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Author Topic: Vetta Sale at iStock  (Read 68077 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #75 on: December 07, 2010, 18:02 »
Lisa - in reply to your other question...adjusting the RC targets downward is good...isn't it? Andrew's just said they won't be adjusted up. meaning, if anything, if people aren't reaching targets en masse, they'll adjust the targets to be more reasonable.

translation, they want to see contributors producing. that's my take anyways.
I don't think they will raise targets for this year, unless they're trying to get rid of loads of contributers; and if they wanted to do that, they'd just do it.
What they do in the future, who can tell.
As Susan says, we can't take their 'word' at face value. Even if they genuinely mean it at the time, tomorrow, next week, next month, who knows?
The RC targets are very demotivational. I've no chance of reaching the 35% target, and my uploads of the past 18 months aren't selling, so it doesn't seem worth the effort, so if they want to see the humble minions producing, they've gone a funny way about it.

« Reply #76 on: December 07, 2010, 18:12 »

From Lobo:
I can assure you I will keep up the pressure on my end for the folks at HQ to provide some kind of wiggle room for the folks who are just coming up short.

Ah. Perhaps that's it. Good find!


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #77 on: December 07, 2010, 18:16 »

no, it wasn't posted at you. you happened to post while I was typing. that's why I edited it to include three ^^^

Apologies. I misunderstood. Not the first thing I seem to have misunderstood today.   Emotions running high over all this stuff.   :-[

What I really could use is a stiff belt of (spiked) eggnog ;)

ditto that!!!!

« Reply #78 on: December 07, 2010, 18:31 »
So here is ShadySue's original post:

Wouldn't you hate to be a spin doctor at iStock.
Basically, iStock is offering a sale of Vetta files until the end of December, but 'sweetening the blow' by doubling RCs on Vetta sales during the Sale.
So I guess that's Good News for the Buyers, and for those Exclusives who are near to their next RC target and who have a lot of good-selling Vettas.
No news for non-exclusives and exclusives with no Vettas, or none which sell within that time.
Bad news for exclusives who sell Vettas during the Sale, but aren't near their next target, as they're getting less $$$ and the extra RCs won't make a scrap of difference.
As I'm nowhere near the Gold Target (but over 9,500 dls), I'm definitely a Boo-hoo not a woo-way on this one.
Added: they can work out the code for this, but not to pay us our missing 10%, for several weeks. Ha!

A whole day has gone by, the issue of moving goalposts has been clarified, but the Vetta sale is still only helping those exclusives who have Vetta images and are close to their target, which apparently is not many people.

Attention was successfully diverted from the main issue, wasn't it? Nothing has changed regarding the Vetta sale...still is favoring a small group of people, while leaving out illustrations and non-exclusives and those exclusives with no Vetta files. Exclusives with Vetta files but not near the goal anyway still get hosed on their commissions. Correct?

Too funny.

« Reply #79 on: December 07, 2010, 21:25 »
Okay, Andrew just came on and clarified.  RC targets for 2010 will not be raised.  If you got to a level, you get to keep it, regardless of how many others get the same level.

From Rogermexico:

Whatever target you make by the end of 2010, you will be guaranteed for the duration of 2011.


They won't be revised up but they may be revised down. We will be really conservative when we set them to make sure that this is the case.

So that's a big relief! 

I'm sorry, but, you actually believe them?


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #80 on: December 07, 2010, 22:25 »
Lisa - in reply to your other question...adjusting the RC targets downward is good...isn't it? Andrew's just said they won't be adjusted up. meaning, if anything, if people aren't reaching targets en masse, they'll adjust the targets to be more reasonable.

translation, they want to see contributors producing. that's my take anyways.
I don't think they will raise targets for this year, unless they're trying to get rid of loads of contributers; and if they wanted to do that, they'd just do it.
What they do in the future, who can tell.
As Susan says, we can't take their 'word' at face value. Even if they genuinely mean it at the time, tomorrow, next week, next month, who knows?
The RC targets are very demotivational. I've no chance of reaching the 35% target, and my uploads of the past 18 months aren't selling, so it doesn't seem worth the effort, so if they want to see the humble minions producing, they've gone a funny way about it.

