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Messages - Tomboy2290

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SnapVillage.com / Re: Snapvillage services access problem
« on: August 27, 2008, 15:58 »
I guess its just me  ;D
SV don't like me anymore

SnapVillage.com / Re: Snapvillage services access problem
« on: August 26, 2008, 23:12 »
I still cannot log into SV using either my Mac laptop or my PC running XP. I can however log on with both my husbands new laptop and my sons laptop that are running Vista .... ???

Bigstock.com / Re: Account Frozen
« on: August 13, 2008, 17:56 »
Hi coolart,

Early in July I had $2 deducted from my earnings at BigStock due to "attempted fraud". It showed up in my earnings log eight minutes after the purchase of the image. I didn't get any other explanation and just assumed that someone had been buying photos through another persons account, but they sure jumped on it quickly ... in 8 mins!

I'm not sure whats going on at BigStock, if there's a lot of fraudulent purchases going on its not good for any of us, but if you haven't done anything wrong then I would think you would have nothing to worry about. I hope it works out soon, please post and let us know what happens.

SnapVillage.com / Re: Snapvillage services access problem
« on: August 07, 2008, 18:45 »
i can't log into snapvillage at all ... I enter my login and password and the page just sits there for a while then the problem loading page, connection was reset thingy comes up. It's been like that at least a week, not really sure how long it is since its been like that, only log in there approx once a month.

Have you solved your problem fotoxalia?

Adobe Stock / Re: first sub sale!
« on: June 12, 2008, 16:38 »
I've had 2 ... both large images of course   :-\

Adobe Stock / Re: Payouts Delayed??
« on: June 10, 2008, 17:48 »
Yep, all good. Got mine too ... 10 days  ::)

Adobe Stock / Re: Payouts Delayed??
« on: June 09, 2008, 16:41 »
I put a request in June 1st ... still waiting ... looks like it takes around two weeks to get paid at FT these days  >:(

General Stock Discussion / Re: Fotolia, WHATS UP???
« on: June 05, 2008, 19:33 »
my sales at FT last month were triple the usual, after a very slow month in April .... something has changed there for sure, and it seems to have worked in my favour, what ever it is ... sorry guys  :-\

Interesting  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: What's your top earner?
« on: May 29, 2008, 22:17 »
Used to be iStock but my sales there have dropped a whopping 50% in the past six months.
Now its SS.
And I'm earning 2.5 times more there than at IS ATM, partly due to the fact that I'm finding it bloody difficult to get images past the review process and once they are accepted they just sit there. New images just don't sell at IS :(

The other sites are variable, but I must say I'm experiencing a real surge at FT this month with 3 times my normal revenue!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: too feathered or too rough rejection
« on: May 26, 2008, 21:12 »
In my language iSTOC(k)a means Cattle, so I treat they like they treat me.
Small vermin bugs which are constantly making my percentage lower and lower.
See the new inspectors
if that kind of inspector will be soon or shes roll on iStock, for profesional state of view it is absolutely nonsense,
but it is good for Us submiters, she will accept enough images to by 2 pairs of shoes in week.
Others are soo boring but also more pain in the ass. (Because of shoes)
Are they really belive that they can make employee of every creature who are not havent nothig to do and pick it from bus, railway or other station?????

Oh ... errr .... um ..... oh dear ....  :-\

Off Topic / Re: Your avatar 2
« on: May 26, 2008, 00:43 »
Mine is a white flower isolated on white, plain and simple .... like me  ;D

Its also a narcissus ....  read into it what you will  ;)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: too feathered or too rough rejection
« on: May 24, 2008, 00:11 »
Saving a well isolated shot as a jpeg causes rough edges because of jpeg compression, it's not a problem to designers because they can just raise their threshold to 1 instead of 0, I contacted Adobe a while ago when I was having this problem and they confirmed that if your edges are too well isolated this will happen, the only way round it is to actually degrade the isolation by feathering.
Most of the iStock inspectors understand this and won't reject when it's clear a shot is on a pure white background, however there are still some who can't understand this.
The process of feathering the isolation actually renders it harder for a designer to use, but in order to get them past some inspectors at iStock you have to make the choice.
Personally if I get a rejection like this I stick it back in and hope to get one of the better educated inspectors next time.
The thing that always makes me laugh is when they reject an isolation with a clipping path for 'rough edges' - HELLO - it's got a clipping path!!!!

THANKYOU! Been pullling my hair out trying to get this message across to so many people for sooo long!

I do mostly isolation work and I've given up uploading to iStock for the time being. The gallery I have there has been very successful but I still can't get much past inspection without re submitting to Scout and it takes WEEKS!

Got the attitude now of why bother with them? Waiting to see what their new sub model brings, then maybe I will make the effort to start uploading there again ... but I agree that they need to educate their reviewers on this issue.

