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Author Topic: New Model Release for the same model?  (Read 5130 times)

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« on: April 03, 2009, 11:04 »
I just got a reject at istockphoto for a shot of two models because the dates on the model releases didnt match up? I had a few different shots from this series accepted already and had no problem with them anywhere else so I emailed IS support and figured the reviewer just made mistake.

I just heard back from IS and apparently they want a new model release for a model each time you photograph the model. I looked around on IS and could find nothing saying I needed to do this.

Can you imagine if sites that store your model releases (almost all of them do) required this. I have a few models I use all the time, if I had to upload a new release to Dreamstime every time I did a new photoshoot it would be ridicules. 

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anybody out there get new model releases for the same model?


« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2009, 11:09 »
You don't need to get a new release each time.  I would just resubmit in this case.

« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 11:25 »
There are cases where they should be a new release and cases when the same one is fine. I usually create a year long release for my immediate family. Although it is technically incorrect. I don't recall having problems for such a release. But if it is a paid model you should really get a new release each time. It's part of the job.

« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2009, 11:28 »
There are cases where they should be a new release and cases when the same one is fine. I usually create a year long release for my immediate family. Although it is technically incorrect. I don't recall having problems for such a release. But if it is a paid model you should really get a new release each time. It's part of the job.

None of my models are paid.

I can see why you should upload new releases, I just have never had a problem with using the same model release so I was curious.

« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 16:23 »
Suppose you took photos of a model (or just a friend) and did not ask a release, then later you decide to take a new series of images and this time you ask him/her to sign a release.  This release would not not be valid for the first session, would it?

« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 16:30 »
Suppose you took photos of a model (or just a friend) and did not ask a release, then later you decide to take a new series of images and this time you ask him/her to sign a release.  This release would not not be valid for the first session, would it?

I guess it would depend on the model release and if it was specific to the date of the photo shoot. The ones I use arent specific. Like I said before im only shooting friends and family so its not a big deal. I understand stock sites have no idea that the models I use are just friends, but I have been using the same releases for a couple years and never had a problem until recently and I submit at 20+ sites.


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