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Author Topic: Looking for people to do stuff for free  (Read 9251 times)

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« on: October 05, 2011, 16:36 »
A nice craiglist ad :)
I am a photographer and since people are always looking for free shoots I assume that they must also do their job, or provide their services, for free.

I am looking to hire all types of people to do all sorts of jobs for me, as long as I do not have to pay anything. Just think, you will gain more experience, and I will put the word out for you and let everyone know what wonderful work you do. This opportunity will bring you a ton of unpaid work, but everyone will love you. So if you have a job or service you provide, and will do it for free, please let me know, because I am sure I have work for you and will hire you in a second.

Feel free to email me with the service you can provide, when you can start, and please include references.

I look forward to you free service.



« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 16:55 »
That is too funny!  ;D


« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 17:12 »
Of course they ask for free shots, what sort of job is that "Photographer"?

« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 17:19 »
Too funny!

« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2011, 17:57 »
Haha brilliant.

« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2011, 18:03 »
Tragically funny.

« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2011, 18:05 »
It's funny because it's sad and true!

« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2011, 18:48 »
Really not that much different from the micro people allowing their stuff to go into Free collections on the sites.

« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2011, 00:25 »
It's funny, but there are times when that concept is a good idea

Submitting to free collections is just stupid. A "free image of the week" at a major site is different because it does draw a lot of attention to a particular photographer, the "everything free" sites just draw attention to the parent site, not to the contributor. And who wants their reputation to rest on rejected files?

« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2011, 06:11 »
 :D :D :D ... funny.... i am looking for people to photograph around the world fore me using their own cameras... course for free... tooooooo funny.


« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 07:11 »
:D :D :D ... funny.... i am looking for people to photograph around the world fore me using their own cameras... course for free... tooooooo funny.

That won't work, re word and include the term 'educational' then pay them a very low wage and I reckon you'll be onto a winner.

« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2011, 07:18 »
^ Genius!


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2011, 07:34 »
It's funny, but there are times when that concept is a good idea

Barter isn't 'someting for nothing': it's an exchange or goods or skills for other goods or skills without money changing hands. Quite a different concept.

« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2011, 10:50 »
There's a lawsuit right now, an intern working on the movie Black Swan.  As I remember the gist of the news story, he was promised "education" about the film industry by being a non-paid inter on the production, but he worked like a dog doing menial jobs that weren't educational at all.  His suit is that he wasn't actually an intern and should be paid at least minimum wage for the work.

« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2011, 08:41 »
Saw this funny post today:
Marie LePage , Oct 06, 2011; 05:38 p.m.

My fiance are running our side business without it being business. We aren't charging anything. Now we're moving into a phase where either we charge $ and the client donates that $ to a charity OR the client and we do a service exchange. This keeps us away from the whole accounting, actually having a business thing.
However, is there a way to make a little money on this? Like is there a website where we could post all the pictures from, say, a birthday party, and then we can give out this site to all the attendees and they can order the prints from there, resulting in us getting some kind of cut? This also fixes the problem of everyone wanting a disc of all the photos from us.
We are very new to this. So feel free to state the obvious and redirect my efforts if I am doing this backwards or something.

What a great "business" where you don't charge anything!  I wish I had a business like that, lol.  And what a revolutionary thought - a website you could post pictures on where people can order prints.  I wonder why no one has ever thought of that one before.

« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2011, 12:30 »
Saw this funny post today:
Marie LePage , Oct 06, 2011; 05:38 p.m.

My fiance are running our side business without it being business. We aren't charging anything. Now we're moving into a phase where either we charge $ and the client donates that $ to a charity OR the client and we do a service exchange. This keeps us away from the whole accounting, actually having a business thing.
However, is there a way to make a little money on this? Like is there a website where we could post all the pictures from, say, a birthday party, and then we can give out this site to all the attendees and they can order the prints from there, resulting in us getting some kind of cut? This also fixes the problem of everyone wanting a disc of all the photos from us.
We are very new to this. So feel free to state the obvious and redirect my efforts if I am doing this backwards or something.

What a great "business" where you don't charge anything!  I wish I had a business like that, lol.  And what a revolutionary thought - a website you could post pictures on where people can order prints.  I wonder why no one has ever thought of that one before.

Gosh, how depressingly stupid!  :-\ I run a business without running a business, because I can't be bothered with all the really businessy business stuff, but can I somehow make it a business anyway? Preferably, without it being a business...

« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2011, 17:03 »
Saw this funny post today:
Marie LePage , Oct 06, 2011; 05:38 p.m.

