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Messages - Albert Martin

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26 / Re: Anybody else have this experience with IS?
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:53 »
I see... How is called such iStock employee who is watching what other people says on their and other forums? Istock investigator? Istock Eye? Istock Detective? Lol... There was some form of such thing in last century - they called them GESTAPO ;-) Yup... I lurked now with very much of pleasure!

Illustration - General / Re: Shutterstock terminated my account
« on: December 27, 2012, 19:51 »
Dude, You blew it up so bad...

Concept (if original enough) is not possible to copy under DMCA and many agencies after auditing vector works will delete your account for that reason... You should wait for at least 20 years to copy other people's vector work if you happen to want to do that.

So, yes... Make a new account on your sister or aunt name and no more copying/peeking... As far if you wish to earn some money from YOUR vectors, be original.

28 / Re: The chart that says "unsustainable"
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:34 »
The problem with istock is that they have management which is caring about profit only. Not caring about making their business more profitable in terms of obtaining more sales. All what they do is cutting authors part of royalties and upping prices sky high... That business model can't be sustainable!

29 / Re: who are the losers ?
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:31 »
AMEN  8)

DepositPhotos / Re: Image selling by credits trough their Partners
« on: September 04, 2012, 05:26 »
They should test this on their own expenses! No way that you agreed to sell ELs for less than stated in contract with them... If so then steal is great way for other agencies to copy and paste such business model!

PhotoDune is low earning agency... Full STOP.

No uploads there and again... Full Stop.


Veer / Re: Veer Subscription Royalties Update
« on: September 30, 2011, 15:51 »
I was thinking... Heh, yes - sometimes I do that too  ;D

UNLIMITED REPRODUCTION plan can be very interesting for all but there must be some limits... I don't know much of statistic maths but will try to explain some points:


Monthly plan for Unlimited reproduction must include some known number of images planned for this kind of usage. Agency can simply give some good rebate: 20% for one month, 25% for three months, 30% for 6 months and so on. Limit must be final payout to contributor per image which can't be lower than 15 USD. 'Pool share' system can be applied here too.

After all OPT-OUT from this must be always present due to that some creatives sell unlimited reproduction licenses for 200+ USD per image and they might not be interested in such kind of sales.

Veer / Re: Veer Subscription Royalties Update
« on: September 30, 2011, 15:30 »
This sounds more fair and is competitive in micro subscription game... Let's see what Shutterstock has as respond to this ;-)

Veer / Re: veer subs
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:34 »
UNLIMITED RUN under subscription for cents??? COME ON VEER ????


" Extended plans include the Unlimited Reproduction license and the Extended Protection Plan."

and all that for just 3.75 down to 0.13

OPT OUT is MUST here!

Well guys, I think that photographers should never be reviewers!
Best Reviewers would be designers who use photos and illustrations...

All other constellations come up with problems.


How much for upload per image?

I remember that standard is about 50 Cents ;-)

Veer / Re: Veer Reseller API
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:55 »
It seems we have PR Pro here talking with us ;-)

38 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: December 22, 2010, 17:47 »

For start you'd need Canon 50mm f1.8 II (it is cheap and great lens - Maybe best of all for money it costs and it is ultra sharp) - only you must take care with it because it is plastic!

Sigma 18-50/2,8 is your next step.

Some Macro like Tamrom 90mm

And some zoom like Canon 70-200L (no matter if it is f2.8 or f4)

When you get those you have all weapons you'd need ;-)

40 / Re: Another happy buyer at iStock
« on: December 02, 2010, 15:46 »
Community? Lobo gets some things wrong indeed.

How . he can talk about any sort of community?

Shareholders and goal of 50% profit growth is what tells that there is no a single letter of community left on istock!

Maybe there is community of those who like to bend and get it from behind. But, that is philosophical matter.

41 / Flyerstarter (Zymmetrical) SOLD ?
« on: October 14, 2010, 15:04 »

Result of this is no more log-in possible for authors who have their works online there.

What do you think or know?

Usually it is making your exposure at about double focal lenght of your lens. For example if you are shooting with 100mm (not crop), you'd need to make exposure at about 1/200s - lights and aperture are dependable here.

If you need slower shutter speeds then you'd need lens with lower focal lengths.

If you need to do some trick with making your exposure closer to lens focal length number then you'd surely need tripod or monopod to assure you get it all sharp as you wish.

Techniques of shooting with tripod/monopod are all similar and what is crucial is to minimize movement of shutter while exposing or to be more on spot: to minimize vibration.

I hope this helps.

General Stock Discussion / Re: online image gallery
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:35 »
Hi all,

I wonder what online gallery you are using to show as portfolio? I am looking for one without payment.

flickr is limited to 200 images only.

redbubble is quite good, but i realize that your image is showing in big size without a proper watermark..

any good recommendation?

