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Messages - CrackerClips

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Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 07, 2013, 14:48 »
Ah, thank you that helps a lot!  I was not aware that the symbiostock thumbs and previews were not tagged with a profile.  That would definitely explain the dull and flat images that I'm seeing on my site.  Is this colorspace conversion part of the premium plugin that's coming up?  Once this is addressed will we just be able to reprocess the images already uploaded to correct the thumbs and previews?

Any further info/update regarding the color profile tags for thumbs and previews?  It's a bit disconcerting to see the rather dull images on my website as compared to the original image.  I was thinking that getting imagemagick working would fix that issue but it does not.


I calculate my RPI not by images I have online but by images I have submitted. After all, I spent money and work time also on those images that have been rejected, thus they need to be part of the equation as well.

Absolutely the right way to go about this.  Otherwise you can manipulate your RPI to be more to your liking which isn't the point of RPI at all. 

Hi Shazam,

I just spent some time looking over your site.  Looks great!  Here are a few thoughts I had:

I don't think you need the colorful bar across the top with the under construction message.  Just my opinion but I think it is distracting and the homepage would look much cleaner without it.  As you said, the site will always be under construction behind the scenes and it looks great now and seems to function well.  No need to apologize for the appearance.

In your footer, on the right hand side you could/should add some links to outside authority sites.  It could even be links to your twitter, facebook etc. profiles. I would also add in the footer section somewhere a link to a privacy policy statement.  It's unlikely anyone will click on any of your footer links but these will give your site legitimacy in the eyes of google and help your seo.

How did you increase the number of images displaying on searches?  Did you use the plugin that Leo made or did you do it some other way?

Are you planning to add your own watermark?  How about a picture or logo for your symbiostock icon?

I liked the addition of the "this image is protected by copyright..."  I think I may add something like that.

I didn't read every word but I didn't see any obvious typos or anything.

Man, glad I caught this discussion.  I just switched over to Yoast last night from All In One SEO and was about to go through all my images to add a focus word. Looks like that would have been a huge waste of time.

In my tests so far, metadata was missing from downloaded files that were processed with GD Library but images processed with Imagick had full metadata.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 03, 2013, 13:05 »
Ah, thank you that helps a lot!  I was not aware that the symbiostock thumbs and previews were not tagged with a profile.  That would definitely explain the dull and flat images that I'm seeing on my site.  Is this colorspace conversion part of the premium plugin that's coming up?  Once this is addressed will we just be able to reprocess the images already uploaded to correct the thumbs and previews?

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:27 »
I save my images in Adobe RGB 1998 and I've primarily been using Firefox to view my website.  I would imagine that most browsers (firefox included) don't read color profiles.  I've always supplied my macro agents with Adobe RGB because that's what they require and then they handle any conversions for viewing thumbs etc. on the web.  Not sure what's best in this case as I want the images to look good on the site but want the customer to have the widest colorspace to work with.  Any thoughts?

I just did a test purchase on my site using safari and the downloaded image had an html extension (3221-small.jpg.html).  Of course removing ".html" from the filename fixed things up but we shouldn't expect a customer to have to deal with that.
May be has to do with the setting in your browsers. Do you have latest version of safari? What OS is it? Do you have flash, java etc updated ?

Good questions.  Honestly I don't often use safari but since I was logged in on the site as an admin on firefox I used safari to make the purchase.  Although I don't use it much I do believe that I've kept everything up to date.  The Safari version I used is Version 6.0.5  I always update flash, java and safari itself whenever my mac tells me they need to be updated.

Did anyone ever figure this out? 

When I upload a jpeg and png version of the same image only the png shows up. This is what I'm hoping to see but all I ever get is just the png.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 02, 2013, 19:18 »
Awesome!  I'm glad that did the trick for you as well.

Wow.. @CrackerClips

That's a real NEWS!, I switched my PHP and it really works.


I got the same message until I switched to 5.3, I couldn't load the extension before

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 02, 2013, 19:15 »

You *may* have saved me a week of work. I still have some things I want to build in for color manipulation (tell me if you see an improvement) but this is really wonderful.

Unfortunately, I didn't really see any improvement in the color issues except for one area.  The image icon that downloads to my desktop after purchase is much more vibrant and colorful than the image icon from gd library.  Go figure.  The thumbnail on my site and the larger image on the detail page still have less punch to them than my original.  So any further color developments in color manipulation would be good.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 02, 2013, 16:43 »
Yeah, I'm pretty darn stoked!  We're getting ready to leave and go shooting for a couple days but when we get back I'll be excited to get moving forward with our site!

I just did a test purchase on my site using safari and the downloaded image had an html extension (3221-small.jpg.html).  Of course removing ".html" from the filename fixed things up but we shouldn't expect a customer to have to deal with that.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: August 02, 2013, 16:35 »

I was finally able to get Imagemagick working on my Godaddy hosted website!  With some great help from ShazamImages (Thanks again! You really set me on the right path) and much time on the phone with godaddy the fix was simple (in hindsight only :)  Because I converted an older, existing website over to a symbio site I was on an older version of PHP.  The technician at godaddy swore this wouldn't work but after trying everything else we upgraded to version 5.3.24 and instantly imagemagick was available.

