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« Reply #100 on: June 06, 2011, 18:03 »
FWIW, Luis, who is the one objecting to Lagereek's tone, is Russian, not American...


« Reply #101 on: June 06, 2011, 19:55 »

Here's my opinion on that type of humor - I call it the "funny to mean ratio"(copyright Lisafx ;) ).  A comedian can say ANYTHING, no matter how offensive, as long as it is at least as funny as it is mean.  The meaner it is, the funnier it has to be to compensate.  If the funny to mean ratio is off, the joke doesn't work.    When some of these jerks just get up and insult everyone, but the jokes aren't that funny, they come off looking like ass(arse)holes.  

That is so true. Some people are as mean as they can get and use "being funny" as an excuse to justify their meanness. And honesty is another frequently used excuse. It's like if you are being "honest" you have the right to say anything, no matter how cruel. That is one of the reasons I hate those reality shows so much, particularly the ones on VH1.

« Reply #102 on: June 06, 2011, 20:58 »
well that's exactly what the british medias are doing since the last century : bashing foreign countries in any way so the message that comes out is that britain is not so bad in the end, typical psy-op ... now they target muslims and middle east in particular, tomorrow it will china and who knows.

« Reply #103 on: June 06, 2011, 21:02 »
"being funny" ? in most of the cases they're just plain racist and haters.
it's an open secret that in the end western people all hate each other for good or for silly reasons.

yanks seem to top the list of most hated country, thought, especially in europe.

most friendly, i would say the aussies and the canadians.

but hey i understand it's not easy to get along with us europeans, we love our small "mickey mouse" countries, they're full of personalities, thousands of years of history, if the yanks don't understand it's their problem, not ours.

« Reply #104 on: June 07, 2011, 01:18 »

yanks seem to top the list of most hated country, thought, especially in europe.

Meh. You're just jealous. ;)

« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2011, 02:45 »
I really like some of the US humour.  Richard Pryor was a legend, I've always liked Oliver Hardy.  Woody Allen has made some of the funniest films I have ever seen.  I loved Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld.  Cheers and Fraser were good, as was 3rd Rock From The Sun and The Big Bang Theory.  Friends became tedious and that's about where I draw the line.  Not bad for such a small country :)

Clarkson is great, the episode where they went to the US and painted offensive slogans on their cars was hilarious.

I think that for every person in Europe that doesn't like the US, there's someone that loves it.  I don't think that most people from Europe hate the US.  Give them a free holiday in Florida and I bet they wont turn it down.  If there was a vote in the UK to make us choose between the US and Europe, I think the US would win.  Unfortunately the press here are very ant-European.  As a lot of the press is run by Rupert Murdoch, that's not surprising.

We're all related anyway.  The UK was invaded by lots of European countries, then lots of them got on boats and went to form the USA.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 03:57 by sharpshot »


« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2011, 02:51 »
And honesty is another frequently used excuse. It's like if you are being "honest" you have the right to say anything, no matter how cruel

Exactly, that's why it's called honesty. If you hear only what you like, it's hypocrisy. I'm all for honesty, at least I know where I'm at. Better than to hear later on what ppl are talking behind your back and really think about you. You don't waste time with ppl you don't get along with for instance. Or you know your pants are appalling. Sure it may not be nice hearing it from your friends, but still better than go out wearing them and be laughing stock in the club ;)


« Reply #107 on: June 07, 2011, 02:59 »

yanks seem to top the list of most hated country, thought, especially in europe.

Meh. You're just jealous. ;)
And even more especially in the whole muslim world. And Vietnam, Korea (at least North) and in most countirs of Latin America. I really wouldn't want to be an american tourist. I mean where can you go and not be hated? Or even in great danger. I wouldn't want to be Canadian as well. You're too easily mistaken for an American ;)


« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2011, 03:11 »
Clarkson is great, the episode where they went to the US and painted offensive slogans on their cars was hilarious.
See that's where you are wrong. That's another proof of oversensitivity. Why is Hillary for the president offensive, or gay pride/love (not sure which it was)? Next thing I hear will be:"Tea party activists blew a van (with ppl in it) advertising Obama's 2012 campaign, because they found the slogan Obama for the president offensive :D

« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2011, 03:38 »
^^^I didn't say they were offensive to me but the people chasing them with guns obviously took offence.  I think one of them was "NASCAR Sucks", I find that more factual than offensive :)

Of course Top Gear is more of a comedy programme than one about cars and I'm sure they sometimes make things seem much worse in the edit but it was very well done.


« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2011, 03:51 »
They certainly did. Well they were deep in Redneck land, so it's to be expected. Lol, how much they love making fun of them. Like none of them spoke English, just hillbilly. Or this one is priceless, Clarkson on Mustang:"I'd like this car if I were the kind of person who looks at his sister and says MMMMMMM." ROFL!!!!. Factual indeed (Nascar), but so can one say for F1 in the last 5 years, well at least they don't drive in circles for two (or how long?) hours.

That's why I'm watching it. Well mostly, destroying tyres on Bentleys and such by burning them out is fun as well and I'm not sure there is another show that can test so many exclusive supersports cars, especially not head to head. And Challenges rock too! It really is entertainment over the whole car testing thing.


« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2011, 03:53 »
I really like some of the US humour.  Richard Pryor was a legend, I've always liked Oliver Hardy.  Woody Allen has made some of the funniest films I have ever seen.  I loved Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld.  Cheers and Fraser were good, as was 3rd Rock From The Sun and The Big Bang Theory.  Friends became tedious and that's about where I draw the line.  Not bad for such a small country :)

Clarkson is great, the episode where they went to the US and painted offensive slogans on their cars was hilarious.

I think that for every person in Europe that doesn't like the US, there's someone that loves it.  I don't think that most people from Europe hate the US.  Give them a free holiday in Florida and I bet they wont turn it down.  If there was a vote in the UK to make us choose between the US and Europe, I think the US would win.  Unfortunately the press here are very ant-European.  As a lot of the press is run by Rupert Murdoch, that's not surprising.

We're all related anyway.  The UK was invaded by lots of European courtiers, then lots of them got on boats and went to form the USA.

Oh yes, but these guys are legends!  no matter what, if I really want a good laugh, John-Cleese in fawlty-Towers, is unbelieavable, take that episode with the German visitors and he starts his goose-step business, old stuff but classics.

Same with Chaplin and Stan & Laurell, they are just legends.


« Reply #112 on: June 07, 2011, 04:04 »
Clarkson on Americans
Clarkson on Americans
. Asking them if they can name a few European contries
Clarkson & Americans On Europe
. On 70s American cars
Funny! 1970s American cars - damning review: Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld - BBC autos
. And generally why amerian cars are horrible
Clarkson: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Why American cars are horrible.
. Man I'm glad we started this thread, I found some interesting stuff I haven't seen before or already forgot about it:D

« Reply #113 on: June 07, 2011, 04:04 »

Meh. You're just jealous. ;)

hahaha come to old europe and open your mind, see where you come from and touch the real deal instead of living in a cheap imitation.
you're a rebel colony, a spoiled kid.

« Reply #114 on: June 07, 2011, 04:06 »

yanks seem to top the list of most hated country, thought, especially in europe.

Meh. You're just jealous. ;)
And even more especially in the whole muslim world. And Vietnam, Korea (at least North) and in most countirs of Latin America. I really wouldn't want to be an american tourist. I mean where can you go and not be hated? Or even in great danger. I wouldn't want to be Canadian as well. You're too easily mistaken for an American ;)

i travel a lot and most of the yanks i meet when dealing with the locals claim to be canadians...
the only good yanks i know are american expats living and working in europe.

« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2011, 04:12 »
Paris, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Praha, Budapest, Belgrade, Athens, Moscow, Madrid, Barcelona, Venice, Rome, Florence ... and this just to make a few names ... what . you have in the U$A ... Boston, Houston, Miami, LA, NY, Seattle, Chicago ... hmmm packing them up together they aren't worth of Peru or Uruguay alone...

« Reply #116 on: June 07, 2011, 06:26 »
Look at his face in this one.