My fiance are running our side business without it being business. We aren't charging anything. Now we're moving into a phase where either we charge $ and the client donates that $ to a charity OR the client and we do a service exchange. This keeps us away from the whole accounting, actually having a business thing.
However, is there a way to make a little money on this? Like is there a website where we could post all the pictures from, say, a birthday party, and then we can give out this site to all the attendees and they can order the prints from there, resulting in us getting some kind of cut? This also fixes the problem of everyone wanting a disc of all the photos from us.
We are very new to this. So feel free to state the obvious and redirect my efforts if I am doing this backwards or something.

What a great "business" where you don't charge anything!  I wish I had a business like that, lol.  And what a revolutionary thought - a website you could post pictures on where people can order prints.  I wonder why no one has ever thought of that one before.

Yeah but after they gave all the photos away for free and went broke.

« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2011, 01:45 »
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 09:29 by AttilaTheNun »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2011, 07:00 »
Barter is a great system, but then you get into the debate about value: if I bake a birthday cake, is that worth more or less than you cutting my hair or X taking my photo or Y babysitting for an hour. Then you have to get into the minutiae, like is my cake a sponge with butter icing or a rich fruit cake with marzipan and fancy icing, is the haircut a short back and sides or one requiring a lot more work, is the photo for a passport or for someone trying to get into modelling, is it one sleeping baby or two special needs toddlers ...
A few years back I read about barter clubs which were growing in English villages, and they had to work out a value in I guess 'credits' for each service. Thought it was a great idea, provided everyone agrees about the relative values, but I have no idea whether they survived.

« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2011, 10:28 »
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 09:28 by AttilaTheNun »


« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2011, 11:29 »
I will work for Food & Gas only...

« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2011, 12:16 »
Barter works well enough when both parties need each others service. Nothing wrong with it. It's debatable whether you know the value of someone else's work anyway.

« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2011, 01:15 »
Value is whatever the market will bear.
Which is of course why we get peanuts for most images.

Free is BS. Communism is based on a work for free basis.
Everyone gets the same stuff, regardless of what job they do. That pretty much is the same as working for free.
We saw how that works in real life. No incentive to do better = crappy products, lethargic workers and despondent people.

It is an unsustainable (there is that word again) system.

« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2011, 06:22 »
Saw this funny post today:
Marie LePage , Oct 06, 2011; 05:38 p.m.

My fiance are running our side business without it being business. We aren't charging anything. Now we're moving into a phase where either we charge $ and the client donates that $ to a charity OR the client and we do a service exchange. This keeps us away from the whole accounting, actually having a business thing.
However, is there a way to make a little money on this? Like is there a website where we could post all the pictures from, say, a birthday party, and then we can give out this site to all the attendees and they can order the prints from there, resulting in us getting some kind of cut? This also fixes the problem of everyone wanting a disc of all the photos from us.
We are very new to this. So feel free to state the obvious and redirect my efforts if I am doing this backwards or something.

What a great "business" where you don't charge anything!  I wish I had a business like that, lol.  And what a revolutionary thought - a website you could post pictures on where people can order prints.  I wonder why no one has ever thought of that one before.

I'm no accountant, but if I had a "business" like that I'd be worried about the tax people coming and taking a look at what I was doing. If you're self employed then you can't just do a "service exchange" you should account for the service received at a reasonable market value. discusses the case in the US, but AFAIK it's similar elsewhere, certainly here in the UK. Also I'd wonder about the case of not charging the client but telling them to give it to charity. Again I don't really know for sure, but if you're telling someone what to do with money they owe you then it might be considered to be "yours" and so taxable.


« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2011, 06:39 »
A nice craiglist ad :)
I am a photographer and since people are always looking for free shoots I assume that they must also do their job, or provide their services, for free.

I am looking to hire all types of people to do all sorts of jobs for me, as long as I do not have to pay anything. Just think, you will gain more experience, and I will put the word out for you and let everyone know what wonderful work you do. This opportunity will bring you a ton of unpaid work, but everyone will love you. So if you have a job or service you provide, and will do it for free, please let me know, because I am sure I have work for you and will hire you in a second.

Feel free to email me with the service you can provide, when you can start, and please include references.

I look forward to you free service.



Quite a progressive business if he's looking for models. They start off plump and curvaceous, lose weight from lack of food and go from ideal to emaciated and then die. Always a niche 'art' market for photo's of corpses on slabs..................wash, rinse, repeat. ;D


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