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Author Topic: To isolate or not isolate  (Read 5913 times)

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« on: September 21, 2020, 12:22 »
Hi there,
Just signed up to the forum. Looking forward to getting involved many times.

I have quite a few photos I'm going to upload of wild birds and flowers so my question is, would you isolate them or not?


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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2020, 05:03 »
Hi there,
Just signed up to the forum. Looking forward to getting involved many times.

I have quite a few photos I'm going to upload of wild birds and flowers so my question is, would you isolate them or not?

Why not try some of each and see what works for you?

« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2020, 05:44 »
Might just do that actually. Thanks

« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2020, 07:24 »
In my early days, starting in 2003, iStock was the only agency that would carry clipping paths through the JPEG images. For images sold resized they even resized the clipping paths for a few years. Clipping was an added value for customers who wanted items on a page with close surrounding text and who wanted images to drop into other pictures. Unfortunately, iS subject policy changes has killed my niche of clipped subjects, so in 2020 I don't know the current value of doing the work of clipping. I also don't know if any agencies carry the clipping paths through the JPEG files today. You may just have to try some and watch for a year to see if they have better selling than  your non-clipped images. Submit both so you have a like subject reference point.

« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2020, 04:36 »
In my early days, starting in 2003, iStock was the only agency that would carry clipping paths through the JPEG images. For images sold resized they even resized the clipping paths for a few years. Clipping was an added value for customers who wanted items on a page with close surrounding text and who wanted images to drop into other pictures. Unfortunately, iS subject policy changes has killed my niche of clipped subjects, so in 2020 I don't know the current value of doing the work of clipping. I also don't know if any agencies carry the clipping paths through the JPEG files today. You may just have to try some and watch for a year to see if they have better selling than  your non-clipped images. Submit both so you have a like subject reference point.

Great idea. Will try that. Thanks


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