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Messages - hatman12

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DepositPhotos / PNG files
« on: October 28, 2024, 21:35 »
I received an email from DP announcing that they are now accepting PNG files and encouraging uploads.

I went to the DP web site and did some searches - the filter box doesn't give PNG as an option and other filters don't specify transparent background etc.  There are already some PNG files in the library but unlike Adobe these don't show a chequered background.  So at the moment there doesn't appear to be any way a buyer can filter for PNG files with transparent background.

So I'm in two minds.  Perhaps DP will introduce additional search options in the future.  Perhaps not.

Thoughts anyone?

Canva / Re: Trolley (Canva)
« on: March 21, 2024, 17:51 »
Today I received this reply from Canva:

"Hello there,
Thanks for writing back to us.
Apologies for the confusion, signing up with Trolley simply means updating your payment details.
If you have submitted your tax form,  you're good to go.
I hope this clears it up! Let us know if you need further assistance.

Clearly the instruction to 'register with Trolley' is completely misleading.

Canva / Re: Trolley (Canva)
« on: March 20, 2024, 17:22 »
I wrote to Canva about this.  They replied immediately saying that 'there is functionality in your Canva Creator account to register with Trolley'.  Well I've spent hours looking at my account and for the life of me I cannot find any reference to Trolley and certainly no 'functionality to register'.

Anyone had any success with this?

Canva / Re: Trolley (Canva)
« on: March 20, 2024, 00:13 »
Agreed.  I went to the Trolley web site and couldn't see any way for an individual to register.  I'm going to write to Canva.

Canva / Re: Trolley (Canva)
« on: March 19, 2024, 22:26 »
Any more news on this?  I filled out my tax form which has been reviewed and accepted.  But I've done nothing about registering with trolley.  Do I really have to?

iStock has always had a rubbish tech department.  Probably transferred to Getty these days. who are equally as bad.

123RF / 123RF PNG files
« on: January 31, 2024, 03:46 »
I don't often look at 123RF these days given the low volume of sales.  But I did check my account balance today and was surprised to see a message that 123RF now accepts PNG files.

I couldn't find any explanation on the web site, and using search filters I couldn't see any options for selecting PNG unlike Adobe which has transparent backgrounds as an option.

Is this something new and early days for 123RF?  Does anyone have any experience of PNG files there?

Canva / Re: Canva Tax Forms
« on: December 02, 2023, 22:21 »
This doesn't sound right at all.  US witholding tax is 10% not 5% and only applies to a company registered and operating in the US and making distributions to residents abroad.

Canva is an Australian business and should not have to deduct USA witholding tax.

I am concerned that the email from Canva suggests that this US witholding tax will be withheld in addition to the 15% Australian witholding tax they already apply.  That doesn't sound right given the double taxation treaty between Australia and the USA.  One must be offset against the other.

I think Canva has got all this wrong, unless of course it has reregistered its business in the US.  If so, the Australian 15% witholding no longer applies.

Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good
« on: October 14, 2023, 20:38 »
Same here! applies and Exports UP but earning down down down

Yep, same here.  Very disappointing.

Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good
« on: September 12, 2023, 20:35 »
Same here, but I'm not surprised - the writing has been on the wall for a while.  On the other hand August is usually not a good month for me - so many people around the world on holiday.  For me sales usually rebound in September and rise towards the end of the year.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adobe Stock Keywords
« on: September 12, 2023, 20:33 »
Photoshop file info function keeps all keywords in the order you input.  I used to use Bridge for Metadata but got fed up with Bridge sorting everything alphabetically which then made it a pain to upload to Adobe.  Now I use the file info function in photoshop, which includes the ability to save a template which can be applied to all photos in a series.  Easy.

123RF / Re: 123RF sales stopped.
« on: August 25, 2023, 20:11 »
123rf: from more than $200 sometimes to less than $5 everytime, by month.  :o

Same here.

Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good
« on: August 14, 2023, 20:54 »
Yep my income number has also been revised upwards, now roughly in line with the sales numbers.

It remains to be seen whether this was just an error, or whether we were being screwed and Canva reversed that decision in response to all the backlash.

Canva / Re: Canva July sales are in, and it's not good
« on: August 13, 2023, 19:56 »
Same here.  Down 40% or so from previous month.  Looks like we got screwed.  Very disappointing.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Free Collection $5 Payments Are Back
« on: June 28, 2023, 00:16 »
105 accepted so a nice bonus of $525.  Thank you very much Matt and Adobe.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Free Collection $5 Payments Are Back
« on: June 13, 2023, 00:44 »
Anyone received payment for free collection choices yet?

Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down
« on: March 13, 2023, 21:30 »
It looks like Feb earnings are posted, and although applies were up 24% and exports were up 18% actual $ earnings were only up .57% and total $ earnings actually went down because I had more individual sales in January (which gives you an idea of how small the Elements earning increase was since individual sales are in the single digits these months.)

So, an awful lot of sales for not much $ for us and basically earnings continue to fall despite the customers getting fat at the all you can eat buffet.

Does anyone know what "applies" and "exports" really mean? Danny?

My sales were also shown as up about 24% in February, but unfortunately my total earnings for the month were down about 1%.  The money divided into total sales produces pay per download as a very small number, about $0.006 per sale.

I like Canva, but it sure feels and looks like we are being screwed.

When I first started in Microstock in 2007 I had a Nikon D50 a widely praised camera at that time.  Actually it was rubbish.  I upgraded to the D60, an amazing 12MP.  Again the results were poor (looking back with years of experience).

I actually love my D50. Was a trusted companion for almost a decade and I've sold many images taken with it.

Well I was a bit extreme calling the D50 rubbish.  In its time it was well regarded and advanced.  But technology has moved on - autofocus, selection of focus points, sensor quality are all far superior now.  Still it was a great camera for many people.

When I first started in Microstock in 2007 I had a Nikon D50 a widely praised camera at that time.  Actually it was rubbish.  I upgraded to the D60, an amazing 12MP.  Again the results were poor (looking back with years of experience).

Everyone at iStock wanted to produce XXXL sizes and the nly way of doing that was via the Canon 5Dii.  So I sold all my Nikon gear and bought the 5Dii and a selection of lenses.  It was good, but man was it heavy.

Then a few years ago I went for lighter mirrorless.  I chose the Fuji X-T2 and a couple of lenses.  Wonderful camera, and the leses are so sharp it's incredible.  Quality of images is exceptional, shooting RAW and processing in Fuji's own RAW software.

This camera and two lenses are exceptionally good and so light I can take them everywhere.  Never felt the need to upgrade again once I'd switched to my Fuji X-T2.

Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down
« on: February 13, 2023, 19:40 »
canva posted sub earnings today - mine is right on avg for last 6 months, down 15% over last 12 mo

Mine is better than expected for January but still a large drop from Jan 2022.

Microstock Services / Re: Any software to embed metadata to .PNG ?
« on: February 13, 2023, 19:38 »
Yeah, but it is not comfortable. I mean there is no option to copy paste metadata to multiple images, change order of keywords etc..

If you are doing a series you can keyword the first file using file info in Photoshop then save the info as a template which you can then apply to all the other images in the series.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: January 27, 2023, 02:05 »
I've noticed that PNG files are gaining in popularity but its a slow process.  Some of my PNGs are less popular than others and I can't see them in a normal search, but selecting the transparent background option brings them to the first page.  That must be how customers are finding them and suggests that customers are gradually finding the transparent background option.

Of course it would be excellent if Adobe could issue some newsletter or announcement to existing and potential customers but that doesn't yet appear to have happened.  Fingers crossed it happens eventually because I'm sure customers will be delighted.  Quite why nothing has been done yet is beyond me.

Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: January 18, 2023, 01:01 »
Are Adobe still planning "big things" for their png collection or have they shifted their attention/ resources away to AI now (i.e. doing away with us)? We were told to wait and see and that we wouldn't be disappointed with what they had in mind/ the level of promotion. Havent seen much yet.

PNG files are selling but as you say there doesn't appear to have been any announcement or marketing to customers by Adobe.  Shame and disappointing for those of us who have made the effort to upload.  Adobe did say they might have to wait to achieve 'critical mass' in search results - that might take a long time given that the majority of contributors do not have an existing PNG file collection.

General - Top Sites / Microsoft Create
« on: December 07, 2022, 20:08 »
What is this new thing Microsoft Create?  It looks a lot like Canva.

I see SS also has a new Create thing.

Does Adobe have something similar?

Some very nice pictures here at Adobe...


Notice a few things: first all of these pictures shout typical Amsterdam, second they are taken in bright light during Spring and summer when there are flowers and leaves on the trees, third they are processed to vibrant colors.  Any buyer would be happy to pay money for these pictures. 

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