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Author Topic: January results  (Read 15313 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2014, 15:11 »
Overal 7% down compared to January 2013, mainly due to SS (-10% on downloads AND SOD's), DST (-11%), Rodeo (-80%).
The good ones were Alamy, Canstock and Bigstock, but of course they could not cover the SS losses.
Fotolia was only -2%, but that's probably because they went down 25% last year January.
And of course there's the dollar ... so in euro I'm 10% down.


« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2014, 15:26 »
I've got approx 2600 photos on SS and this Jan was my best month for sales so far by a very large margin. Most EL's and SOD's in a month for me. Whatever they're doing, please keep it up!


« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2014, 20:00 »
BME for me with very few ELs, so mostly just volume. BME on 123 and 3rd BME on SS.


« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2014, 23:32 »
Baldrick, you and I experienced the same thing.  My downloads are significantly up on most sites, but $ are 20% down from a year ago.  Up 11% from a miserable December, though, so I guess that's a small ray of sunshine.  :)

The last week of January saw a marked increase in sales across nearly all sites, though, so perhaps that bodes well for February numbers. 

Planning to push to get more images online this year.  Last year health issues sidelined me from getting many images shot or uploaded.  I'll be interested to see if increasing uploads will make any difference moneywise.  Hypothetically it should, of course, but in the current climate I don't know.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 23:34 by lisafx »

« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2014, 23:52 »
Thankfully the last week picked up so it wasn't a total disaster!  SS really started off slow, but not too poor in the end.

The big thing that happened this January though was FT.  My RPD in 2013 was between 42 and 67 cents.  This month with usual amount of dl's was 1.67.  It was higher than DT for the first time EVER.    Usually I only get 25 cent credit sales - which I always found suspicious, but this month I actually had real credit sales and wonder where the heck they came from.  Still suspicious, it's FT after all.

« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2014, 03:52 »
Good month on SS for me. For the 2nd month in a row Canstock doing very well at #2 this month! Dreamstime performing poorly for me with RF123 doing well. Poor month for all the Low Earners

« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2014, 06:49 »
Baldrick, you and I experienced the same thing.  My downloads are significantly up on most sites, but $ are 20% down from a year ago.  Up 11% from a miserable December, though, so I guess that's a small ray of sunshine.  :)

That and a mail I got from Goofy have really got me thinking Lisa.

After a decade at this game, if I work pretty much flat-out for a month then I might increase my overall portfolio by two or three percent. If I work flat-out for a year, I might add 2,500 images and maybe boost my earnings by 12% (because half of those images won't be there for half a year, so I reckon adding 25% over an entire year is equal to 12.5% more portfolio on average for the year). Even allowing that they will earn five times that much over the next 10 years. I would be looking at a year's really hard work only being worth 60% of what I earned last year. And that 60% would be less than half the British minimum wage per hour's work; looking at it just over the one year would mean getting one hour's pay for ten hours' effort.

When we started, I could earn (from my non-prime subjects) about $1 per image per month, which was probably better than the minimum wage, when comparing the time put in to the return over a single year.

So looking at it sensibly, is it worth taking the trouble to keep producing? How much have the last year's files actually added to the overall earnings? Aren't we old timers driven on by the weight of earnings from our back catalogue, not from our new material?

We may see newbies earning a few score dollars in their first year and wonder why they keep bothering, but how much cash have the files we uploaded in the last year actually made for us old-timers?

A newbie growing his portfolio might make $10 in the first month (if he's good!), and $40 in the second, and report a 300% boost in earnings. But in the 3rd month he makes $65, still a healthy 60% or so, in the fourth month $100, in the fifth month $120 and so on, with the percentage earnings growth falling very fast as the earnings grow slightly more slowly than the size of the portfolio, until at some point the files dying of old age exceed the new files coming on line and the earnings start to slip. And that's inevitable, even without search changes or massively increased numbers of files.

The one substantial advantage I have still got from 10 years doing this is a large archive of potentially valuable material. Using some of that for direct art sales via a gallery would probably be worth more to me than carrying on trying to prop up my microstock portfolio. In fact, if I were able to turn $2,000 clear profit on art sales this year, it might well be more than I would make working flat-out for 12 moths generating and uploading new stock, and I could probably make $2,000 out of selling a dozen prints - which would involve a few days' effort finding shops to display them and a few hundred dollars spend on getting high-quality prints made.

I think the time may have arrived for me to start thinking of stock as a useful sideline, and to put my main effort into other things. I still expect to make a lot more money from the 8,000-odd images I've got in various places, but I suspect that just as it is a waste of time for newbies to try to break into this market, it has probably now become a waste of time for people like me to devote a lot of effort to it - particularly when that effort could be directed to other more promising channels.

« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2014, 07:31 »
I think the time may have arrived for me to start thinking of stock as a useful sideline, and to put my main effort into other things. I still expect to make a lot more money from the 8,000-odd images I've got in various places, but I suspect that just as it is a waste of time for newbies to try to break into this market, it has probably now become a waste of time for people like me to devote a lot of effort to it - particularly when that effort could be directed to other more promising channels.