I guess it depends on how you look at. I upload my butt off. I work at producing better content everyday. I'm serious about my business. I guess that comment will ruffle feathers, but it's not meant to. my point is that contributors who mean to produce and improve and supply will reach their targets. if contributors on the whole don't meet targets, or just miss seems they'll revisit the targets to the benefit of contributors.

seems reasonable to me. I'm not happy about losing anything on Vetta sales, since I've only got <20 Vettas anyways.....but that's my only beef about this initiative. I don't think we should be hit with the cost of marketing in addition to what is already taken in their royalty chunk.

« Reply #81 on: December 07, 2010, 22:34 »
Okay, Andrew just came on and clarified.  RC targets for 2010 will not be raised.  If you got to a level, you get to keep it, regardless of how many others get the same level.

From Rogermexico:

Whatever target you make by the end of 2010, you will be guaranteed for the duration of 2011.


They won't be revised up but they may be revised down. We will be really conservative when we set them to make sure that this is the case.

So that's a big relief! 

I'm sorry, but, you actually believe them?

As I implied in my post in the thread on istock, this guarantee isn't worth the paper it isn't written on, given recent performance. I suspect they will stick to it though -  the fact they are desparate enough to cut Vetta prices indicates to me an overall sales slump, so there would be no need to raise targets for this year, and there's going to be enough fuss and bother come January 1st without trying to do that on top of the rest of the proverbial hitting the fan that will occur.

Come 1st January the Istock forums are going to get really interesting, given the delay in reporting and impenetrability of interpreting and lack of confidence in the RC numbers. I'd hate to be on the borderline of going up a level. The only benefit of being sure to go down in royalty rates is that I don't face any uncertainty!

« Reply #82 on: December 07, 2010, 22:41 »
should we start placing bets on what the target levels will be for next year. Presumably they will have to post them at the start of 2011 since they said that if you reach them during the year your % will be adjusted up accordingly. I bet it won't be lower than this year.

« Reply #83 on: December 07, 2010, 22:48 »
my point is that contributors who mean to produce and improve and supply will reach their targets.

There is no guarantee of that. By design. Which is part and parcel why so many are unhappy with the new system.

« Reply #84 on: December 07, 2010, 22:55 »

 they are desparate enough to cut Vetta prices indicates to me an overall sales slump

Do you even consider that a cut? Two credits? A 2-5 credit savings at the most downloaded sizes seems almost insulting to buyers, IMO.

« Reply #85 on: December 07, 2010, 23:06 »

I guess it depends on how you look at. I upload my butt off. I work at producing better content everyday. I'm serious about my business. I guess that comment will ruffle feathers, but it's not meant to...

I don't have as large a portfolio as you do, but I work hard at producing high quality work. I became exclusive with a set of royalty schedules in place that made financial sense. Within weeks of making the 40% royalty rate I've been working towards I lose it because they've changed the rules.

I worked my effing butt off, made it, and had it taken away. I'm pi@#ed, demotivated and deeply, deeply distrustful of just about anything that HQ says.

 It was last December I was overjoyed that they grandfathered the next cannister level only to have them play weasel word games with that promise. They did keep the canister level, but they uncoupled the royalty rate that had always been tied to it (and which they knew no one would ever think would be uncoupled when contributors parsed the sentence promising grandfathering). The joy then makes the anger now even more profound.

The fact that there's some utter hogwash about earning back our trust in the September announcements and then KT goes into hiding around IS just pours fuel on the fire. Yes, he'd get yelled at if he came to the forums, but he just chickened out and abandoned contributors to lick their wounds.

We have recent evidence that just because they say something doesn't mean it'll still be true a short time later. That's not being conspiratorial, it's just being sentient given all the data in front of us.

The whole situation is just so ugly and grasping and greedy. And to think that when they said they were given the target of growing the business by 50% this year, I naively thought they'd actually grow the business, vs. grow their profits by squeezing contributors.

So I really don't appreciate comments about how you work your butt off and it'll all be all right. I did, and it isn't.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 23:07 by jsnover »

« Reply #86 on: December 07, 2010, 23:19 »

I guess it depends on how you look at. I upload my butt off. I work at producing better content everyday. I'm serious about my business. I guess that comment will ruffle feathers, but it's not meant to...

I don't have as large a portfolio as you do, but I work hard at producing high quality work. I became exclusive with a set of royalty schedules in place that made financial sense. Within weeks of making the 40% royalty rate I've been working towards I lose it because they've changed the rules.

I worked my effing butt off, made it, and had it taken away. I'm pi@#ed, demotivated and deeply, deeply distrustful of just about anything that HQ says.

