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Author Topic: How annoying when you got rejected and see others accepted  (Read 4941 times)

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« on: September 04, 2009, 05:48 »
It's very annoying when you get refusals like " we have a lot of this and don't need more" type and just look at the recent accepted images and see lots of the same type that you got rejected  >:( >:(

Or you submit a pic that you consider technically perfect, good illumination,without noise etc, and got rejected and you see real crap recently accepted (isolations with no white backgrounds, noisy pics, dark or bad illuminated, etc) in all agencies it's just the good or bad shift reviewer mood  >:( if he/she likes the pic-->approved if not -->rejected. It's inconsistent

« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 12:28 »
I agree that reviewing can sometimes be a bit random.

I used to get more upset, but now I just try and use rejections as motivaton to shoot better images.

I still have a long way to go, but I notice improvement all the time.

It's the game we all play and as with any game, sometimes it feels unfair.

« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2009, 22:55 »
Alot of agencies tell reviewers.. to reject certain things and for instance.. dont accept any images of dogs, cats, blue sky's, flowers, dull pics of trees, etc...
But if the pictures is extra extraordinary then it will more than likely be accepted.
There are times a person might have many pics of flowers.. you reject all of them except maybe there is ONE that was REALLY good and would stand out in a crowd.. so it is accepted

Sometimes it is due to new inspectors or people that inspect that are not careful enough.

« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 02:09 »
Ha ha - my buddies and I discuss this topic AT LENGTH! You have to take the rejections as they come and keep working towards better images. But it does bug me when I have images rejected on one one site, and have it sell in the first day on others.

« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2009, 07:35 »

Seems to me that:

   1) You can never properly evaluate your own work and
   2) In general everyone gets a few accepted that should have been rejected.

Few have any room to complain.

c h e e r s

« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2009, 07:40 »

Seems to me that:

   1) You can never properly evaluate your own work and
   2) In general everyone gets a few accepted that should have been rejected.

Few have any room to complain.

c h e e r s
I agree Fred - "you win some - you lose some" and the game goes on.
We all have been through bad patches of rejections but you learn to live with it.

« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2009, 13:10 »

Seems to me that:
1) You can never properly evaluate your own work and
 2) In general everyone gets a few accepted that should have been rejected.

Few have any room to complain.
c h e e r s

Amen to that, Fred.   I have actually gone back and deleted some stuff that was accepted years ago... and has never sold....  obviously, it should never have been accepted in the first place.

However....  I am a big advocate of  're-subbing'.   
   If your picture is technically pure.... and you've been rejected for 'Not stock",  "got too many" ... reasons such as this... I always re-sub later and more than not,  the pic is accepted and sells.
As some have alluded to...  the  "got too many"  type of rejections changes day to day...
But I know that there are many that would disagree with that mentality.
      Of course, if the pic has been rejected for a tech reason... one should always relook at the image with an open mind.  I have found too often that the reviewer picked up on something that I missed and should have caught myself.  And many times such as with IS... you have opportunity to fix the problem and re-sub anyway...   go for it! 8)=tom

« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2009, 06:22 »
sometimes you see a entire collection of the similar image approved and you got "too similar" rejections


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