Where exactly has this been announced officially? All I can find at SS forums is rumour and conjecture .... link please?


Last post, thread now locked.

Thanking you!  ;D

Where exactly has this been announced officially? All I can find at SS forums is rumour and conjecture .... link please?

Adobe Stock / Re: Infinite collection qualilty
« on: May 03, 2008, 03:48 »
If this wasn't so laughable I'd be disgusted .... almost as disgusted as I am with some of the crap that gets passed review for IS exclusives   ::) .... but then none of this stuff can be selling, right ?? So its not hurting any one here? Or is it  ???

123RF / Re: EVO
« on: May 01, 2008, 23:04 »
I like the idea of the Infinite Collection and EVO too.  My work is not nearly good enough for those collections today, but it is exciting to think perhaps a few years from now I will be able to "move up" as well.

Oh I don't know Dan, I'll bet you could match the quality of this little gem :)


(I know I should stop trying to find these clunkers, but it's like watching a massive accident when you know you should be focusing on the road ahead - I can't help myself!)



123RF / Re: EVO
« on: April 17, 2008, 07:25 »
Got this site mail:

Labor Day 2008 - is a great day that 123RF Contributors will look forward to as there are going to be some welcomed changes on 123RF.com.

1. Free images will be blog size
Since we introduced the free images section for 123RF in April 2007, the daily free image collection has since grown from 800 to an average of 12,000 images. We thank you for your participation and support.

Now to make it even more attractive, 123RF will downsize the images to the new blog size to encourage sales of larger size imagery for your images, hence, earning you more credit sales!

2. EVO images launch, Contribution by Invitation only
Some of you may already know, we're launching a new label called EVO on 123RF. EVO images will be priced higher and will only be sold via credits. There are 4 tiers of pricing that you can choose from.

Some of you have received invitations to upload to EVO and as we gradually roll EVO out, we will invite more and more of you to upload to this collection. To find out if you've been selected as an EVO contributor please look out for the sitemail and your email as well.

Remember that the review process will be a lot more strict and time consuming as we have to re-train some of our reviewers to look at things from another perspective. All in all, we want to ensure that with the EVO Label, 123RF and its Contributors will be offering better images to our customers.

Thank you and all the best for the months to come!

for 123rf.com

123RF / EVO
« on: April 17, 2008, 07:20 »
EVO? So whats this all about?  Has anyone here been invited?

Adobe Stock / Re: What is up with Fotolia??
« on: April 14, 2008, 04:44 »
FT used never to reject anything I submitted. Lately, though, I've been getting rejections for "too many on site" or "type of photo" as well, also my sales there have slowed to a tiny trickle. I submit mainly isolations.

And anyone else noticed that the little slide show on their front page is still displaying Christmas images???

euhm.. i'm seeing Easter pictures for already 2 months now...


Well thats weird ..... wonder if where in the world you are makes a difference? But I AM seeing Christmas lol
Edit: cleared my cache, still Christmas  :-\

Adobe Stock / Re: What is up with Fotolia??
« on: April 14, 2008, 00:19 »
FT used never to reject anything I submitted. Lately, though, I've been getting rejections for "too many on site" or "type of photo" as well, also my sales there have slowed to a tiny trickle. I submit mainly isolations.

And anyone else noticed that the little slide show on their front page is still displaying Christmas images???

Adobe Stock / Re: ID requested?
« on: March 17, 2008, 00:47 »

Fotolia has aparently accepted some scans with blacked out sections, so perhaps 123rf would do the same?

Yes, i got my payout from Fotolia after uploading my ID with some numbers obscured. 123rf actually invite you to upload your ID with sensitive data blacked out if you wish.

Adobe Stock / Re: ID requested?
« on: March 03, 2008, 22:49 »
I did get paid this morning (as did one other contributor who'd uploaded an ID with sensitive data blacked out). I don't know what this means as there's been no further communication. Chad did say that my idea about getting a notarized statement - where the notary would then see you and the ID, giving some assurance that you were who you said you were - wasn't acceptable for Fotolia.

I keep checking to see if they've closed my account, but so far, I'm OK.

Glad you got paid and that you haven't been ousted. I requested a payout about 5 days ago and was annoyed to see the request for ID. I reluctantly uploaded a scan of my drivers license, but with the license and card numbers whited out, as I did when I joined 123RF. I haven't heard anything, so I'm supposing that means that this is acceptable. I certainly don't believe they need that information, just the photo ID and address confirmation should be more than enough. I was interested that you said another contributor had hidden sensitive data from their ID. Did they have trouble with that? I really do agree with you that it is wrong to withhold payment from long standing contributors in this way.

218 + 21696 =


123RF / Re: View Downloads at 123?
« on: February 21, 2008, 16:38 »
Thanks everyone for taking the time to help, I guess it was just too obvious for me too see ....  ;D

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