Don and anyone else, on godaddy or not, who is still having trouble with Imagemagick make sure that your installation is running the latest version of PHP.

After reprocessing an image and doing a test buy the downloaded image now contains all of my original metadata!

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Bluehost site down way too often
« on: August 02, 2013, 12:14 »
So far, I'm very happy that I went with GoDaddy.  They haven't been down once that I know of (and I have been constantly working on the website in some form or fashion for a few weeks).

I've had websites consistently on Godaddy for over ten years and other than my current issue with getting imagick enabled I've never had any serious problems (downtime, slow, etc.).  I had considered moving to bluehost but there is probably no way that I would even consider that now.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Shall We Say Goodbye?
« on: July 29, 2013, 19:18 »
Thats kinda funny. I voted it was ending.

Actually, I couldn't decide which one to choose.  Microstock is hopefully changing and morphing into something better for the artists and at the same time I'm thinking the term "microstock" should just go away.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Shall We Say Goodbye?
« on: July 29, 2013, 18:58 »
It's changing.....for the better I hope.

Looks interesting.
Looks like an RM editorial licence, but I can't see the terms RM or RF; probably right under my nose somewhere.

Not really RF or RM.  The buyer is allowed to use the image for one project only, unlimited print run and size.

Just had a look and signed up.  Seems pretty cool.  Interesting that there are no advertising usages allowed, just editorial.  You set the price and keep 100% of the sale.  The buyer pays your asking price plus a 10% fee and a small processing charge.  The upload functionality at this point looks to be only one image at a time tho.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 29, 2013, 00:29 »
CrackerClips - Do I still have access to your site like I did before? If you don't mind I'll do some nuclear testing tomorrow.

Hey Leo - Yes you're still good to go as an admin. Feel free to work your imagemagick magic :)

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 20:56 »
Hi Shazam,

I followed your directions and am with you up to a point.

When I login using PuTTY to the web server, I can type "identify -version" at the prompt and it will return the following:

Version: ImageMagick 6.2.8 02/25/09 Q16 file:/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.2.8/doc/index.html
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC

I got this far and this is exactly the wording that came back to me.

I can then change directory (cd) to /usr/share and there is an ImageMagick directory there.

This is where I get a little lost.  I tried putting in "/usr/share" but the response from the server is a blank box.  I then tried putting in the convert path to imagemagick that godaddy gave to me "/usr/bin/convert" and I get:

Version: ImageMagick 5.5.6 04/01/03 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2003 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Usage: /usr/bin/convert [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file

Where options include:
  -adjoin              join images into a single multi-image file
  -affine matrix       affine transform matrix
  -antialias           remove pixel-aliasing
  -append              append an image sequence

It goes on to detail all of the options for using imagmagick but I can't do anything further with it and the process on my symbio admin area still lists GD Library.

Any idea where I go from here?


Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 17:06 »
Hi Don - Yep I'm in the same boat.  My host (godaddy) says Imagemagick is installed on the server but the symbiostock theme isn't connecting with it.

I am with GoDaddy and have no issues.  When I go to Process Uploads (http://<your website)/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=image&page=symbiostock-process-images) it says that I am "Using ImageMagick".

Whoa, that's news to me!  When I go to my process uploads page it says "Using GD Library".  No other options.  Did you do something special to be able to connect?  Are you on a shared server at godaddy or a dedicated one?  I have the convert path to ImageMagick at godaddy ( /usr/bin/convert ) but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do with it.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 15:59 »
The php.ini file is in your root directory.  You just need to add that line anywhere in the code that is already there.  I know this works for some hosts but it didn't work in my case and may not work in yours if your host requires a certain path is followed to get to imagemagick.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 13:30 »
In Symbiostock if I click on the ImageMagick dropdown menu and pick on Imagick PHP module I get a red x with it saying the Imagick php module not found.

You have an ImageMagick dropdown menu in the symbiostock theme?  Where is that located?

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 13:26 »
Hi Don - Yep I'm in the same boat.  My host (godaddy) says Imagemagick is installed on the server but the symbiostock theme isn't connecting with it.  Who is your host?  It looks like the convert path you listed is the same or at least similar to what godaddy needs to make it work.  Leo is aware of this but it's helpful to hear that this is not just affecting me. 

The images I've processed through GD Library look dull and unsaturated.  In addition, GD Library seems to strip the metadata from the images when processed for a customer purchase.  The test purchases I've done so far show that my downloaded images have no metadata included effectively making them orphans.

I have basically paused in the development of my site at this point until this can be addressed.  I think Leo's working on this as part of the premium plugin he's developing.  I'm really anxious to begin uploading again, get the network turned on and continue building out our site.


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