have their own rules of desired content, and my bet is that "the folding of SV into Veer Marketplace" is just corporate newspeak to prevent SV losing face. Nothing against that, it's important to be nice.

As soon as Veer is ready for contributors, I will certainly try them, but directly, not through SV. Let's see then what their content policy is. I hope though, when they reject, they will give a clear indication why the content is not desired and what the preferred type of content is. It's always possible to shoot more into the direction that they want.

« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2009, 09:30 »
Hi Guys,

I think Atilla is definitely alive at SV. 

Recently, I sent in some CDs of images and saw on the website that the SV had uploaded them into the pending area.  Anyway... over the next several days about 80% were accepted.

Then on Monday... 99.3% of what still remained in the pending view got rejected -- and most of the rejections that occurred on that day were due to "mulitple technical issues" .   :o :o ???

Anyway... what's puzzling is that the rejections that were performed several days earlier, were over other things.  So yeah... I think somebody just batch rejected stuff without really looking at each photo on an individual basis. 

Or... somebody was ordered to get the pending queue all cleared out and they just started rejecting everything en masse.

Atilla Lives!!!!



« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2009, 13:10 »
As soon as Veer is ready for contributors, I will certainly try them, but directly, not through SV. Let's see then what their content policy is. I hope though, when they reject, they will give a clear indication why the content is not desired and what the preferred type of content is. It's always possible to shoot more into the direction that they want.

I will be looking at Veers too, but only if Atilla is out of a job  ;D
Hi Guys,

I think Atilla is definitely alive at SV. 

Atilla Lives!!!!


Tis very difficult to take your word unless you post some of your rejections here as proof.
But as I said, if Atilla has a job in Veers, I won't bother. But only with ample proof.

« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2009, 14:27 »

You'll just have to take my word for it Batboy 'cuz it's true.

Ta ta!


Batboy wrote:
Tis very difficult to take your word unless you post some of your rejections here as proof.



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