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Author Topic: CALLING! all members of Warmpicture!!  (Read 18019 times)

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« on: August 11, 2012, 06:36 »
Yep! Dan can not run this on his, own! its an impossible task. All of us have to chip in to some degree, its only fair that we all participate, either in know-how or some smaller contribution towards Warmpicture, advertising, PR, etc. contributing on a monthly basis, it doesnt have to be much, not if all of us are helping out.
Believe me, its very, very much in our own interest.

« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2012, 07:45 »
How does you being there square with you going exclusive at iStockphoto as you recently announced on another thread ? Is Warmpictures RM ?

« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2012, 07:49 »
Isn't Warmpicture only for certain contributors with high-end ports?


« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2012, 08:31 »
Sorry! but I thought I said in my OP, "members of warmpicture",  if not a member?  then why on earth are you posting in this thread? ::)

« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2012, 08:40 »
Sorry! but I thought I said in my OP, "members of warmpicture",  if not a member?  then why on earth are you posting in this thread? ::)
This is a discussion forum, aren't I allowed to ask questions?  You are so fun to break apart with your double talk on these forums. And I am sure glad you aren't a spokesperson for Warmpicture because flopping on issues like you so readily do, we contributors would feel just like we are submitting to Istock.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 08:45 by Mantis »


« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 11:06 »
I completely agree with you Christian.  It's not enough for us to complain endlessly about the situation in the micro industry.  We need to lend our support to trying to improve things.  For anyone who's on Warmpicture, consider helping out where you can.  I knocked out a blog article in about an hour.  Doesn't seem like too much to do once a month or so. 

For those who aren't on Warmpicture, yes, it is a fairly selective group, but if you have a strong portfolio and/or skills in SEO, advertising, willingness to contribute some time and effort, I am sure you have nothing to lose by applying.


« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2012, 11:32 »
Thats right Lisa!  theres little doubt that many micro agencies are slowly falling apart, best we can do as contributors is at least to support ppl, who are trying to do something and Dan, is trying. As lisa says, we can not just sit by and wait for pennies from heaven. We have to do something, we have to support, in every single way we can.

« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2012, 12:40 »
I completely agree with you Christian.  It's not enough for us to complain endlessly about the situation in the micro industry.  We need to lend our support to trying to improve things.  For anyone who's on Warmpicture, consider helping out where you can.  I knocked out a blog article in about an hour.  Doesn't seem like too much to do once a month or so. 

For those who aren't on Warmpicture, yes, it is a fairly selective group, but if you have a strong portfolio and/or skills in SEO, advertising, willingness to contribute some time and effort, I am sure you have nothing to lose by applying.

I "applied" once, sending a PM to Dan, he never answered back. At the time, I believed that Warmpicture will have some results. But now I seriously doubt it.


« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2012, 13:19 »
Sorry! but I thought I said in my OP, "members of warmpicture",  if not a member?  then why on earth are you posting in this thread? ::)
This is a discussion forum, aren't I allowed to ask questions?  You are so fun to break apart with your double talk on these forums. And I am sure glad you aren't a spokesperson for Warmpicture because flopping on issues like you so readily do, we contributors would feel just like we are submitting to Istock.

Well I am a person with double vision, you see. One eye is pointing West, the other one East. A flipp, flopp or a flapp, means nothing in this business, it just add spice to conversations. Come to think of it! where did I invite non members of WP, to even have an opinion here? nah, cant remember I did.
Kindly refrain yourself from answering or posting in this thread, youre NOT QUALIFIED!.  Now be a good lad, off to bed you go with your little teddy weddy, you can always watch bollibompa on the tellie.


  • Professional stock content producer
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2012, 13:24 »
Did I miss something? What is going on at Warmpicture that they need help?

« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2012, 13:24 »
I guess thats the drawback of having an elite or  limited members site - you are also limited to the pool of talent and generosity making up the members only club.
Either the members ante up what is needed to help the site survive, because the chances of anyone that hasnt been accepted or even been given the opportunity to join, to donate towards their cause is , well, not going to happen.


« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2012, 13:27 »
LEAF!!  please close this thread, Myself and Lisa, are trying to do something but all we get here are noobs and has-beens and jealous bums. We do not need that. We will talk in private instead. Thanks.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 13:29 by Lagereek »

« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2012, 13:33 »
I only posted because I didn't know how Warmpicture worked, so it was easiest for me to just post and ask.  Lisa gave the perfect response.  Mr. Lagergreek chose to respond a different way and I didn't appreciate his tone.  But, like you say, if it's tailored only to those with a certain kind of portfolio then that's the crowd that will have to stomach the pain of helping.  And I can understand the owners position to keep out the mundane, duplicate masses of images that already exist in MS.  Hope it works for that crowd, but unfortunately most people by nature aren't going to chip in in such a manner that will make enough of a difference because the trigger for success is money.  You can have the slickest site around but if you don't have the money to market it, the staff to support it, and a strategy for the audience you're targeting with that kind of limited collection, it's dead on arrival.  


« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2012, 13:42 »
Yikes!  Christian, no point in alienating everyone who's not on Warmpicture!  I don't see how opinions from people active in microstock and on these forums hurts.  If anything, there might be some creative gems or marketing ideas that haven't been thought of by the existing members.  

Not to mention that I think most of the contributor community has an indirect stake in the success of the contributor co-op idea.  Whether or not one is a member of WP at the moment, it would be good to see it succeed simply as a way to put the agencies on notice that they need to improve conditions for contributors.  

I felt and said very much the same way about Yuri's site.  I'm not on it, nor am I ever likely to be asked, but if it succeeds it still sends a powerful message to the industry.  

I know it's your thread, Chris, and you make the rules.  But personally I am interested in everyone's input on how to make this venture a successful one.  


« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2012, 13:42 »
I am not a member and I don't have a strong portfolio yet, but I am willing to help create something new and I can provide php coding and a bit of SEO.
Maybe we can arrange something that could benefit us all in the long run.


« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2012, 13:45 »
Did I miss something? What is going on at Warmpicture that they need help?

Advertising push. 

I am not a member and I don't have a strong portfolio yet, but I am willing to help create something new and I can provide php coding and a bit of SEO.
Maybe we can arrange something that could benefit us all in the long run.

Great post Fujiko!  Take a heart :D

If you haven't contacted Dan directly, you can sitemail him here:


« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2012, 13:51 »
I am not a member and I don't have a strong portfolio yet, but I am willing to help create something new and I can provide php coding and a bit of SEO.
Maybe we can arrange something that could benefit us all in the long run.

Good!  thats the kind of positive reaction that is needed. One day everyone here might be a member of WP, positive attitude looking forward instead of backwards. Actually Lisa is right, all response is welcome, I mean after all we are all in this for better or worse.

Mantis!  sorry if I responded in a funny way, wasnt on purpose. You know me, mean no harm.


« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2012, 13:59 »
Does this mean I can't take credit for this idea?  ;D

Kidding. Best of luck. I think it is good to see contributors making a push to better their situation. I've mentioned before that I'm always open to cross promotion stuff if you are looking for additional links and what not.

« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2012, 14:14 »
I'm not sure why I haven't done more to help WP.  It might be because I'd rather there were more people allowed to upload.  To get buyers, the collection needs to be huge and diverse.  Just having the big portfolios doesn't do that.  I was pleased to get accepted but haven't had any sales yet.  It would be encouraging to get at least one and that might of made me think about what I could do to send more buyers there.  I think my main reason for not doing more is that I'm not sure WP will be around in 5 years time.  Reading the yahoo forum, it's been close to folding and that doesn't make me optimistic.  I know I should do more but I've put in lots of hours on sites that are now closed and I'm wary of doing that again.


« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2012, 14:20 »
I'm not sure why I haven't done more to help WP.  It might be because I'd rather there were more people allowed to upload.  To get buyers, the collection needs to be huge and diverse.  Just having the big portfolios doesn't do that.  I was pleased to get accepted but haven't had any sales yet.  It would be encouraging to get at least one and that might of made me think about what I could do to send more buyers there.  I think my main reason for not doing more is that I'm not sure WP will be around in 5 years time.  Reading the yahoo forum, it's been close to folding and that doesn't make me optimistic.  I know I should do more but I've put in lots of hours on sites that are now closed and I'm wary of doing that again.