« Reply #117 on: June 07, 2011, 06:56 »
I dont miss a top gear episode, they know how to enjoy themselves :P

« Reply #118 on: June 07, 2011, 08:28 »
I almost missed this thread, I think the title put me off  ;)

While we're on the subject of humour. America has had some great comedians. I remember watching Bill Hicks and Denis Leary on vhs probably, at Uni. and they absolutely cracked me up. Hence it always bemuses me why so many Americans (not all of them of course) don't get things which are obviously humorous. Why do so many of them take what u say literally. I always have to put "I'm joking", after a sentence, as I know there is a good chance of them not getting it. Maybe leaf should put flags of our countries besides our usernames, so it's easier for people to figure out if the comment is likely to be serious or not. :)

I have relatives in the states and until the age of 14, I went there quite often. I remember watching a film there with my sis. and even though I was probably no more than 10, the subtle jokes in the film which were really quite funny, me and my sister were laughing, but kept on feeling awkward as nobody else was. When the gory, shocking moments of the film came, a lot of the audience were laughing. This is such a distinct memory as it was so surreal.

I've tried to embed a video here, but can't figure out how to do it, but you can see it on my blog. The British guy is completely making fun of the American, as he is taking (intentionally) everything the American says literally and the American guy just doesn't know how to react, or really realise that the Brit is doing nothing but having a laugh. It's hilarious! I think it is important to master understanding humour and learn not to take yourself too seriously. Americans may be great at so many things but they are usually second best to the British when it comes to humour.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 10:16 by Microstock Posts »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2011, 08:49 »
I dont miss a top gear episode, they know how to enjoy themselves :P

It's incredibly well done to look totally unrehearsed and just like a Boys' Own romp.
This is pretty much it:
Top Gear season 13 trailer

And this:
Top Gear Series 14 Trailer 1

« Reply #120 on: June 07, 2011, 08:59 »
yeah, yanks often take themselves way too seriously but i can understand them after all, america as a whole is a giant social experiment, nobody clearly knows where it's heading with its social and scholar and economic system, the "american man" as we know it might pretty well be replaced by a more sober person when the s-hit will hit the fan over there.

good apples and bad apples, no problem wit hit, what i really can't stand is their absurd in-your-face nationalism, jesus i haven't seen such things even when traveling in communist and socialist countries, my impression is their nationalism is fostered a lot by the government itself as it's the only real value after money that keep them all united under the same flag.

« Reply #121 on: June 07, 2011, 09:39 »
And honesty is another frequently used excuse. It's like if you are being "honest" you have the right to say anything, no matter how cruel

Exactly, that's why it's called honesty. If you hear only what you like, it's hypocrisy. I'm all for honesty, at least I know where I'm at. Better than to hear later on what ppl are talking behind your back and really think about you. You don't waste time with ppl you don't get along with for instance. Or you know your pants are appalling. Sure it may not be nice hearing it from your friends, but still better than go out wearing them and be laughing stock in the club ;)

Being honest can still be done with diplomacy. It doesn't mean you have to pick the cruelest and nastiest form of delivery that you can think of.

EDIT: And usually, with the cruel and nasty types, it's not even about being honest, it's about making other people feel bad so they can feel better about themselves.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 09:47 by caspixel »

« Reply #122 on: June 07, 2011, 09:45 »
And honesty is another frequently used excuse. It's like if you are being "honest" you have the right to say anything, no matter how cruel

Exactly, that's why it's called honesty. If you hear only what you like, it's hypocrisy. I'm all for honesty, at least I know where I'm at. Better than to hear later on what ppl are talking behind your back and really think about you. You don't waste time with ppl you don't get along with for instance. Or you know your pants are appalling. Sure it may not be nice hearing it from your friends, but still better than go out wearing them and be laughing stock in the club ;)

Being honest can still be done with diplomacy. It doesn't mean you have to pick the cruelest and nastiest form of delivery that you can think of.

Am I allowed a +1 on an istock thread?

« Reply #123 on: June 07, 2011, 09:45 »

good apples and bad apples, no problem wit hit, what i really can't stand is their absurd in-your-face nationalism, jesus i haven't seen such things even when traveling in communist and socialist countries, my impression is their nationalism is fostered a lot by the government itself as it's the only real value after money that keep them all united under the same flag.

There are a lot of Americans who embarrassed by that, actually, present company included.


« Reply #124 on: June 07, 2011, 09:48 »
Indeed Sue and they have the best job in the world. I'd also want never to grow up :)


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