 It was last December I was overjoyed that they grandfathered the next cannister level only to have them play weasel word games with that promise. They did keep the canister level, but they uncoupled the royalty rate that had always been tied to it (and which they knew no one would ever think would be uncoupled when contributors parsed the sentence promising grandfathering). The joy then makes the anger now even more profound.

The fact that there's some utter hogwash about earning back our trust in the September announcements and then KT goes into hiding around IS just pours fuel on the fire. Yes, he'd get yelled at if he came to the forums, but he just chickened out and abandoned contributors to lick their wounds.

We have recent evidence that just because they say something doesn't mean it'll still be true a short time later. That's not being conspiratorial, it's just being sentient given all the data in front of us.

The whole situation is just so ugly and grasping and greedy. And to think that when they said they were given the target of growing the business by 50% this year, I naively thought they'd actually grow the business, vs. grow their profits by squeezing contributors.

So I really don't appreciate comments about how you work your butt off and it'll all be all right. I did, and it isn't.

I couldn't have said that better myself.  I agree with you 100%.   No matter how hard I work, I cannot possibly reach the targets being that my port is split between photos and vectors.  I got royally screwed in this deal.  of course.. now that I'm independent I may find that it was a 'blessing in disguise' if/when sales at other agencies start taking off for me.

« Reply #87 on: December 07, 2010, 23:44 »
They don't need to make next year's targets higher than the current ones, because the continual dilution of sales will gradually reduce the number of people achieving these levels over time.

The promise to be "really conservative" in setting them so they "may be revised down" is pure poison.  It means "we're going to shaft you harder than you ever imagined" and yet they are trying to sell that as being good for us because they may, very kindly, decide at the end that we don't need to be shafted that hard after all?

It's like the old "bad guy - good guy" interrogation technique, except that they are both the same person.

I don't really expect them to fiddle getting their chums to a higher level since the owners would be outraged (it would cost them money). They will have to stick to the time-honoured method of approving each other's photos when they deserve to be rejected or promoting each other's pictures into high-priced collections, both of which involve subjective judgements that are hard to question and only need collusion between a couple of old pals, rather than half the HQ staff.

« Reply #88 on: December 08, 2010, 00:08 »

I guess it depends on how you look at. I upload my butt off. I work at producing better content everyday. I'm serious about my business. I guess that comment will ruffle feathers, but it's not meant to...

I don't have as large a portfolio as you do, but I work hard at producing high quality work. I became exclusive with a set of royalty schedules in place that made financial sense. Within weeks of making the 40% royalty rate I've been working towards I lose it because they've changed the rules.

I worked my effing butt off, made it, and had it taken away. I'm pi@#ed, demotivated and deeply, deeply distrustful of just about anything that HQ says.

 It was last December I was overjoyed that they grandfathered the next cannister level only to have them play weasel word games with that promise. They did keep the canister level, but they uncoupled the royalty rate that had always been tied to it (and which they knew no one would ever think would be uncoupled when contributors parsed the sentence promising grandfathering). The joy then makes the anger now even more profound.

The fact that there's some utter hogwash about earning back our trust in the September announcements and then KT goes into hiding around IS just pours fuel on the fire. Yes, he'd get yelled at if he came to the forums, but he just chickened out and abandoned contributors to lick their wounds.

We have recent evidence that just because they say something doesn't mean it'll still be true a short time later. That's not being conspiratorial, it's just being sentient given all the data in front of us.

The whole situation is just so ugly and grasping and greedy. And to think that when they said they were given the target of growing the business by 50% this year, I naively thought they'd actually grow the business, vs. grow their profits by squeezing contributors.

So I really don't appreciate comments about how you work your butt off and it'll all be all right. I did, and it isn't.
These are my sentiments exactly.

« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2010, 00:52 »

I guess it depends on how you look at. I upload my butt off. I work at producing better content everyday. I'm serious about my business. I guess that comment will ruffle feathers, but it's not meant to...

I don't have as large a portfolio as you do, but I work hard at producing high quality work. I became exclusive with a set of royalty schedules in place that made financial sense. Within weeks of making the 40% royalty rate I've been working towards I lose it because they've changed the rules.

I worked my effing butt off, made it, and had it taken away. I'm pi@#ed, demotivated and deeply, deeply distrustful of just about anything that HQ says.

