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Messages - pkphotos

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The industry is trending downward thanks to the dropkicks who price their work in the gutter. However there is hope, VB member library is very poor quality compared to SS and P5

General - Stock Video / Re: Storyblocks - Member library
« on: September 09, 2019, 02:23 »
Only morons of all morons would sell out to that model.

Bigstock.com / Re: Is it worth it?
« on: September 07, 2019, 17:49 »
No stock are worth it now least of all BS. Anyone uploading to stock sites are clutching at straws and hoping for a few crumbs. That's what happens when people boast about their earnings.

General Stock Discussion / Re: What's happening with Yuri Acrus?
« on: September 06, 2019, 19:03 »
Yuri Arcurs is now a retired photographer and is selling real estate

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alamy - is it worth it?
« on: September 04, 2019, 02:35 »
1 million dollars paid out per month divided by 170,000,000 photos = 0.00588 cents per photo per month.

Or more simply you need 170 photos to make $1 per month. Or 1700 photos to make $10. Or 17,000 to make $100. That's just an approximate average but on those stats only someone who has more time than sense would upload to Alamy.

Shouldn't one video download count as about 30 downloads. Video producers are handicapped with this system because they make Adobe much more money for less downloads. Please correct this flawed system of download ranking. Give higher value sales appropriate ranking.

Shutterstock.com / Re: FAA and SS
« on: August 06, 2019, 18:54 »
Ok, you missed the point...Im not happy about it...

I missed the point too.

Here's a modest suggestion if English is not your native language, you probably shouldn't try to be ironic, sarcastic, or overly subtle, because those are things that take a lot of linguistic skill to do well.

That is rather patronizing. I don't think it was hard to detect the sarcasm/irony. It is well known the Americans are not well versed in sarcasm.

Not since May, but I'm sure some people are. Now I'm receiving payments from the exciting new Member Library Program! It's a new opportunity for me to make as much money as possible from my content! Did you know that contributors are making more money and Storyblocks' customers are gaining access to great content?!

Please tell me how many clips do u have in the Member Library and how much money do u get ? an average per clip ? Thank u.

Early days, so hard to say for certain, but I'm on track to earn roughly $1.50 per clip this month. I have 340 items.

Interesting that the month isn't yet over and you seem to already have data on what your earning. That seems very strange. You shouldn't know that info until the middle of the following month. I'm dubious and I think $1.5 is dream-on scenario. You have a unique niche and premium content that could be licensed as such yet you seem to preoccupied with selling to the bottom feeders

Not since May, but I'm sure some people are. Now I'm receiving payments from the exciting new Member Library Program! It's a new opportunity for me to make as much money as possible from my content! Did you know that contributors are making more money and Storyblocks' customers are gaining access to great content?!

I hope you're joking. The P5 membership works well and I'm sure it's probably several times better than the SB membership will ever be. You seem to love selling as low as possible

The payments they send out on the 15th of every month to people who've earned in the previous month.

You're still getting marketplace sales?

what payment? Are they handing everyone a bonus? Will the marketplace still exist with the new membership program?

Pond5 video has nowhere near the turnover of SS. I sell 2 videos on SS to 1 on P5, plus P5 has too many dead periods.

Adobe Stock / Re: something's wrong (sales)
« on: July 09, 2019, 19:18 »
Adobe has been dead for me the last few weeks. Still not a big player in video sale IMO

I've been using Microstock group keywording tool for more than, well, I don't know, 5-10 years, I from the beginning.
Unfortunately, it is becoming useless thanks to the horrible algorithm at Shutterstock that pushes a bunch of similars from a few  amateur photographers to the front page (which is what Microstockgroup keywording tool uses for keyword selection - the page one, I think), I just can't pick up proper keywords using the tool.
Can you please recommend some good keywording tool that extracts information from, for example, Adobe, and not Shutterstock?
Thanks in advance!
This is also to moderator Leaf - can you improve the keywording tool by using Adobe, because Shutterstock Relevant is ridicuolus at the moment?

I recommend your brain and common sense. :)

I was going to write the exact same thing but common sense meant you beat me to it

General Stock Discussion / Re: Deceased model
« on: July 03, 2019, 15:15 »
There are few valid reasons reason why photos of deceased models should be pulled from use.

Exclusive program was a scam/red-herring to mask the 10% (20%) commission cut.

