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Messages - PenelopeB

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Horrible Animal Cruelty
« on: April 27, 2008, 18:29 »
Wasn't there just a huge ad campaign done with photos of a nude "anorexic" woman who looked much worse than this poor pooch?

It was to shed light on the disease.

Maybe he is an attention seeking sicko copy-cat? Maybe we could tie him up by a certain body part along with the starving animal the next time and see who wins.

152 / Re: First "Snap" sale
« on: April 26, 2008, 16:10 »
I'm on firefox and it works great (although a little slow) for me.

How much do you get for subscription sales there?

I've had 5 sales so far.

153 / Re: Additional Format
« on: April 23, 2008, 12:20 »
I'm the one who got the .30 for the raw file. I will never do it again, unless they guarantee a larger sum.

154 / Re: How are you pricing your images at SV
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:23 »
Mine are at $10. with some of my older ones that are at the smallest size at $5.

Sales? Last sale was in March. Yawn.


I believe that photographers can have an "artist" eye, but stock photography is different.

It is, in mho, knowing what "media" needs to "market" goods, services,etc. - that makes a good stock photographer. Imagination too. And most important - the technical side of the camera. You can have all the "eye" you want, but unless you understand your instrument and light, your stymied.

On the other hand, I come from a family of artists, (published and commercial)
Father - artist,
Mother - no so,
daughter one - artist,
daughter two - no so,
daughter three (me) - artist. 

I am talking about the ability to paint, draw, the fine art stuff. The daughter that is not an artist visually takes after the mothers side of the family, where as the two daughter that are artists look like the father side. Coincidence?  I say genes.

Then again...
My husband - musician,
Mother (me) good ear, can't play an instrument to save my life.
Our Son... picked up guitar,(acoustic & electric) piano,trumpet,sax,flute, etc etc, at the age of 14, (self taught) no lessons, no interest before, never picked up an instrument prior, is 16 now and is writing his own lyrics and music, doing solos in front of large audiences, utilizing tracks of the many instruments he plays and making CDs. His talent is natural.

Too much coincidence here - I say genetics. My son was exposed to (and enjoyed) art way more than music.


Sold a picture of a glass doorknob on a door...

search was for "woman on white background"

Guess she was a "doorknob" ??

157 / Re: Fill LO Piggy Banks
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:07 »
is there anyway to ask LO to accumulate all those little balances into one payout to Leaf as a donation to MSG (with permission for each of us via email) to help out with this site?  I've only got $1.50, but if everyone chipped in?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Generic Model Release?
« on: April 12, 2008, 15:59 »
I took the iStock release, changed it to generic, branded the top and have used it with approvals on all the big six sites.


290 + a bunch in the queue

= 36,857

Yah... I think I'd be pretty happy if one of the agencies used my photo for an ad.

What better advertising for me?

161 / Re: Congrats to Miz
« on: April 07, 2008, 15:06 »
Good for you Miz... hard work pays off!  You deserve it.

162 / Re: Are you slow too?
« on: April 07, 2008, 15:04 »
I hate it when this happens... I just had two big sales.  heheh.  Jinx.

163 / Are you slow too?
« on: April 07, 2008, 14:42 »
or is it just me since the price hike?

I'm having subscriptions "trickle" through, but sales are not like they were prior.


164 / Re: Regular uploading at SS ?
« on: April 04, 2008, 05:24 »
Yes, they get mixed in with the new ones.

165 / Re: Regular uploading at SS ?
« on: April 03, 2008, 16:49 »
I found that it is necessary to upload around 5 new photos every weekend. That seems to carry you through the week.

I stopped for a about 6 months after my surgery last spring and sales went totally down the toilet.


166 / Re: Low color profile?
« on: April 01, 2008, 17:27 »
Over saturated green is an April Fools joke? Right?

Its frikin snowing here, going down to minus 8 celcius, and there is a flood advisory everywhere here because it was 11 degrees C here today and all this frikin, (did I say Frikin again?) snow (4 feet) of snow is melting - Yah!  Lets get some "Extreme" temperature fluctuations goin??? NO GLOBAL WARMING MY *SS?

I would kill for some over-saturated green right now. 

(sorry for the rant... very frustrated Canadian (Ontarian) right now) -

I feel like I'm shooting in gray scale.


I tried to cash out today, and they asked me for my passport???


168 / Re: why do YOU buy at istock???
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:51 »
The odd time I have purchased, I try to do it from StockXpert so the artist gets the most bang for the buck.

52 up - 10 waiting since I don't know when, joined in December - 1 - $0.30 sale.

I heard such good things about them too?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Death by spod
« on: March 30, 2008, 07:35 »
Ya, I have l.3, thanks,  it just came with the camera because you can't use CS2 to process your RAWs.

Thanks for the LR tip, will try the free version until I can save up "another" $200.

Hope it works with the D300. 

(and I was so happy with my cs2 work flow.)

General Stock Discussion / Death by spod
« on: March 29, 2008, 21:05 »
Ok... got a new Nikon D300 a couple of weeks ago.  Mac G4 died, got a newer G5 with way better speed etc. (dual processors, cpu speed 2 ghz, 2 gigs ram, 230 gig hd

Cannot use Adobe CS2 Photoshop to process my raw files, must use the Nikon Capture NX.

DEATH BY SPOD. (spinning pizza of death)  It took me 20 minutes just to get through a few raw and picture adjustments on one lousy shot in this STUPID program. What a useless piece of crap!

Looks like I'm going to have to suck up another $200.00 and get PS CS3 to process my raw files.  Going broke!

Sigh... thanks for listening.

172 / Re: Big Stock Not Moving Today
« on: March 29, 2008, 05:36 »
I like BigStock as well, their sales are picking up nicely and they have a nice clean ad campaign in my area as well. 

Keep up the good work Big Stock.

Big stock has a 90 day rule for photos accepted as well.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: D300/D200 comparaison
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:05 »
The Camera Raw plug-in is ONLY for CS3 - not CS2.

According to what I've read, Nikon will not release to Adobe the technology to create a plug in for CS2. Which totally sucks for those who have just purchases CS2 to process their photos. (like me)

The Camera does come with a full version of the latest Nikon Capture due to this, but even with my G5 graphics tower, dual core 2. processors, 2 gigs of ram, 230 gig harddrive, the software still binds while doing Raw files.

Apparently, I'm stuck unless I upgrade to CS3?

Hey Miz!!!!

(love your enthusiasm, by the way!! - you don't allow anyone to crap in your cornflakes... good for you!)

Does that make us "Phartographers"  heheh.

sorry, couldn't resist.


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