How many images you need to show? 200000?

This quote is for you to think about:

"Amateur photographer will show you all his photos. Professional photographer will show only the best works."

Congrats Dreamframer!
That is the way how it's should be done.

How about BLACK badge for greed to be put to agencies which are always screwing contributors with words NOT RECOMMENDED?
That would be something that will add to FAIR-TRADE badges...

46 / Re: Agency Collection Now Showing up on IStock
« on: September 17, 2010, 18:35 »
If this isn't so sad it would be very funny...

But, now it is really FAIL!

47 / Re: So what are we all going to do?
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:39 »
There is what is unsustainable for Getty: All commissions higher than 20%

More accurate to say "unacceptable" than "unsustainable". IStock showed that payouts much greater than 20% were sustainable, while Getty has shown that with enough mismanagement you can cause a company to fail with 20%.
Getty are just too arrogant to see that maybe IStock had it right and they have it wrong, even though that's the very reason they bought the company.

Otherwise, yep spot on, they will cut exclusives down to 20% while independents will either have to go elsewhere or accept much, much less.

It is a money in matter!
They are greedy and they will do all it takes to get our 20% from sales!
They don't care even if there aren't any buyers at istock due to that they can make as many new sites as they want.
Problem is to break the will of authors to comply to 20%
If authors will accept it (and it looks that they will) then we will remember this current time and years where we had great income from selling stock!

48 / Re: So what are we all going to do?
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:14 »
Just to clear that what I previously said:
It is pure interest and my selfishness what drives me to talk to you here.
I have plans to live from doing this and any cut of authors royalties I feel like cut to my personal earnings.
It is not anything against your logic and current position! It is about future where there is action we ALL must do now or will face consequences in the future.

Idea with attracting buyers to FAIR-TRADE sites seems like our best weapon we can use until someone come up with better one.

49 / Re: So what are we all going to do?
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:08 »
LOL! You think they will stop on this? You are wrong!

You may be right, but currently any drop in my income is within the bounds of acceptable. I feel I can make it up with a bit of effort. The alternative would be what though?
If you can suggest something I can do that will have minimal effect on my income I'm all ears. If you're going to suggest giving up exclusivity and uploading to multiple sites, don't bother. I know 2 people who have done this and they're both back as exclusives, poorer but wiser. I'm still earning within the top 10% of incomes in my European country, even with a 10% drop I'm still there and I feel I can make up an income drop by working harder and being more focussed. What suggestion can you offer?

While you ask I will tell you: Have you projected all possibilities?
First is that Getty and exclusivity is something what is must. Other connected with first is that they don't pay more than 20%. So, you will need to project your future earnings at about 20% and see if your income will satisfy you.
Current state and developments are only transitional to that 20% which all Getty authors will have in royalties.

There is what is unsustainable for Getty: All commissions higher than 20%

So, next year you will get what they promised, but after a while they will tweak that you get less in percentage again and over and over again until they hit their sustainable percentage for author royalties!
It is called PHASING-OUT and at the end you will see that you can't get more than 20% as exclusive. Next step probably will be that you pay to upload your images!
It won't happen very fast, but it will happen.

While that is happening you and others who stays with iS and Getty are giving clear signals to other agencies that you are willing to accept less than 20%
Do you think I am not right? See you in few years from now...

50 / Re: So what are we all going to do?
« on: September 12, 2010, 01:33 »
we need to be willing to take action or we'll just get walked on the next time around as well.

Whilst the idea of making a stand against perceived injustice is great, there is now way on earth such an idea will have any effect here. Even in the IS forums there's a "We the undersigned" petition stating a lack of confidence in IS management, it's been running for some days now and with all the furore you'd think it would be hundreds of pages long, it's got 300 signatories. I'm not sure how many IS contributors there are, 75,000? 300 signing shows how little enthusiasm there is for any sort of action. I'm not going to do anything either, my income will be affected but it's my main source of income now so I'm not going to endanger that. I came to stock because my previous freelance income was being damaged by constant downward pressure on fees, over a period of years-sound familiar? Fees in publishing and design are probably less than they were 10 years ago and anyone who works in any industry will say the same, I still earn more than I can freelancing, a drop in income will push me into working harder and even if I dropped out or went on strike or whatever idea you may have to protest you can bet the vast majority won't support you. I was reading a report from a major economist yesterday basically saying the world economy is f---ed and it aint going to get any better, we're all clinging to the wreckage, trying to do the best for our families, and promoting strikes or upload slowdowns or attempting to turn away buyers isn't going to make one iota of difference until the whole dirty mess hits the fan finally some point in the near future.

LOL! You think they will stop on this? You are wrong!

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