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Topics - melastmohican

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251 / What is going to happen when I reach $500?
« on: August 18, 2008, 14:17 »
I am $5 short so I guess it might be today :-)

It seem like when sales take off site is firing developers and hires more sales people :-) I have not seen any usability enhancements on top 6 sites for a while. Almost any of newcomers got better UI: YAYMicro, Cutcaster, Crestock, Mostphotos, Zymmetrical. Do you think that top ones wait until they will bleed themselves to death and them snap one of the small ones for their software?

253 / New Logo?
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:22 »

254 / Wow, my first Enhanced License Sale!
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:40 »
$28 in one sale and it was already my best seller so far :-)

I just wonder if I should keep uploading?

General Stock Discussion / Winners and loosers
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:45 »
It seems like this summer SS, 123rf and StockXpert are winners. Other either loose or maintains their positions. Is is typical situation during vacation time?

257 / Upload from DeepMeta is messed up
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:42 »
Most of the time it just times out then retries and then we got duplicate photos...

258 / Page Load Error
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:23 »
I cannot access my account page at Did they messed it up again?

260 / SS W-9 letter
« on: August 05, 2008, 17:27 »
"Congratulations!  You've had a large number of your
images downloaded from the Shutterstock site.  Once
you've earned more than $600 in a year, we're required
to receive a W-9 form from you so we can file a 1099 tax
form at the end of the year.  Since it looks like you're
on the path to hit this target, we need to have you fill
out the form now.

To download the form, please go to

After filling out the form, please fax it to 347-402-0710
clearly labelled with your account ID"

It looks they assumed I will make $600 this year :-)

Software - General / Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 is here
« on: July 30, 2008, 15:04 » is accepting pre-orders

263 / 500 DL/month my next milestone
« on: July 29, 2008, 15:36 »
This is my third full month and it seems that I need one more to get to $500 mark :-)

This is my third month so it has been always BME but this one can beat previous one by 50% :-)

General Stock Discussion / No complaints!
« on: July 10, 2008, 17:29 »
I run out of ideas. Help, I am loosing my reputation here...

266 / Please improve lighting/exposure???
« on: July 09, 2008, 15:11 »
I got this rejection comment recently. What does it mean? Shall I go to location again and shoot when light conditions are better?

123RF / You got bonus?
« on: July 07, 2008, 14:52 »
I am not sure I got this bonus email right. They are going to give away images for 20 cents and all proceeds will go to photographers???

"Thus far in 2008, we've seen 123RF sales increasing steadily however, things can be improved even further and we'd like to thank each and everyone one of you for being there, contributing and sharing the (at times) bumpy ride with us.

For the month of July 08, we want to inject a significant mid year bonus into 123RF's Contributor community. We want to try something new with our Advertising and Promotion budget - we intend to carve out allocate a significant part of our monthly A&P and put that sum into 123RF as several hundred thousand BONUS credits.

We shall open and aggressively explore new markets and new methods of marketing 123RF's product beginning July 2008. Our Account Managers will be tasked to approach highly targetted customers and give away FREE welcome trial packs to these customers. We hope that this will give them first hand experience, that 123RF is a great source for stunning and compelling imagery and they can rely on our Contributor's content for all their creative projects as well.

We hope that this marketing exercise will increase the conversion rate of trial customers to purchasing customers and we also reward our contributors at the same time! Where by, creating a win-win-win outcome for all parties - you as the contributor gets the bonus, our potential customers gets to have a working test drive of 123RF and also ourselves as we create value in what we offer to would be customers and strategic partners.

With that said, various welcome packs will be given out at the rate of $0.20 per download credit, please remember that our clients who are using the trial pack did not pay a single cent for these packs but rather it's a result of our A&P budget allocation. Therefore, we hope to have your support and understanding if you see downloads netting you $0.20 per credit download in July 08 and subsequent months that follow.

We thank you for your continuous support and if this is proven to be a workable marketing technique, we may have more 123RF Contributor Bonus Months in the future. We wish good sales to everyone in our contributor community.

Congratulations on the bonus, you all deserve it!"

268 / SS Hits 4 Million Images
« on: July 03, 2008, 17:09 »

"Shutterstock is also pleased to announce that Rodney Hobart, a photographer and designer/illustrator based in Neosho, Missouri, contributed the 4 Millionth photo - an eye-catching image of a historic drive-in theater on Route 66. It was his first time submitting a photo to Shutterstock."

Congrats Shutterstock!

General Stock Discussion / Cost per image?
« on: July 02, 2008, 16:06 »
I was thinking that RPI is not giving me idea how much it costs me to get the return. We probably also need some sort of Cost per Image measure :-)

Lets give an example of two sites, DT and SS:
It takes 18 seconds to process picture on DT while only 7s on SS. I am able to process around 2000 pictures a month on SS which give us rough 4 hour of work per month. Lets say it would be $10 per hour so my cost would be $40. At the same time I was able to process only 700 pictures thru DT and it took me about 3.5 hours to make it so my cost is $35 here. If I compare these numbers with my returns it's clear that I am just wasting my time on DT. I am not adding any time for editing and keywording cause it is shared time between all the sites.

General Stock Discussion / My 2nd full month
« on: June 30, 2008, 15:26 »
I think it's still to little data collected to make any estimates but so far it's growing very slowly on most sites. Once again most of downloads came from SS. It's almost 90% now. There is no much downloads from others.

SS      87.34%
StockXpert      5.20%
123RF   4.83%
DT      2.11%
IS      0.53%
FP      0.00%

Overall is almost 40% higher than in previous month. Most improvement comes from StockXpert.

I think I got en enough data to show which site are hardest to put photos in (number of photos accepted in a month):
FP      1464
123RF   1120
StockXpert      624
SS      528
DT      283
BS      58
IS      18

I also upload to CS, BS and FT but it seems like these site would shortly fall out from my upload script. FT got very bad UI for handling large number of photos plus only 5 DL in 3 months. CS got one of the best user experiences but no single DL in 3 months. BS got ridiculously slow reviews, upload limits and 1 DL in 3 months.

271 / Everybody must be on vacation
« on: June 27, 2008, 18:50 »
Review time went down dramatically, it's around one week now :-)

272 / My first 1000 downloads
« on: June 27, 2008, 15:52 »
I am almost there I need 10 more :-)

General Stock Discussion / Do I need MR for myself?
« on: June 26, 2008, 13:38 »
If yes, is there any universal MR form so I do not have to keep MR for each agency?

General Stock Discussion / Uploading Anonymous
« on: June 25, 2008, 16:35 »
I haven't done anything for couple days and I feel weird :-)

275 / I got accepted - whoo hoo!
« on: June 21, 2008, 02:05 »
After 7 attempts :-)

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