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Author Topic: Why are we losing so many members?  (Read 37427 times)

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« on: June 11, 2014, 04:32 »
Ron? What happened with Ron? His nick is not active anymore... What did I miss?

Subject changed.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 11:16 by Ariene »


« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 05:08 »
I think it's happened before under different pseudonyms. He did say recently that he might 'rejoin' MSG anonymously after the treatment he got from FT for voicing opposition against DPC.

If that's the reason he's closed his account I don't blame him.

Its a sad fact that recent events have clearly shown that admins can punish individuals for speaking out at what we feel is unfair or unjust treatment of our intellectual property.

There was another issue posted yesterday on the SS forum where there was a 'suspicion that an admin (know also to come and post here) might have accessed two contributors accounts (one of them being Ron's). I doubt that would happen, but nowadays who knows what these characters can get up to :(

« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 08:25 »
Maybe there will be more comments if the title was not so random?

I also notice Ron was gone.  Hope he comes back anonymous.

« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 08:51 »
Maybe there will be more comments if the title was not so random?

What can you offer?

Btw. Where is Lisa...?
Who is next?

« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 10:06 »
Maybe there will be more comments if the title was not so random?

What can you offer?

Maybe "Where is Ron?" would be more descriptive of the subject? Or "Why are we losing so many members?" 

I don't know.  I just think many people don't click on a topic if it is not clear what its about.  Do what ever you want.  Just a suggestion.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 10:11 »
Maybe there will be more comments if the title was not so random?

What can you offer?

Btw. Where is Lisa...?
Who is next?

Lisa is taking extended time out because she didn't like that her post got hidden after ten negative votes on the DPC issue. (That policy has been changed now.)


« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 10:15 »
Maybe there will be more comments if the title was not so random?

What can you offer?

Btw. Where is Lisa...?
Who is next?

Lisa is taking extended time out because she didn't like that her post got hidden after ten negative votes on the DPC issue. (That policy has been changed now.)

Then 'Leaf' should contact her and personally apologise for having had such a stupid system in place to start with, tell her it's gone and invite her back.

What's the point in a 'so-called' independent and essentially 'frank point-of-view-forum' if someone can be voted off (or made invisible) just because they have a different view point from the mob.

That policy just supported angry villagers with pitchforks.........

« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 10:38 by ethan »

« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 11:38 »
Retaliation. FT closed my account, Ron's account, and one other real big name in retaliation for speaking up about their corrupt abuse of contributor assets. This is one major reason Ron left. The other is personal attacks I believe. Leaf has been sanitizing threads more than ever because many posts become personal.

But the FOTOLIA abuse is an undeniable reason why people go stealth in here. Those who claim anonymity bears no or little weight in terms of the value of their post can go suck a lemon. Not being anonymous is costing some people chunks of their livelihood.


« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2014, 11:47 »
Those who claim anonymity bears no or little weight in terms of the value of their post can go suck a lemon. Not being anonymous is costing some people chunks of their livelihood.

Could not agree more.

Albeit we'll all be voted down by the couple of people that think we are all trolls.

They know who they are, 'freebie guy's' :)


« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2014, 12:15 »
There ya go :)


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« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2014, 12:33 »
Why are we losing so many members?  I think that should be obvious.

This place can quickly get confrontational, insulting, and off topic over the most innocent of posts. Even people with the thickest of skin have a rough time here. Insulting someone is easier when you're not face to face. I don't come here or post as much because it's mostly arguing, very little help, and when people try to help nobody listens or they're told they're wrong or have their motives questioned.

Waiting for the angry mob with torches and pitchforks.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2014, 12:40 »
What is the purpose of the + and - system anyway. We all know when we agree or disagree with some ones views. I don't post on here very often. I've been bashed for things I've said, but that is because of varing views. I don't understand why there isn't more respect for those who don't think the same. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2014, 12:51 »
The + / - system has devolved into a schoolyard popularity voting system. It's not based on the actual post being read, it's about whether or not people like you and whether they agree or disagree with your general views on things. I'm not exactly popular in the DPC thread but I'm sure I'll get down votes on this post just because of what I've said about the DPC issue.

