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Author Topic: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?  (Read 102729 times)

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« Reply #1350 on: January 24, 2025, 06:17 »
To me it often sounds like you believe your account is being "held back intentionally" by Adobe.

But i am probably misunderstanding.
No, you are not misunderstanding.
This guy either praises Adobe all the way or accusing them to put a limit to his downloads. He is quite tiring if you ask me. One day Adobe is the best agency ever and he has all these plans how to grow his sales and the next day when things don't succeed it's because Adobe has this evil plan putting a ceiling on his sales. I would diagnose him as manic depressive but I am not a psychiatrist.
The term cry-baby comes into mind as well.

you're just a hopeless inflated balloon, shame on you!  :D

and don't put words in people's mouths that they haven't said.

you're just a poor scoundrel who judges a priori without understanding anything,without respect.

anyway ok,you've already won the superhero of the year 2025 award,now you can relax,there are no other prizes to win!  :D
« Last Edit: January 24, 2025, 06:23 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #1351 on: January 24, 2025, 08:56 »
The first 3 weeks of January were really slow, but now Adobe is slowly coming back to life for me: right now pos 3470 with 116 downloads (all photos, no AI).

« Reply #1352 on: January 24, 2025, 09:10 »
Yes, things are picking up, I hope next week will be a really good.

Still at pos 2550, now 164 downloads

Today so far 18 dl, 8 ai, 10 camera

« Reply #1353 on: January 24, 2025, 09:38 »
Yes, things are picking up, I hope next week will be a really good.

Still at pos 2550, now 164 downloads

Today so far 18 dl, 8 ai, 10 camera
Good to see things are picking up somewhere... unfortunately not for me :-)

I'm currently at 9DL today and 90 this week (last year same week - 136 on Friday).
So far January 25 is at 65% of January 24's level for me - no idea what AS turned here, it was bad for me anyway...

« Reply #1354 on: January 24, 2025, 11:31 »
I think he is totally stressed out trying to do stock as a full time income.

But this is not the right business for everyone. For many it is best to keep stock as a part time side hustle while the main business is something else.

Then grow stock slowly over 10 years.
One small tip about making it in this dying business. AI is not the way as a Western person. AI can be made by anyone wherever they're from. It's just prompting and curating. The people that can do that are in the millions and they have the resources and the time. Worse is that any income that is generated by it will exceed much more then we in the western world will value it. Your dollar is way less then a dollar for someone like say in India.
What they can't do however (generally speaking) is travel and make actual photos of those places they make with AI. Even though that actual photography is overly satuarated as well, it's still less competitive then the AI market.
The AI market is just a no go if you want to get ahead. You can't seriously think you will do a better job then the other millions of people that have time and resources on their hands. And when some in these countries have a little success with AI, it will ignite a whole bunch of newbies trying as well. Lost cause, stick with real photography.

not necessarily,this is a common mistake,thinking that everyone makes AI and therefore it is better to dedicate ourselves to real content.

depends on what.

I have AI content that has sold more in a month than old best-seller content in years,and AI content that I have never sold and will probably never sell.

those with production skills developed over time can seize the opportunity to create AI content that the mass of AI producers cannot do.

It depends on what kind of AI content you produce and what kind of real content you produce.

Producing quality,original,sellable AI content is more difficult than it might seem.

my best-selling AI content is content that required a week of work and a lot of patience.

« Reply #1355 on: January 24, 2025, 15:18 »
And as stock is only a part-time job for me, I can consider myself lucky - the last 6 years of stock have enabled me to do some travelling - I was able to go on a safari, see Iceland and was in the Seychelles from the income, surprisingly the pictures from there hardly sell at all.

You also need to improve your metadata. Poorly written titles and keywords won't make your content visible to the right buyers.

For instance, take a look at this picture:


Your title, "Close up of different fruits hanging on trees taken on the Seychelles islands," is not specific enough. The fruit is called "breadfruit." Including that information in your title, along with other relevant details about the fruit, would be much more effective.

i've been using visualmind.ai both to get more expansive captions/tags and an enormous savings in time - i spend a few minutes to process hundreds of images, then another few minutes fact-checking.

just for fun - i saved a copy naming the file xxx.jpg & ran thru VM & got:

