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Messages - hatman12

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Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe profits more than double in latest quarter
« on: November 12, 2022, 19:44 »
How do I get to see my weekly ranking?  I've changed the stats to weekly and monthly downloads but no ranking appears.  Am I missing something?

Go to dashboard - in left top corner you will see Time Frame dropdown menu - change to "This week".

Thanks.  I am 1810th this week with 209 downloads which is reasonable for my portfolio size.  Clearly there are still many artists making good downloads and money at Adobe.

Good Numbers!

May I ask how big your portfolio is?


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe profits more than double in latest quarter
« on: November 12, 2022, 06:49 »
How do I get to see my weekly ranking?  I've changed the stats to weekly and monthly downloads but no ranking appears.  Am I missing something?

Go to dashboard - in left top corner you will see Time Frame dropdown menu - change to "This week".

Thanks.  I am 1810th this week with 209 downloads which is reasonable for my portfolio size.  Clearly there are still many artists making good downloads and money at Adobe.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe profits more than double in latest quarter
« on: November 12, 2022, 02:08 »
How do I get to see my weekly ranking?  I've changed the stats to weekly and monthly downloads but no ranking appears.  Am I missing something?

Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down
« on: November 10, 2022, 23:07 »
My August and September were both down about 20% from the same months the previous year.  Those are unpredictable months.  However October has now come in down about 30%.  So clearly something has changed.  Whether that's due to increased supply from contributors, declining customers, or a recalculation of the subscription share of course is impossible to tell.

Shame because Canva has been a wonderful Agency over the last few years.  I hope this is a one-off adjustment and not a downwards trend.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: November 06, 2022, 01:01 »
Mat, how will buying customers (and potential customers) find out about this new service?  Will Adobe make an announcement somehow, such as a newsletter?

There is an amazing team focused on marketing at Adobe. Stay tuned....


Haven't seen any marketing or announcement yet, or if there has been I've missed it.  PNG sales are happening but not at the rate of popularity I had hoped.  With the important Christmas/New Year period upon us, it would be good to see buying customers being informed about PNG files and how to find them.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: October 05, 2022, 18:50 »
Mat, how will buying customers (and potential customers) find out about this new service?  Will Adobe make an announcement somehow, such as a newsletter?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: DeepMeta question
« on: September 21, 2022, 04:36 »
Thanks very much for your help.  I downloaded and imported this years statements.  Only took a few minutes.  Still, Istock and Getty seem determined to make life as difficult and opaque as possible...

According to iStock, buyers seldom use the words copyspace, copy space, copy, space for search results.  Buyers choose their images visually.  Including the copyspace words doesn't increase sales and might reduce sales due to too many keywords.

On the other hand including the word photo can increase sales (again according to iStock).  Many buyers are lazy and don't use the drop down search options.  Instead they might search for 'Eiffel Tower Photo' so by including the word photo (for photographers) in both the description and keywords can increase sales.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: September 20, 2022, 23:11 »
Good to hear, thank you.

Can you also submit images with inside transparency, like a beautifully decorated frame of fresh flowers, or food with a large transparency in the center of the image?

Like a frame?

Or Polaroid cut outs with empty spaces to drop your own fotos inside etc,,,,

Or does it always have to be a single object you can grab?

Cobalt, I have uploaded and had accepted PNG frame files like you describe.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: September 20, 2022, 23:09 »
Any news on when the PNG file service will go live?

iStockPhoto.com / DeepMeta question
« on: September 20, 2022, 23:08 »
I've downloaded DeepMeta to a new computer, logged in etc.  Portfolio has been idetified and added to DeepMeta.  However there is no sales history or sales statements.  Do I have to do something special to download these to DeepMeta?

Canva / Re: Anyone having problems with Canva payment?
« on: September 15, 2022, 18:15 »
Still showing as pending...

Shutterstock.com / Re: Selling photos to russia
« on: September 13, 2022, 04:30 »
Why all this negative criticism of Russia?  Don't you people know your history?  And don't you know what has been going on in Ukraine these past couple of years?  Do your research and don't believe anything you read in the press, and particularly the American press.

Down 20% or so compared to last August.  However August can be a strange month with so many people on holiday etc, and for many people this would have been their first chance to get away for a couple years.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: September 13, 2022, 01:18 »
I am very excited about PNG files being available at Adobe given the great success with them at Canva.  When Mat made the anouncement I decided to upload all of my files over the course of three weeks or so (500 files).  Glad to see that were almost all accepted.  However as the service has not yet gone live I am becoming concerned that I have done the wrong thing and perhaps should have waited.  As the days go by I become concerned that my files will get lost in searches.  Hopefully that won't happen and fingers crossed the service goes live soon.  I am debating whether to delete and reupload once the thing goes live.

Canva / Re: Canva acceptances, rejections etc
« on: September 01, 2022, 23:53 »

Canva / Canva acceptances, rejections etc
« on: September 01, 2022, 02:54 »
I'm uploading to Canva again after a break of a few months.  I used to be able to view all my uploads with details of acceptance, rejection etc but I can't find that facility now.  Has it gone, or am I missing something?

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: August 31, 2022, 17:01 »
Any news on when the PNG service is likely to go live?

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: August 25, 2022, 20:30 »

For new asset types, and the very case of the PNG launch that we're working on with you, a critical mass is needed across search queries in order to meet customer satisfaction.

I very much doubt that any form of critical mass can be achieved for PNG files at launch (I am referring to photos rather than illustrations).  In the twenty years of microstock none of the major agencies have accepted or sought PNG files so photographers won't have produced them and won't have a library for upload.  The exception is Canva who starting asking for PNG files a few years ago.  Some photographers (I am one of them) have spent time producing PNG files for Canva and have met with great success.  However I imagine that the number of artists producing these is quite small.

I think this is a case of starting small and growing rather than looking for critical mass on day one.  Customers will understand that sometimes new ideas take a while to get going.  Now that the cat is out of the bag (Shutterstock and Istock read these forums) what's important is that Adobe hits the ground running and gets the service off the ground even if the initial supply is modest.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: August 18, 2022, 00:38 »
I'm in the process of uploading all of my PNG files now and gradually over the next month.  Yes, there might be some confusion intially but I believe that getting these files accepted and 'ready to go' is really important.  The experience at Canva has shown that these files are incredibly popular with designers and I expect the same to apply at Adobe.  It might take a while to become fully estabished but I'll guess that once most customers become aware of the PNG file option sales of those files will take off like wildfire.  Equivalent 'isolated on white' files are likely to take a back seat over time.  I'm expecting sales of my 'isolated on white' stuff to decline as more and more customers opt for PNG.  And given the scarcity of PNG files, at least at the launch, those with PNG files ready to go will benefit.  I could be wrong but my gut feel is that this is an excellent move by Adobe and I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised at how sales take off.

123RF / Re: "Exciting" news from 123rf
« on: August 16, 2022, 21:42 »
Opted out.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: August 14, 2022, 22:09 »
I got into Canva pretty early and am glad I did because I make more there than anywhere else. 

Yep, same here.

I use the file info service in photoshop.  Unlike Bridge it keeps words in priority order and allows a template to be saved so that all info can be applied to images from a particular shoot.  I don't use Lightroom so can't comment on that.

$420 added to my account today.  Thank you very much Mat and Adobe.

I'm happy to participate with the full allocation of files accepted by Adobe.  My experience of Adobe over the last few years is that they have been one of the fairest and most professional of agencies.  I'm happy to go with their judgement.

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