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Author Topic: another good news from storyblocks?!!  (Read 8914 times)

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« on: June 03, 2019, 17:19 »
I know life gets busy and keeping up with emails can sometimes be a challenge, but I wanted to see if you had the chance to get our early invitation to the Storyblocks special pilot program? Its been a hit with the contributors that have chosen to take part, and 90% are staying in it. The majority of contributors have doubled their earnings! Thats because it taps into a larger source of revenue and a portion of subscription sales goes directly to them. Going forward, we expect our subscription library to become the primary revenue source for our contributors.

We would love if you could join in before we launch the program to a larger base of contributors, at which point the program will be available to anyone to apply to on a first come, first serve basis.

Based on the incredible quality of your portfolio and our current search gaps you have been hand-selected to join early. We are proposing to transfer your full portfolio from the Marketplace to our Member Library where you could earn much more. And, we dont limit where you can put your content. The Member Library is non-exclusive so you can continue to sell the same content anywhere!

If we do not hear from you, we will remove your spot and open this program to other contributors.

Do you want to opt in? Respond to this email to get started!

Want to hear from contributors? Here are first-hand testimonials from contributors currently in the program:

It definitely paid back having a little patience while the great guys at Storyblocks developed their new program! We were literally blown away by the sales and the revenues that surpassed even the best months of Videoblocks. And it can only get better. Moreover the support team is always extremely friendly and helpful.

The new Storyblocks Partnership Program is proving to be an exciting new concept in a stock media market that is in sore need of some refreshment. I have seen positive increases in sales and revenue during the early stages of the program that are encouraging to me as a contributor while the increase in content must be equally appreciated by buyers.

Almost immediately I understood the essence of the new program because it opens up the market for new consumers. Everyone decides for himself, I made my choice and am very pleased with it!

« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2019, 17:24 »

« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 18:48 »
"it can only get better" yeah, sure,

« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2019, 23:37 »
Just don`t do it... believe me!

« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2019, 10:02 »

Want to hear from contributors? Here are first-hand testimonials from contributors currently in the program:

It definitely paid back having a little patience while the great guys at Storyblocks developed their new program! We were literally blown away by the sales and the revenues that surpassed even the best months of Videoblocks. And it can only get better. Moreover the support team is always extremely friendly and helpful.

The new Storyblocks Partnership Program is proving to be an exciting new concept in a stock media market that is in sore need of some refreshment. I have seen positive increases in sales and revenue during the early stages of the program that are encouraging to me as a contributor while the increase in content must be equally appreciated by buyers.

Almost immediately I understood the essence of the new program because it opens up the market for new consumers. Everyone decides for himself, I made my choice and am very pleased with it!

Do the contributor quotes seem fake to you?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 10:16 by Trippy »


« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2019, 10:41 »
Do the contributor quotes seem fake to you?

it doesn't really matter, the true fact is what SB advertise itself to be or the actual policy they run:


... Leonard said that its customers pay $149 per year to access over $10 million dollars worth of video content. Our members can download anything they want they get unlimited downloads from everything in our Member Library with no restrictions around usage. You can use it for personal or commercial reasons, you can distribute it online or on television, in the US or worldwide. Once you've downloaded it, its yours forever - there's no catch, Leonard explained. Our customers, on average, end up paying a couple dollars for each individual clip. Contrast that to a competitor like Shutterstock whos selling the exact same video a la carte for $79 for the same distribution rights. Thats the biggest way we were able to differentiate. With Storyblocks you can find the same high quality content you would on a competitive site, but because of the unique membership model we end up being many, many times more affordable than anyone else in our industry.....


« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2019, 10:42 »
... I don`t know who will be satisfy with their model - they are constantly adding new files, from uninformed contributors... because older step-off from MS...


« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2019, 10:44 »
hah...they will just add a phrase like "constantly refreshing (or evolving) library" or something!


« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2019, 12:52 »
... yes, with monthly MS availability... or less... `Download asap, before contributor runs away... `on main page... :)

« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2019, 12:54 »
They HAND-selected my HIGH-QUALITY portfolio. Gosh, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2019, 14:26 »
Sorry but this is needed again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyeQmy3BV70

« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2019, 00:33 »
Sorry but this is needed again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyeQmy3BV70
I canceled my account with them. I hope they bounce back.

« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2019, 01:02 »
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 05:30 by everest »

« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2019, 01:26 »
... I totally support not ot participate... SB are playing on rotation - while some are running away, others are already lured... no one have information before participation in MS program, but I`m sure that they will be highly disappointed with income... those who are thinking about it... just avoid!

« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2019, 03:55 »
People r so happy with Storryblocks...just look at this guy, look at his smile...sooo happy
Why do u want to ruin the joy of a man :))



« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2019, 04:53 »
People r so happy with Storryblocks...just look at this guy, look at his smile...sooo happy
Why do u want to ruin the joy of a man :))



Let's pick a random comment among 84 others under this sponsored video.

I have a subscription, but most of the clips I find useful are all in the marketplace and are an additional cost...this gets on my nerves and really making me reconsider my subscription to them.

There you go, agencies DO listen and adjust!
Especially when people threat to leave...
Oh! Wait...

:D :P

« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2019, 22:28 »
People r so happy with Storryblocks...just look at this guy, look at his smile...sooo happy
Why do u want to ruin the joy of a man :))


the guy actually looks a bit creepy, including the fake smile

« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2019, 18:38 »
I'll opt NO...and if Storyblocks continue changing their planes for destroy the market I'll delete my library.  They were ok at the begining, but now they are very dangerous for all the professionals producing stockfootage.
I think could be great to do a massive delete of libraries on their site.
I have 3500 clips and 1 sale average by month, or less. I don't care to lose it.. While in SS I have around 30 - 35 downloads by month... If we participate on their program we will lose our sales on the others sites, for sure. Storyblocks will have all our content, and paying pennies for it. And costumers will move to Storyblocks and will stop buying in the pro sites..
If anybody have doubts about this program, and is happy doing this work, please opt NO for continue having the chance of producing stockfootage and be professionally rewarded for it.
Make your work worthwhile, do not give it away!

« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2019, 00:50 »
Yes, they are trying to take as much is possible of market share, but they will be punished by contributors very soon... anyone who tries, except those with `any penny is OK` standards, will quit because returns are ridiculous...

« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2019, 02:03 »
People signed up for the always 100% member library. That is why they got so much content.

When they dropped that promise, it was already really bad, but many forgave that because the 100% was probably over optimistic.

But to expect people to now dial in all their high quality content for a completly different business model is just hubris.

If they really want to convince people, they would offer to selectively dial in individual files. And give artists the option to also dial them out whenever they want.

That would be a fair offer, that I am sure many would try with a few older clips to see if their system is worth it.

Asking people to commit entire portfolios with thousands of files on an unknown system is just not right.

« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2019, 06:05 »
Right now, they are luring contributors with unreal promises... soon, every participating contributor will know what is all about...

« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2019, 05:20 »
Hello everyone, I found a problem with my payment on storyblocks. MY Tax Withheld is error, It suddenly became 30%!!It was 10% before..... And until now, I have not received payment for the previous month, but the sotryblocks website shows that it has been paid....... Does anyone received the payment yet??

We do not sell on storyblocks anymore , consider u'r self lucky :) write to support , it can be a tax form issue...good luck with u'r sales :)

« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2019, 17:02 »
dear all
the things are worst than this!
some people are reselling the unlimited libraries of pictures and footage on platforms like Fiverr

try to search for "stock footage" or "stock images"  and you will find some offers about contents re-sales from these unlimited libraries!
These offers sometimes disappear, so maybe someone reports them periodically and they will start a new account with the same offers.

this is the chat I made with one of them to check what he was offering...
I invite you to do the same, make screenshots and report all to stock agencies, this is not the only case you can find.

Jul 11, 5:47 PM
I contact you about your offer "10 Stock video footage Full HD"
Can I select them from Shutterstock site ?
I can give you the list of content codes that I need please

Jul 11, 5:49 PM

i am offering stock footages from videoblocks
Jul 11, 5:49 PM

check out there
Jul 11, 5:52 PM

you may need to choose footages from member library
Jul 11, 5:52 PM
ok very good !
Jul 11, 5:52 PM
let me check :)
Jul 11, 5:53 PM

ok sir


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