Large, round breadfruit hanging from a branch, surrounded by lush green leaves, highlights the stunning beauty of tropical flora and the richness of natural vegetation

breadfruit, fruit, tree, green, leaves, nature, tropical, plant, growing, branch, food, exotic, botany, agriculture, flora, leaf, garden, organic, natural, ripe, unripe, close up, detail, texture, freshness, healthy, vegetation, rainforest, jungle, polynesia, caribbean

obviously ' polynesia, caribbean' need to be deleted & Seychelles could have been appended before the run

VM can often identify place, and even specific building

« Reply #1356 on: January 24, 2025, 17:44 »
just for fun - i saved a copy naming the file xxx.jpg & ran thru VM & got:

Large, round breadfruit hanging from a branch, surrounded by lush green leaves, highlights the stunning beauty of tropical flora and the richness of natural vegetation

breadfruit, fruit, tree, green, leaves, nature, tropical, plant, growing, branch, food, exotic, botany, agriculture, flora, leaf, garden, organic, natural, ripe, unripe, close up, detail, texture, freshness, healthy, vegetation, rainforest, jungle, polynesia, caribbean

obviously ' polynesia, caribbean' need to be deleted & Seychelles could have been appended before the run

VM can often identify place, and even specific building
Many thanks for the valuable tip - I have already flirted with VM.ai 1 or 2 times and will now give it a try.
I think the result is convincing :-)

« Reply #1357 on: January 25, 2025, 00:04 »
little improvement, pos 2430, files 7660

yesterday 33 dl, 15 ai, 18 camera

« Reply #1358 on: January 25, 2025, 01:36 »
Why does it matter if they sell illustrations, camera photo, ai photo, video, vectors...it is all media files. There is no reason for them to offer anything cheaper, because they will make less money.

SS was the one sprinting forward with low prices, not adobe.

And they have just "merged" with getty, so why should they lower prices now? Plus, they don't even take ai from producers, they have no ai collection. Maybe they will never offer an ai collection. Who knows? Perhaps keeping their collection ai free will be their main selling point?

It is possible the adobe collection will be 95% ai. So what?

The only thing that matters is how many of these files are competing with mine. There are so many niches with very little content.

Plus there is a gigantic hole in all things editorial, not just with video.

The main thing is to look at customers and what they need.  Keep customers happy and you have sales.

Adobe offers the ability to exclude ai for those who want it, for instance for real locations or real food.

But that is all that is needed.

The customers are the main factor in the algos. There might be millions of files coming but the majority will just sink to the bottom forever.

Anyone who believes stock is over, the best decision is to look for alternatives.

I see loads of opportunities, so I keep uploading.


If you think your travel niches are safe from competition...the pandemic is over...my city is already being overrun by massive amounts of travelers from asia, especially china.

They all have cameras and access to the internet.

The influx of editorial and travel content from anywhere on the globe will increase dramatically if more people from asia travel everyhwere by the millions.

So...nothing is safe...

All valid points.
Well the future is very near. We will see what happens to the AI part of Adobe's collection and if it indeed will still be priced the same relatively in the coming two years or so.

« Reply #1359 on: January 25, 2025, 15:33 »
9:30 pm europe, today 8 dl, 3 ai, 5 camera

weekly pos 2250

I really hope buyers are back next week

camera content has remarkable resilience, I haven't uploaded much camera photo/video stock in the last two years. the sales are from sometimes really old files, some are from 2005-2008 and only reached adobe in 2013/14.

Will be interesting to see how sales improve if I add more camera stuff again.

« Reply #1360 on: January 25, 2025, 17:06 »
Not a bad week. Sales numbers up a bit from 2 weeks ago though earnings a down a little. Both sales volume and earnings up from last week which was a slower week. The trend line is showing a good start on Adobe Stock in 2025...   

« Reply #1361 on: January 26, 2025, 08:32 »
my position on January 26th is....I don't know!I'll check again on January 31st!  :D

« Reply #1362 on: January 26, 2025, 21:19 »
again tiny improvement pos 2180
 now 7700 files

« Reply #1363 on: January 28, 2025, 04:12 »
Just me again with another little improvement

now pos 2060

yesterday I had 38 dl on adobe with 17 ai, 21 camera.

my camera content is older and very resilient.

« Reply #1364 on: January 29, 2025, 06:45 »
Judging by how it's going for you,I'd say things are picking up a little.

I still don't know how the month ended,on January 21st the last time I checked it was terrible.

I think that in any case I will end the month with a similar result to last year in January,perhaps if all goes well a 10-30% increase in the number of sales,I don't know but this is what I expect.

for sure,if the result is negative compared to last January,I will be out of action for another week.