Well the major takeaway/headline of the exclusive program was (and is), 'go exclusive and we'll increase your cut to 60%, don't and we'll drop it to 40%'. I mean that was in the main announcement email, as clear as day, so if the intention was to mask what was really going on... then they failed on a momentously miserable scale. Not sure where the scam lies in that?

It's blatantly obvious. Exclusivity, even if it does begin producing sales, will never compete with spreading clips across multiple agencies. At least that's what my stats tell me 100% with my own clips.

Exclusive program was a scam/red-herring to mask the 10% (20%) commission cut.

Alamy.com / Re: Have sales plummeted for all or just me?
« on: May 23, 2019, 05:54 »
If everyone with really bad results at Alamy deletes their files then perhaps the rest of us will see some improvement. Let's face it, Alamy is a very poor performer and bottom dweller, but in the RM game it's right near the top. That's how it is in stock photos 2019

General - Stock Video / Re: Storyblocks - Member library
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:26 »
Stephan,i don't get it..i checked my clips on dissolve and they are all at 79/179$...am i missing something??
Btw i couldn't agree more about what you said on storyblock member library...i can clearly see the impact on other agency sales ...i know many producers that take advantage from it...and quite honestly who can blame them??

Dissolve changed our pricing from $79 back down to $49 very recently and quite secretly without telling us contributors. They have some questionable actions. I had just begun uploading again before this latest debacle so informed then my uploading was back on indefinite suspension.

Been full time stock footage producer since 2010, things really took off in 2012 and 2013 onwards has been great. Last 6 weeks though have been horrendous sales wise though.

pkphotos is completely wrong...

yes but for how long when people have to trumpet their success and encourage another 1000 newbies to an already over-saturated market. People on this forum love shooting themselves in the foot.

I deleted my account there years ago. To be honest with you I think you'll have the same amount of sales whether your stock is published or unpublished.

It is impossible to make a living from stock footage. You can make some pocket money but hold on to your real job.

This is what you consider constructive to this forum? Ive made upwards of 2k per month doing this and its steadily growing.  People like John from crafted shutter make a good living off this so Im not sure what youre on about.

Not only have you shown yourself to be rude, but clueless as well. Don't give advice on things you have no knowledge about.

Check and mate....again.

I'm guessing your about 15 judging by the childish way you communicate.

VideoBlocks / Re: Storyblocks - any signs of life?
« on: May 05, 2019, 16:10 »
Almost everyone is reporting the same. I've had one sale this year compared to about 6 per month previously. Considering their promises of good things to come after the commission change, I wonder if they're feeling highly embarrassed by what's happened or if that was what they expected all along? At this stage they can only be viewed as a good bit of money while it lasted.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1.22$ clip earning at Pond5
« on: May 05, 2019, 15:50 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

I think you're dreaming. Stock sites have millions of clips specifically made by professionals for stock. You also seemed to ignore my point that most stock is of subjects that the average Instagram user would have no interest or access in shooting, such as medical, business, education, environmental, industry. Instagram is all about travel, food, fashion.

Go have a look on instagram and see whats on there. Theres plenty to choose from, it might not tick all the boxes but it can definitely take a massive chunk out of the industry. I understand you want to protect your job as long as you can but the reality is slowly setting in with subscription services, lower commissions etc. This is not a dream but a nightmare situation that can and will eventually play out. Now any soccer mom can upload a photo and make some side money with the click of a button.  Discussuon over. Check and mate.

Check and mate? I find your argument and logic reasonably clueless. Stock producers have nothing to fear from Instagram and other sites that will never compete with specialist stock agencies. The main competition for stock media creators come from the hundreds of thousands of other stock media creators saturating the market for a piece of a pie that's not growing much. Instagram, Twenty20 and any other site that throws their hand into the stock market will just be competing for crumbs unless they can come up with a master plan to take over the stock game like SS did many years ago.

Your argument is nonsense. Stick to shooting and leave the business side of things to those with a brain. People also mocked the automobile when it came out and we know how that worked out. Just because you lack the foresight and dont have the ability to look way ahead isnt going to stop it from happening. Keep on being a dinosaur, see how far that gets you in this game, kid.

Nice one, you've just revealed yourself as an idiotic troll as opposed to a constructive contributor to this forum.

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