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Author Topic: deleting images from BigStock  (Read 6410 times)

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« on: October 10, 2008, 08:45 »
as I am planning on going exclusive on IS soon, I am in the progress of deleting my portfolios from all the other sites.
I have asked for a payout at BigStock, and all my images there are well over 90 days so it is ok for me to delete them, but...
I just can't seem to find the option to delete am image there. anyone found it?

« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 08:53 »
from the faq page

How can I delete an image?
Make a request at the Contact Us page please. Remember that by uploading, you do agree to allow BigStockPhoto to use and sell your photo, and pay you for it, forever basically. That being said we are reasonable people and if we get a request to remove a photo, most likely, we'll take it off the site for you. But we can't prevent anyone who has already downloaded/purchased it from using it.

Also be aware of the 90 day window - you cannot under any circumstances remove a photo from our site within 90 days of pushing it into the Approval Queue. This is to prevent photographers from requesting removal of their photos after our approvers have spent significant time, energy, and resources approving, editing, adding keywords, categories, ranking and reviewing the photos, not to mention bandwidth, marketing and overhead costs.

« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 08:55 »

I looked for it and couldn't find it.
I guess it could happen when english is not your main language...


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