I'll know in 2 days!  :)

« Reply #1365 on: January 29, 2025, 07:39 »
I wish you good luck!

I am down again a bit by rank, but got a nice 21 dollar extended license today.

Overall january will probably be 30% more than last year.

pos 2130

« Reply #1366 on: January 29, 2025, 07:50 »
thanks,good luck to you too!  :)

« Reply #1367 on: January 29, 2025, 10:08 »
my position on January 26th is....I don't know!I'll check again on January 31st!  :D
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.

« Reply #1368 on: January 29, 2025, 10:56 »
looks like people enjoy reading and commenting and following us injustice.

at least we have sales...and want to improve our income.

others are just here to enjoy playing in politics threads.

« Reply #1369 on: January 29, 2025, 11:10 »
my position on January 26th is....I don't know!I'll check again on January 31st!  :D
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.

I do as I want,and I act accordingly if I deem it appropriate in complete freedom,I can do whatever I want as long as I act in my free space,without insulting anyone.

then it remains to be seen which of us says more nonsense!

and that's enough,kindly don't bother me anymore with this nonsense or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!

« Reply #1370 on: January 29, 2025, 14:58 »
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.
or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!
Really? You would report someone who makes only a cynical remark on this 'look how my position is' topic?
You probably ran crying to the teacher when you were young and tell on children who were not overly nice to you.

« Reply #1371 on: January 30, 2025, 06:35 »
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.
or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!
Really? You would report someone who makes only a cynical remark on this 'look how my position is' topic?
You probably ran crying to the teacher when you were young and tell on children who were not overly nice to you.

I never reported anyone,even though I probably should have,because some people like you are really ignorant.

You are the last person who should talk,after what you told me,after I had done absolutely nothing,and despite what you told me,I didn't report you.

Unfortunately in this forum there are ignorant and presumptuous people like you,fortunately not all,there are also many intelligent and educated people,who write interesting things.

and this is the reason why I have stayed until now,because here there are also people with whom I can joke and have a civil conversation,about microstock or otherwise.

and now we're done?

what else do you want?a lollipop?  :D

« Reply #1372 on: January 30, 2025, 06:44 »
pos 2030, yesterday 46 dl, 29 camera, 17 ai. And thanks to a higher license i got 53 dollars for the day. best day of 2025 so far. Thank you adobe.

january 25 will be 40% higher than jan 24

so to any of the oldtimers who have convinced themselves stock is dead...it is not. but of course getting back in and the income up is hard work.


i started sharing rations of ai/camera after the question of adobe algo swings. it has had a strange side effect - in some places people are nicer to me. they thought i was a purely "evil ai witch"...but now that i still sell one button camera content and on many days more camera than ai...i am back to being a "real artist" again.

people are weird

« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 06:59 by cobalt »

« Reply #1373 on: January 30, 2025, 12:44 »
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.
or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!
Really? You would report someone who makes only a cynical remark on this 'look how my position is' topic?
You probably ran crying to the teacher when you were young and tell on children who were not overly nice to you.

I never reported anyone,even though I probably should have,because some people like you are really ignorant.

You are the last person who should talk,after what you told me,after I had done absolutely nothing,and despite what you told me,I didn't report you.

Unfortunately in this forum there are ignorant and presumptuous people like you,fortunately not all,there are also many intelligent and educated people,who write interesting things.

and this is the reason why I have stayed until now,because here there are also people with whom I can joke and have a civil conversation,about microstock or otherwise.

and now we're done?

what else do you want?a lollipop?  :D
Then don't threaten with it if you don't follow through.

And because you asked, just one more thing. Can you swear on your parents grave you did not have a peek at your sales on Adobe? You are so obsessed with your sales that I can hardly believe you have not looked all this time :)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 12:53 by SimonSays »

« Reply #1374 on: January 31, 2025, 01:13 »
I'm having a really good week on Adobe and... this is my 3rd best ever month overall on Adobe and... it's January - typically my slowest month of the year!

 I'm also over $1000 for the month overall combined which is my best ever January. Adobe Stock earnings for January 2025 represent almost 59% of overall earnings for the month. This means that combined earnings from Shutterstock, iStock and Pond5 couldn't even make up half of the overall income for January 2025.

See how the remaining hours play out and report back, but overall this has been an encouraging result that I needed for microstocks.         
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 01:30 by Pacesetter »


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