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Author Topic: Nov 2013 Microstock Income - How was your month?  (Read 16541 times)

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« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2013, 11:45 »
Ahhhh... I'm impressed.  That's very good for you, I'm glad to hear that they are taking care of you after the BS you went through last year.

« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2013, 11:56 »
I know I must be an anomaly, but frequently my income from istock is higher than it is from Shutterstock, even though I have more photos on Shutterstock (2000+) than on istock (1600+). For the year, the sales for the two are virtually equal . . . . Also, my sales on Fotolia are pitiful, despite the fact I have more than 2000 photos there, too. I just don't understand it: my sales used to be quite good at Fotolia, and now almost every month I make more money on Dreamstime, 123rf, and even Canstock.

« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2013, 12:02 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month

You wouldn't be yelled at Mike, just no-one would believe you


Your "Scorching" responses are so hot your BURNING UP MY COMPUTER!
Stop it!


admin edit: attachment removed
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 14:57 by leaf »


  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #53 on: December 03, 2013, 13:10 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month
It was already posted on the SS forum you make 10k per month.

Come on Ron.  If you really read Jeff's post, you'd know the $10K figure was not microstock income, but income from his photo booth and related activities.  He apparently did hit the 100,000 download number, which is not unique, but is sufficiently rare that it warrants a congratulation.


« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2013, 13:11 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100


It's a tough life out in the cold. Sean, does the thought ever cross your mind that protecting your income by avoiding sites with subs has the effect of utterly undermining how much you might make? You could probably pull in 20% of what you used to make at iS from SS alone, and I have a feeling that would put your $100 from 123 in the shade.

I'm not keeping accurate records site-by-site (it seems like a lot of work for no return) but I do know that last month was about 25% below my BME, whenever that might have been. Probably a couple of years back now.
As I've been pretty inactive for a lot of this year, for one reason or another, I suppose it's not too bad. I'm trying to push a lot more content through now in the hope that it might pay me one day.

I'm not trying to protect my income, in the sense that I think not selling my content on subscription sites will make people want to go shop for it elsewhere (they won't).  At this point, I'd just rather my content was licensed by people that assign it some more value than another item on the $5 buffet.

$5 may be stretching it.   ;)


  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2013, 13:28 »
Down about 20% overall from last year.

SS = 54%
DT = 25.5%
123 = 8.2%
IS = 6.3%
BS = 2.5%
CanStockPhoto = 2.2%
V  = 0.8%
DP = 0.5%
GL = 0.0%
AL = 0.0%

« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2013, 15:12 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month
It was already posted on the SS forum you make 10k per month.

Come on Ron.  If you really read Jeff's post, you'd know the $10K figure was not microstock income, but income from his photo booth and related activities.  He apparently did hit the 100,000 download number, which is not unique, but is sufficiently rare that it warrants a congratulation.

The 100,000 (now +) download milestone is 100% correct.
That is just 1 thing I am quite proud of.
I know others have reached that # before me, and I am very glad for them and anyone who can make $$$ at this business.
I wish everyone who puts in the Time, Energy and Dedication it takes to hit these #'s all the very best.
It's not easy but it is possible
There are a few rabble rousers who never have anything nice to say, due to jealousy and lack of original ideas etc. they often like to hide behind screen names and not put their galleries or real stats up  due to the ever popular No and Low sales

but then again

I am the best



« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2013, 18:10 »
You forgot to pimp an image

« Reply #58 on: December 03, 2013, 18:27 »
You forgot to pimp an image

See I knew you like my "Pimping" images
You miss it, come on admit it.
You love to see what Ill "Pimp" next

besides All my "pimped" images fit which ever topic I am talking about at the moment, pretty nifty huh?


« Reply #59 on: December 04, 2013, 00:53 »
You forgot to pimp an image

See I knew you like my "Pimping" images
You miss it, come on admit it.
You love to see what Ill "Pimp" next

besides All my "pimped" images fit which ever topic I am talking about at the moment, pretty nifty huh?

He won't bother now because he knows Tyler will remove them, as he did above in this thread

« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2013, 14:53 »
Overall - BME by a big margin (38%).  up 120% from Nov '12
SS - BME by a big margin - quadrupled Nov '12, and up 60% from Oct '13
iS - BMY - best month since Oct '12.  Main iS sales still low, but partner sales BME (I count partner sales from Oct in Nov, since that's when they are reported)  partner sales more than tripled main sales.
DT - steadily unexciting
123RF - unsteadily unexciting
Alamy - nothing yet (1 1/2 months in)

« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2013, 23:45 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100


It's a tough life out in the cold. Sean, does the thought ever cross your mind that protecting your income by avoiding sites with subs has the effect of utterly undermining how much you might make? You could probably pull in 20% of what you used to make at iS from SS alone, and I have a feeling that would put your $100 from 123 in the shade.

I'm not keeping accurate records site-by-site (it seems like a lot of work for no return) but I do know that last month was about 25% below my BME, whenever that might have been. Probably a couple of years back now.
As I've been pretty inactive for a lot of this year, for one reason or another, I suppose it's not too bad. I'm trying to push a lot more content through now in the hope that it might pay me one day.

I'm not trying to protect my income, in the sense that I think not selling my content on subscription sites will make people want to go shop for it elsewhere (they won't).  At this point, I'd just rather my content was licensed by people that assign it some more value than another item on the $5 buffet.

You can opt out of video sub sales on SS btw.

« Reply #62 on: December 11, 2013, 14:00 »
1. BME for 2nd month running on SS, helped by 7 EDs in november
2. DT down 30% (on average down 20% on 2012)
3. FT steady (on average up 20% on 2012)
4. DP down 50%

Altogether oct was my BME and nov my 2nd BME out of 60 months of stats.

BS + Veer + 123RF next payout estimated around 2050


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2013, 14:10 »
BME on Shutterstock, not sure about iStock yet. Amazingly I got a payment from Veer, which was a big surprise, because I stopped uploading there more than a year ago. I sometimes forget I have a few files there.


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