This! While I'm nowhere near your or Lisa's output (and quality for that matter), I can use MS income as a more or less stable baseline to my photographic turnover. I "know" that at the end of the year 25-35% of my total income will be from MS, creative restructuring of contributors' rates by some agencies notwithstanding.  :o

I very rarely produce photos directly for MS, but rather put photos there that weren't used by magazines, or photos that are older than a year and therefore no longer considered newsworthy, but still can be used an an illustration in a more general way. I my main field, editorial sports, photos sell well if they are either available seconds after the event took place (not possible in MS), or if they illustrate a more general concept. I also learned the hard way, that any photos of even remotely rare wildlife belongs firmly in the realm of Macrostock. If someone really needs a photo of a yellow-breasted wangler (yes, I made that one up) he's probably willing to pay Macrostock rates.


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« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2014, 07:35 »
Baldricks post here is one of the most logical I have ever read. Exactly what I feel. If producing 2000 shots per year so will thousands of others and the outcome is still a limbo position, no matter what. Its gone so far as to say that not even quantity matters anymore and as far as quality well that went out the window years back. The comes the agencies sporadic search changes which can throw you back to square one.
A year back I had 3000 files on line, today I have around 3900 and earnings have dropped. I have always regarded Microstock as a sidekick to assignments and Rm stock but there comes a time when even a sidekick can just be too expensive too time consuming to maintain.
I have approx. 1600 Rm files and they bring in some 20 times more then all micros put together. I know you can not compare the two models but its a fact.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 07:39 by grey1 »

« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2014, 07:51 »


41k $

I would have left micro long time ago ;D


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« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2014, 08:42 »


41k $

I would have left micro long time ago ;D

Oh dear!  well I wish it worked that way in a perfect world. Reality is a bit different. :) there is nothing wrong with micro, can give a good living but as Baldrick say another income would not hurt.

« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2014, 08:51 »
I'm going to use animals again:

SS - Blue Whale (BME)
BS - Killer Whale (BME)
IS -  Beluga Whale (my best month since Jan 2011)
FT - Porpoise
DT - Ray (as in flat)
DP - Squid
Others - Clam

« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2014, 09:52 »
GL was actually on a very nice curve up, but then dropped back to November levels with a total of $27.  Sales down %30 on Pond from December at $34.  Sales down 90% on 123RF to $15, because my Santa images there were what was selling in December, since I put them in my featured list.  Otherwise, nothing of mine shows up in the search.  DP actually grew %30 to $130 over December - I get several sales a day there.  And, of course, SS brought in several hundred.

Oh, 2nd best BME on Stocksy.

« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2014, 11:25 »
Is it worth it to upload to those agencies then? If Sean makes just 130 USD in a month? I am still unable to reach a payout on 123rf after probably ten months there. I have around 130 USD on Dreamstime for a year now with over 1,000 images. Is this normal?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 11:27 by soundworks »


« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2014, 12:57 »
Listen To Baldrick Guys. I've said even going back to 2006 this cannot be "ALL" you do unless you want to become a factory. Micro accounts for 25% [If That] of what I do as a Image maker. Here in My town, My Gardner makes more than I do a year doing Micro.Theres so much More you can do..unfortunately and a long known fact that creative people in any medium are usually the last to understand this.  I need to make a pretty good Living and since I left school at 15, Never having a job I had to learn at a very young age that I better diversify my time and whatever talent I have into a business from music to Image making. My dad told me "Son, Never be the person that sees a crack in the door and Peeps in, Be the person that Knocks the * door down and walks in"

My long standing advice has always been to not put your eggs in One basket, If you do your at someone elses mercy.

An Excerpt from a letter my Mentor gave me 45 years ago and I give the complete letter to every student.

"Keep the channel Open,No artist is Pleased.There is no satisfaction whatever at anytime. There is only a Queer, Divine dis-satisfaction. A Blessed unrest that keeps us marching and Makes us More alive than the others."

Martha Graham to Agnes B.Demille 1939


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« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2014, 14:45 »
Well a mans intellect can be measured by the size of his egg-basket. :D

« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2014, 18:12 »


41k $

I would have left micro long time ago ;D

Oh dear!  well I wish it worked that way in a perfect world. Reality is a bit different. :) there is nothing wrong with micro, can give a good living but as Baldrick say another income would not hurt.

maybe I have missed something but you have said RM was doing 20 times more so I don't understand what you mean by "reality is a bit different", there are only two options: you have a big maths problem or you are lying

I really hope I am not talking with Christian

« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2014, 18:48 »
It's kinda sad that I post that microstock has become a waste of time and I get 17 plus posts for it. Time was when I would have got vilified for that (oops! it's just gone down to 16+ .... there are still people out ther who have hope! Good luck to you!).

« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2014, 18:54 »

I really hope I am not talking with Christian

Its his karma. He keeps coming back in a new reincarnation. Ive missed him, he is part of the fun... :D


« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2014, 19:50 »
As a hobbyist I am happy with my sales. They go up pretty much every month. I've been around since 2005-2006 on (and off) various sites but didn't really seriously upload until the last few years. SS is my main selling site and I think as long as I'm not investing anything other than a little time, it's completely worth it for me. Until the bottom drops out I'll keep going like I'm going, uploading between 5-20 per week nowadays. I have under 3k photos online across many sites.


« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2014, 01:26 »
It's kinda sad that I post that microstock has become a waste of time and I get 17 plus posts for it. Time was when I would have got vilified for that (oops! it's just gone down to 16+ .... there are still people out ther who have hope! Good luck to you!).

I HEAR THAT!!. I left here for 3 years. because I told the truth as I saw it then, How i did it was wrong. The WOO HOO gang at IS shot me down then also. So much for that now. because I posted a erroneous story called "I did a test" stating at the time exclusives got better treatment and I lost $500 a month doing so. someone here turned me in and my account was closed. I know who it was.

Oh well. Im never sticking up again for "US" and yes.....Good luck to everyone. And I mean Good Luck and highly suggest you find options if ya wanna sell your work. And i would do it sooner than later. Most won't.

I wish I was positive. Im not. But if ya wanna earn a few hundred a month. This is the best way. You want more? then you better get real Busy...real quick. and I mean REAL BUSY  and "REAL QUICK" in a few short months theres gonna be 10 Million more to compete with and thats the truth especially when they complete there "Farming" of new contributors in asia and beyond in the next year.. Im gonna let my 5500 Images sit and see what happens. Then give it to my daughter as an annuity and let her deal with it.

BTW...Your back to 17
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 01:29 by Rinderart »


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« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2014, 02:03 »


41k $

I would have left micro long time ago ;D

Oh dear!  well I wish it worked that way in a perfect world. Reality is a bit different. :) there is nothing wrong with micro, can give a good living but as Baldrick say another income would not hurt.

maybe I have missed something but you have said RM was doing 20 times more so I don't understand what you mean by "reality is a bit different", there are only two options: you have a big maths problem or you are lying

I really hope I am not talking with Christian

I gave you a heart for this one! The numbers quoted are the numbers of files uploaded, not dollars. Speaking in dollars?  well it depends how much they sell for. Nowhere do I mention any sums of money, just amounts of files, uploads.

I do apologize for giving you the impression of multiplying my amount of uploads into dollars. :)

« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2014, 02:17 »
It's kinda sad that I post that microstock has become a waste of time and I get 17 plus posts for it. Time was when I would have got vilified for that (oops! it's just gone down to 16+ .... there are still people out ther who have hope! Good luck to you!).

I HEAR THAT!!. I left here for 3 years. because I told the truth as I saw it then, How i did it was wrong. The WOO HOO gang at IS shot me down then also. So much for that now. because I posted a erroneous story called "I did a test" stating at the time exclusives got better treatment and I lost $500 a month doing so. someone here turned me in and my account was closed. I know who it was.

Oh well. Im never sticking up again for "US" and yes.....Good luck to everyone. And I mean Good Luck and highly suggest you find options if ya wanna sell your work. And i would do it sooner than later. Most won't.

I wish I was positive. Im not. But if ya wanna earn a few hundred a month. This is the best way. You want more? then you better get real Busy...real quick. and I mean REAL BUSY  and "REAL QUICK" in a few short months theres gonna be 10 Million more to compete with and thats the truth especially when they complete there "Farming" of new contributors in asia and beyond in the next year.. Im gonna let my 5500 Images sit and see what happens. Then give it to my daughter as an annuity and let her deal with it.

BTW...Your back to 17

;) It is still possible to be vilified by microstock cheerleaders for mentioning the truth. There are still around, they currently reside at the new great microstock hope. In addition some of them also own stock and that investment increases protective ideals as well as denial.

« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2014, 06:14 »
January was a disaster across the board....

« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2014, 08:12 »
It's kinda sad that I post that microstock has become a waste of time and I get 17 plus posts for it. Time was when I would have got vilified for that (oops! it's just gone down to 16+ .... there are still people out ther who have hope! Good luck to you!).

I HEAR THAT!!. I left here for 3 years. because I told the truth as I saw it then, How i did it was wrong. The WOO HOO gang at IS shot me down then also. So much for that now. because I posted a erroneous story called "I did a test" stating at the time exclusives got better treatment and I lost $500 a month doing so. someone here turned me in and my account was closed. I know who it was.

Oh well. Im never sticking up again for "US" and yes.....Good luck to everyone. And I mean Good Luck and highly suggest you find options if ya wanna sell your work. And i would do it sooner than later. Most won't.

I wish I was positive. Im not. But if ya wanna earn a few hundred a month. This is the best way. You want more? then you better get real Busy...real quick. and I mean REAL BUSY  and "REAL QUICK" in a few short months theres gonna be 10 Million more to compete with and thats the truth especially when they complete there "Farming" of new contributors in asia and beyond in the next year.. Im gonna let my 5500 Images sit and see what happens. Then give it to my daughter as an annuity and let her deal with it.

BTW...Your back to 17

what have changed in 2 days? (you have said at SS there is still hope, maybe you need to beg a little more and you will be happy)

making a garderning workshop tomorrow ;D


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