Straight-up facts get down votes. You could post 2+2=4 and someone will click that arrow.

This is just a hostile forum lately. I don't blame anyone for leaving. I've left and (reluctantly) come back. I've considered anonymity, but not because I'm worried about what agencies think of my views. I'm more concerned with just being associated with this forum lately. The more this turns into the pitchfork brigade, the more I consider needing to distance myself from that stigma.

« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2014, 12:51 »
Those who claim anonymity bears no or little weight in terms of the value of their post can go suck a lemon. Not being anonymous is costing some people chunks of their livelihood.

Could not agree more.

Albeit we'll all be voted down by the couple of people that think we are all trolls.

They know who they are, 'freebie guy's' :)

I can count on a few people consistently attacking me here on MSG, no matter what I post. They seem to have a particular aversion to simple facts. They also vote down every post I make.

This link is a perfect example, I simply posted a link to positive news and received personal bashing.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 12:54 by gbalex »

« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2014, 13:21 »
What is the purpose of the + and - system anyway. We all know when we agree or disagree with some ones views. I don't post on here very often. I've been bashed for things I've said, but that is because of varing views. I don't understand why there isn't more respect for those who don't think the same. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I like it, but I guess that is the point. Liking things without actually commenting on them. I rarely use the minus, so I could probably do without that. Maybe, I'm just a positive reinforcement kind of guy (except when I'm arguing with people over stupid garbage).  ;D

« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2014, 13:22 »
I think what's happening to MSG is symptomatic of what's happening in microstock generally.

There's precious little optimism about the future which is in stark contrast to the first few years of microstock. I think most 'old timers', say those that have been doing microstock since 2006 or earlier, largely accept by now that their incomes from microstock probably peaked a couple of years ago and the only question now is how rapid the future decline will be ... and whether it is even worth trying to do anything about it.

With so many new images coming on-line each week and the difficulty of getting early sales for new work, before they disappear into ignominy forever, it's increasingly questionable whether the time and effort are worth it. When at best all you can hope for is to slow the decline it may be the time to devote your energies elsewhere.

It's not really fun anymore and therefore some microstockers are simply less motivated to discuss issues.

« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2014, 14:22 »
I think what's happening to MSG is symptomatic of what's happening in microstock generally.

There's precious little optimism about the future which is in stark contrast to the first few years of microstock. I think most 'old timers', say those that have been doing microstock since 2006 or earlier, largely accept by now that their incomes from microstock probably peaked a couple of years ago and the only question now is how rapid the future decline will be ... and whether it is even worth trying to do anything about it.

With so many new images coming on-line each week and the difficulty of getting early sales for new work, before they disappear into ignominy forever, it's increasingly questionable whether the time and effort are worth it. When at best all you can hope for is to slow the decline it may be the time to devote your energies elsewhere.

It's not really fun anymore and therefore some microstockers are simply less motivated to discuss issues.

Makes sense.  Also explains why so many that do post are angry or insulting.

PS.  Thank you Ariene for the new title.  Heart for you!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 14:25 by PixelBytes »


« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2014, 14:39 »
because anger/professionalism ratio on this forum is fubar.

who would want to communicate here?

it's all about "stocks generally suck (well, SS probably maybe has some tiny little chance, but it's so dangerous), marketplace owners are greedy capitalists, flying helicopters abound empire state building while firing cigars with our hardly earned 100 usd bills, etc, etc, etc".

everyone who has different opinion on anything than "majority" has, gets witchhunted. this place sadly became very communist. i grew up in communist country, so i know what i say.

take a look at recent communications EmberMike got from this forum members. wow.

sad to say it, but i hardly believe any major market player is interested in communication here now. what's the point to speak with people who do not even care about TRYING to understand what they are reading.

« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2014, 14:52 »
Ron? What happened with Ron?

I got a message on fb from Ron that he left because of the negative responses/votes he got when he was discussing his weight loss and hiking adventures.

Can't say I blame him. You can't even talk about something non-microstock around here without some down votes just because someone doesn't like you. It's sort of indicative of the whole atmosphere around here lately.

« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2014, 15:05 »
I can tell you why I don't come here often. People like to take things personal and get nasty when you don't follow the party line. And then there's the group who think their crap don't stink while all other microstock contributors are a bunch of amateurs. Can't count how many times I see that bit of arrogance.