 It was last December I was overjoyed that they grandfathered the next cannister level only to have them play weasel word games with that promise. They did keep the canister level, but they uncoupled the royalty rate that had always been tied to it (and which they knew no one would ever think would be uncoupled when contributors parsed the sentence promising grandfathering). The joy then makes the anger now even more profound.

The fact that there's some utter hogwash about earning back our trust in the September announcements and then KT goes into hiding around IS just pours fuel on the fire. Yes, he'd get yelled at if he came to the forums, but he just chickened out and abandoned contributors to lick their wounds.

We have recent evidence that just because they say something doesn't mean it'll still be true a short time later. That's not being conspiratorial, it's just being sentient given all the data in front of us.

The whole situation is just so ugly and grasping and greedy. And to think that when they said they were given the target of growing the business by 50% this year, I naively thought they'd actually grow the business, vs. grow their profits by squeezing contributors.

So I really don't appreciate comments about how you work your butt off and it'll all be all right. I did, and it isn't.

Bravo, Jo Ann. Well said.

« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2010, 00:57 »
They don't need to make next year's targets higher than the current ones, because the continual dilution of sales will gradually reduce the number of people achieving these levels over time.


It's like the old "bad guy - good guy" interrogation technique, except that they are both the same person.

LOL. Also true!

I don't really expect them to fiddle getting their chums to a higher level since the owners would be outraged (it would cost them money). They will have to stick to the time-honoured method of approving each other's photos when they deserve to be rejected or promoting each other's pictures into high-priced collections, both of which involve subjective judgements that are hard to question and only need collusion between a couple of old pals, rather than half the HQ staff.

And again. Though I don't have hard evidence, I've seen many a club photo that should have been rejected or that has no place in one or the other high-priced collection, and yet ... there they are. So I suspect that this is only too true, too. And to that I say boo!


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #91 on: December 08, 2010, 01:30 »
Jo Ann - I say this with respect, because I know you know the business. I would not highlight you as an example, but since you did in response to my post, I'd say you are precisely the type of diamond they want producing more. in close to 7 years, you have just 2,500 files. that's less than 40 uploaded per month over 6 be conservative since you're not quite at 7 years. that is simply not enough to maintain sales or growth. in any business that growth per year would not be adequate in terms of supporting further growth.

that does not speak to quality of your work, which we all agree is great I'm sure. nor does it speak to your knowledge, which I'm the first to say you have a great deal of and which you share very generously. but if I forget it is you in the example...there are many higher canister levels who reached diamond--the second to highest canister level--simply by whittling away at it for a few years. that's okay, but why should they get the same income as a contributor producing hundreds of files per month, and therefore generating income with more downloads (assuming the quality is there).

I don't think the RC system is perfect or even great by any means...but I think it is slightly more fair in theory than canister levels. maybe not in terms of the levels they've set...and I'm hoping those will be modified if contributors aren't making their targets.

« Reply #92 on: December 08, 2010, 02:02 »
Well, I got the email from iStock. Too bad my account is "inactive" and I'm banned from the forums and sitemail, because otherwise, I'd be rushing to buy some 2 credit discounted Vetta files.

(No, not really.  :D)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #93 on: December 08, 2010, 05:18 »

that does not speak to quality of your work, which we all agree is great I'm sure. nor does it speak to your knowledge, which I'm the first to say you have a great deal of and which you share very generously. but if I forget it is you in the example...there are many higher canister levels who reached diamond--the second to highest canister level--simply by whittling away at it for a few years. that's okay, but why should they get the same income as a contributor producing hundreds of files per month, and therefore generating income with more downloads (assuming the quality is there).

They wouldn't have the same income. If someone has a tiny number of super selling files (I've seen at least one diamond with fewer than 50 files) they're hardly 'working their butt off', but they are garnering loads of money for iStock.
If someone isn't producing the quality/quantity ratio, they're already getting less money because they have fewer sales. Someone with a higher quantity/quality ratio earns more because they have more sales.
This artificial 'bell curve' whereby only a certain number of people can reach each percentage point is totally demotivational. If it's 'motivating' it's only making people produce more and more, which benefits the site at a lower percentage, but only a set percentage of people can get the higher percentages. The bell curve is such an outdated model (we learned it in teacher training college in the 70s; I never heard about it since). Nowadays it's all about co-operation, at least within a business.
Bear in mind, that once a file has been inspected and is added to the collection, its overhead is tiny. This isn't like a traditional business. A few years ago (before they banned chocolate in schools) I ran a fair trade snack stall at interval in school. The profit was essentially a flat 10%. I mentioned that to a class, and one of the pupils came back a few days later and said her father wanted to know how on earth I could get as much profit as that, as he was running a (small, independent) shop on a lower profit margin. (my stall was raising money for school children in Malawi and had no overheads apart from buying the stock.) Watch my lips: lower than 10%. Of course, the family wasn't living in a luxury Manhattan apartment, but the three children were well dressed and well cared for. On less than 10%.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2010, 05:25 »
I don't think the RC system is perfect or even great by any means...but I think it is slightly more fair in theory than canister levels. maybe not in terms of the levels they've set...and I'm hoping those will be modified if contributors aren't making their targets.
Which can only be in terms of the 'bell curve' they have set for each cannister level.