BUT!  sales will come, eventually, like in all the other agencies. The point Im trying to make is: we have to get off the ground here, we cant sit by watching one guy to run it all. Im guilty myself actaully, didnt think too far on this one.
We have got nothing to lose here, just gain but it takes time, effort and money and I doubt very much Dan is a millionarie? ( well he might be, dont know) :D


« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2012, 14:22 »
I'm not sure why I haven't done more to help WP.  It might be because I'd rather there were more people allowed to upload.  To get buyers, the collection needs to be huge and diverse.  Just having the big portfolios doesn't do that.  I was pleased to get accepted but haven't had any sales yet.  It would be encouraging to get at least one and that might of made me think about what I could do to send more buyers there.  I think my main reason for not doing more is that I'm not sure WP will be around in 5 years time.  Reading the yahoo forum, it's been close to folding and that doesn't make me optimistic.  I know I should do more but I've put in lots of hours on sites that are now closed and I'm wary of doing that again.

Totally understand your point.  There are no guarantees, that's for sure.  But an occasional blog article isn't exactly putting in hours.  And whether the site ultimately succeeds or not, you at least have the satisfaction that you did what you could.  

It sounds really cliched, but I am not afraid of trying and failing, I am afraid of not trying at all. 


« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2012, 14:32 »
I'm not sure why I haven't done more to help WP.  It might be because I'd rather there were more people allowed to upload.  To get buyers, the collection needs to be huge and diverse.  Just having the big portfolios doesn't do that.  I was pleased to get accepted but haven't had any sales yet.  It would be encouraging to get at least one and that might of made me think about what I could do to send more buyers there.  I think my main reason for not doing more is that I'm not sure WP will be around in 5 years time.  Reading the yahoo forum, it's been close to folding and that doesn't make me optimistic.  I know I should do more but I've put in lots of hours on sites that are now closed and I'm wary of doing that again.

Totally understand your point.  There are no guarantees, that's for sure.  But an occasional blog article isn't exactly putting in hours.  And whether the site ultimately succeeds or not, you at least have the satisfaction that you did what you could.  

It sounds really cliched, but I am not afraid of trying and failing, I am afraid of not trying at all. 

I actually go a bit further!  considering the present climate in micro. Can we afford NOT, to try? we have all been shouting for a co-op, or whatever you call it. Well, what are we waiting for?  the man in the moon?


« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2012, 16:28 »
I believe a site like this needs some exclusive content to have an edge over other agencies, maybe going as far as being the only site to have new content from its members for at least six months, and lots of noise (ads, blogs, posts, forum talks, business cards, phone calls).
If the problem has been that only one person has done everything and the rest acted like it was another agency like the rest, then maybe the site needs some kind of software to control and keep track of work done by members. Some tasks can be tracked and measured easier than others. Server logs should be analyzed to find what works and what doesn't.


« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2012, 23:55 »
I believe a site like this needs some exclusive content to have an edge over other agencies, maybe going as far as being the only site to have new content from its members for at least six months, and lots of noise (ads, blogs, posts, forum talks, business cards, phone calls).
If the problem has been that only one person has done everything and the rest acted like it was another agency like the rest, then maybe the site needs some kind of software to control and keep track of work done by members. Some tasks can be tracked and measured easier than others. Server logs should be analyzed to find what works and what doesn't.

Good points! whatever, ads, blogs, PR, everything to get noticed.

« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2012, 00:48 »
Boy you take a long afternoon nap, and look what you miss.  :D

Specifically what Warmpicture needs right now is a better link profile. We have made some important changes to the website recently, and those have directly resulted in higher sales. However we need to build out our links to achieve the traffic we need to succeed. As it is, we are right on the edge of profitability, which I am very proud of. The best way to do this is to write interesting blog articles on topics which apply to our industry. (photography tips, views on the stock industry, graphic design, etc).

Lisa and Jami are each contributing articles. I write a few per week. It's important to get more people involved, and also to get our "street team" actively participating on graphic designer forums and getting our name out there (without spamming of course). I have long said that I believe fellow artists would identify with our predicament, and think very hard about switching out of the traditional agencies if they knew they could get a good price, while directly supporting other artists.

This probably belongs on a private message board, or at least in the selling stock direct forum.


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