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Messages - TonyD

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As soon as you get shareholders involved in any company where the business model is a co-operative model, you can kiss goodbye to being paid fairly.

I know Shutterstock was never set up as this model, but in effect, that's what it is and this is the same across the microstock market.

The reality is, they along with Getty/iStock, 123RF, DepsitPhotos have all operated this model, they are like 18th Century Mill Owners in the UK, once they had bought production in house, they consistently cut the wages of the employees, until they were dirt poor, while they lived in wacking great mansions.

Even when they went on strike these were broken up by the local militias; and no unions, in many ways this is very similar to today, except they use regressive imposed at will contracts.

The avarice of those who believe they are clever running these companies to the detriment of the artists is something that should be legislated against.

I'm not sure how this should be done, to make it fair across the board, but it does seem to me that the shareholder model is severely broken.

The other problem is of course that the size of the microstock market flies under the radar for most Governments, it's the large Tech Companies that draw all the attention, and lets face it most of these companies working practices are appalling and in some cases slave labour.

Personally, I believe that Shutterstock along with Getty in the long run are finished, talent always votes with it's feet.

Agreed. my thoughts exactly. If they were as important as amazon they'd never get away with paying so badly. Even contributors from developing countries protested about the new2 low rates. In my country we would lobby our MPs but I guess you cannot do that in America because the politicians are somehow supported by tech companies Totaly corrupt and should be illegal.

Maybe you'd like to reconsider iStock. I know it has a horrible reputation and, yes, $0,01 sales are a real thing and really annoying (After a while I stopped looking at my earning report each month, because these 0.01 sales are so upsetting. I only look at the final number of money I'll get.), but like with Shutterstock it's more a volume and chance game - you sell more images there than on Adobe and Alamy and of course you can also get higher amounts for your images. Most months iSTock is my second best earner next to Shutterstock. It's usually better than Adobe for me and much better than Alamy for sure.

I can't see how you join istock. I think I tried to get photos accepted in 2012 but were rejected as I only had a P&S camera at the time and knew nothing about editing. I may still have an account there but doubt it. As for SS I'm nearly at min payout amount (I only have a few 100 photos) because there's been more $1+ DLs lately and only a few dime DLs.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Contributor forum deceased?
« on: October 03, 2021, 12:36 »
Thanks @For Real for the link.

Me wonders whether SS isn't being prepared for a sell off to an 'investment' group. When you're not prepared to invest in a couple of people to manage/moderate a forum it will get out of hand (sort of Godwin's Law-light). An unmoderated forum with all its adverse comments is going to be bad for business/stock price if your main interest is to get the stock price up so that all the senior management can cash out at the top.

Those guys are the insiders and must have a good idea of how the company is 'progressing' since the new rates for contributors were implemented. What if there's a trend by the major image factories to not give their new model-released work to SS because they can no longer make any money at SS? Then you know that in time your image base will become stale and that it's time to boost the stock price before you cash out. Any indications that the peasants are revolting must be quelled, otherwise a potential investor might be a little worried by the unrest among the natives/suppliers found on the forums.

Pure speculation on my part and only time will tell.

Hello I recognise you from the SS forum (but I haven't posted for a year) I had to google it because SS removed the forum link on the contributor page. I just found out today that they are shutting it down on the 14th Oct very sad but not exactly a shock.

Nature sells best for me on Fine Art America, a print on demand site that sells photo prints. All types of nature sold there - landscapes, seascapes, flowers/plants, animals, and seashells. 16 out of 30 sales there so far this year were nature, so just over half.


Do you have to have a paid account to sell anything on FAA? because I only have a free accnt & haven't sold anything.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Im sorry about Dreamstime
« on: August 27, 2021, 11:35 »
Dreamstime are a dream to upload to (97% acceptance rate but have only earned $10+ so will take a long time to cashout I guess.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: iPhone 11
« on: August 14, 2021, 18:58 »
I have two Canon 5D4's. I fell and can't lift them so I didn't shoot in over a year. I just bought the Iphone 11pro and this phone camera blows the Canon away! Everything I am shooting is getting accepted. The color right out of the phone for stock is fantastic. It even shoots in the dark without noise!

The phone is 12 MP and the 5D4 is 30.1 MP, so you're not getting the same in resolution.  It does NOT blow the Canon away.  It's a nice phone camera, but not a replacement for a dslr.  And according to this comparison article https://digital-photography-school.com/iphone-11-pro-versus-the-canon-5d-mark-iv/ they say, "As for noise and sharpness, I dont notice any issues when viewing the photos at a normal viewing size. But viewing the images large (which can be done here) shows significant noise and lack of clarity in all of the iPhone images."  So, you're not getting images in the dark without noise.  You're just not viewing them large enough to see it.

On a popular youtube photography channel they were asked: What camera would you recommend for $500 or less? They answered you're better of getting one of the newer smartphones They actually compared a new iphone with a canon R5 by shooting the same scene and even in the dark (zoomed into the photo) there was hardly any difference.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: iPhone 11
« on: August 14, 2021, 08:59 »
I have two Canon 5D4's. I fell and can't lift them so I didn't shoot in over a year. I just bought the Iphone 11pro and this phone camera blows the Canon away! Everything I am shooting is getting accepted. The color right out of the phone for stock is fantastic. It even shoots in the dark without noise!

The phone is 12 MP and the 5D4 is 30.1 MP, so you're not getting the same in resolution.  It does NOT blow the Canon away.  It's a nice phone camera, but not a replacement for a dslr.  And according to this comparison article https://digital-photography-school.com/iphone-11-pro-versus-the-canon-5d-mark-iv/ they say, "As for noise and sharpness, I dont notice any issues when viewing the photos at a normal viewing size. But viewing the images large (which can be done here) shows significant noise and lack of clarity in all of the iPhone images."  So, you're not getting images in the dark without noise.  You're just not viewing them large enough to see it.

My first photos submitted to SS was with a Canon PowerShot sx540 super zoom which I'd just bought. They accepted some but rejected most photos taken with it so I got a Sony NEX 5n mirrorless later on which was fine. I still got rejections but no so many. My Sony also takes the old OM Olympus 50mm lens (with an adapter) that came with my Olympus OM10 which I've had since the 80's. I even used film photos taken with it & scanned into the PC to get accepted on Alamy stock as they didn't accept shots taken with the powershot.

Adobe Stock / Re: rejections due to technical issues
« on: August 12, 2021, 03:48 »
When I joined adobe over 18mnths ago during winter, I had nearly every photo accepted but after end of May 2020 (the SS pay cut) they rejected much more for tech issues when by that time my photos had improved not least because light had got better in the spring/summer. I queried support and they said I had other similar photos in my port even though they were taken much earlier.

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