I wish someone would explain in very simple terms, for one mathematically challenged, why 'profitablity' is better than 'profit'. I've seen it explained here, but I'm afraid it didn't make sense, probably because I worked all my life in the public sector.

Here's my problem, which shows how challenged I am.
If I were looking at two companies,
One has a profit margin of 20% and has a profit of 100,000 per annum
The other has a profit margin of 50% and has a profit of 80,000 per annum.
Why isn't the first company the better off?

« Reply #95 on: December 08, 2010, 05:29 »
Jo Ann - I say this with respect, because I know you know the business. I would not highlight you as an example, but since you did in response to my post, I'd say you are precisely the type of diamond they want producing more. in close to 7 years, you have just 2,500 files. that's less than 40 uploaded per month over 6 be conservative since you're not quite at 7 years. that is simply not enough to maintain sales or growth. in any business that growth per year would not be adequate in terms of supporting further growth.

Sorry, but that is complete nonsense. Ten superb files a week are worth more than 1,000 average ones.

95% of the images that are produced are no better or worse than a dozen others of identical subjects that are already in the collection and all the frenzied image production activity is doing is allowing submitters to jostle with each other for search engine position.

Istock's business would probably be better and more sustainable with 10,000 absolutely superb files entering the collection each month and no dross than it is with the avalanche it has at the moment that sometimes buries the occasional gem so deep, so fast that it vanishes forever.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #96 on: December 08, 2010, 05:41 »
And it's also pretty demotivational when an image is at best match position 83 less than 24 hours after being accepted into the collection. Even though best match changes FTTT, that file is effectively DOA.
On the other scale, when Vetta was introduced, there was a rule that files had to have under 100 sales to qualify. I had one particular file which had gone to about 109 (can't remember exactly), so I didn't submit it for consideration. That file is now buried in best match below many other Vetta files uploaded since then, many of which I don't see as being 'better' than mine.


« Reply #97 on: December 08, 2010, 05:49 »
Bear in mind, that once a file has been inspected and is added to the collection, its overhead is tiny. This isn't like a traditional business. A few years ago (before they banned chocolate in schools) I ran a fair trade snack stall at interval in school. The profit was essentially a flat 10%. I mentioned that to a class, and one of the pupils came back a few days later and said her father wanted to know how on earth I could get as much profit as that, as he was running a (small, independent) shop on a lower profit margin. (my stall was raising money for school children in Malawi and had no overheads apart from buying the stock.) Watch my lips: lower than 10%. Of course, the family wasn't living in a luxury Manhattan apartment, but the three children were well dressed and well cared for. On less than 10%.

Bit OT but there was a programme on TV the other night about the food production industry, it mentioned that one of the biggest growth products within that industry reached a profit margin of 17% which apparently is astronomically high within the industry, on average food producers aim to reach a 15% profit.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #98 on: December 08, 2010, 05:58 »

Bit OT but there was a programme on TV the other night about the food production industry, it mentioned that one of the biggest growth products within that industry reached a profit margin of 17% which apparently is astronomically high within the industry, on average food producers aim to reach a 15% profit.

Yes, that series has been very interesting, and while I've been watching this, I've been thinking about the iStock shenanigans.
The bit I found most interesting is all the lies they told about 'scientifically proven benefits', and when that was investigated and found to be untrue, and they had to take it off their advertising, it didn't matter, as it had burned into the public subconscious anyway.
I'm glad I seldom see adverts!


« Reply #99 on: December 08, 2010, 06:55 »
I'm curious to know what programme this was?  Sounds interesting... I may try to catch it online.

I record what few programmes I want to watch... so I always whizz through the ads.  I only stop to watch one if there's something fleetingly interesting regarding an idea for an image...


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