But even when the topic of the debate is over they still want to make it personal and attack you over other issues. People need to learn to disagree without being disagreeable. And then there's the overall level of negativity that just never stops.

« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2014, 15:52 »
Why are we losing so many members?  I think that should be obvious.

This place can quickly get confrontational, insulting, and off topic over the most innocent of posts. Even people with the thickest of skin have a rough time here. Insulting someone is easier when you're not face to face. I don't come here or post as much because it's mostly arguing, very little help, and when people try to help nobody listens or they're told they're wrong or have their motives questioned.

I totally agree with you!
Quite a few here now who like to score points, challenge posts and try to make others think that they are much smarter than them.
It leaves one thinking why bother participating and that's probably the reasons why members drop away.

Waiting for the angry mob with torches and pitchforks.

« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2014, 15:59 »
I'm fairly new to the forum and stock, about a year and a half, but am an old timer in photography, mostly photojournalism and have been a member of many organizations and forums over the years. MSG has a lot of great members with great ideas, but it also, at time,  digresses into one of the nastiest forums I have been in. I think this hurts it a lot and also creates an extremely unprofessional environment. Opposing views should be welcomed and disagreement should be at least moderately civilized.


« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2014, 16:13 »
I'm fairly new to the forum and stock, about a year and a half, but am an old timer in photography, mostly photojournalism and have been a member of many organizations and forums over the years. MSG has a lot of great members with great ideas, but it also, at time,  digresses into one of the nastiest forums I have been in. I think this hurts it a lot and also creates an extremely unprofessional environment. Opposing views should be welcomed and disagreement should be at least moderately civilized.

It can be an aggressive and confrontational environment, I accept that.

But, (there's always a but), as a 'profession' (and we are) as photographers we need strong minded, determined and robust characters to protect our (shared) business interests. We actually do need to stand united against the collective threats to our business and long term survival.

Passions will sometimes run high (and yes) occasionally overspill, but (again) if we cannot stand together and resist unfair, unjust and exploitation by corrupt, morally bankrupt agencies that act against our best interests we are most certainly doomed.

WE ARE THE TALENT - the agencies are strictly BACKSTAGE - never forget that fact. It is a fact by the way, we are the talent that produce the product that customers buy. A very important point.

And when there is a fight that spills onto these forums pages it is usually, in the final analysis, about the fundamentals of what is best for us all as stock photographers. A big 'pinch of salt' should be added before we condemn our professional colleagues that are essentially trying to make a point for all our benefits. We're not all eloquent, and English may not be our mother tongue, but what unites us as one, is that we are photographers, and we should be one voice.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2014, 16:25 »
I got a message on fb from Ron that he left because of the negative responses/votes he got when he was discussing his weight loss and hiking adventures.

Can't say I blame him. You can't even talk about something non-microstock around here without some down votes just because someone doesn't like you. It's sort of indicative of the whole atmosphere around here lately.

When I first started visiting these forums I got attacked by some because I had brought up things about my childhood....happy not negative. I got ignored by many on here because they said this had nothing to do with photography. This was in the "Off Topic" forum. Then I tried to point out the abuse that was unleased on the newbie's when they would ask questions and got bashed about that. I got bashed about bringing that up. It seems it has gotten worse with time, which is why I don't visit these forums that much anymore. I just think that everyone needs to respect others opinions and not put a target on their backs because of it.

« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2014, 22:48 »
And when there is a fight that spills onto these forums pages it is usually, in the final analysis, about the fundamentals of what is best for us all as stock photographers. A big 'pinch of salt' should be added before we condemn our professional colleagues that are essentially trying to make a point for all our benefits. We're not all eloquent, and English may not be our mother tongue, but what unites us as one, is that we are photographers, and we should be one voice.

I agree with many things you said but I don't think we are all going to be in agreement all the time about what is the best action to take or even what is the right opinion to have.  Very rarely that we can expect to speak with one voice.  It seems like the big problem is that those smaller disagreeing voices are the ones that are getting silenced or are leaving. 
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 22:53 by PixelBytes »


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