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Messages - Cider Apple

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Getty video contributor
« on: March 17, 2016, 18:17 »
Only if you film a shoot for RM/RR - Rights Managed or Rights Ready. Not RF.
I think these also need to be exclusive so u can't upload the RM to Other agencies.

That's how I understand it anyway.

pond5 still isn't fixed for me. Just bought a year subscription. Wish I hadn't and could get my money back. It's really buggy too and crashes all the time.

Quote from forum...
"This may change and will play into the new royalties system that we going to be rolling out later in the year yes, that's a dropped hint to something big coming, and we're confident that contributors are going to like it."

Well just have to wait and see if we like it I suppose?

On the istock forum it said later this year big changes are coming to royalty rates. So although for non-exclusives it's ridiculously low right now. Maybe just maybe they realize this and are changing things?
My sales are still regular at istock so I wouldn't rule them out completely but all my video's are in the signature collection so I get a higher amount per download.

About 8 months ago I offered one of my clips as a free video of the month. I did see a slight increase in related sales. Out of the 5000 free downloads I had 10 sales of a related theme. So nothing to amazing but deffinatly a slight increase. It also helped a file reach higher in the search and so I've been getting more sales since.

Thanks.  Which site was it?


About 8 months ago I offered one of my clips as a free video of the month. I did see a slight increase in related sales. Out of the 5000 free downloads I had 10 sales of a related theme. So nothing to amazing but deffinatly a slight increase. It also helped a file reach higher in the search and so I've been getting more sales since.

Mine keeps crashing too and pond5 keeps going back to 0 everytime I open the app. Shutterstock doesn't show my clips downloaded if I click on the agency.

This is pretty scary. I don't like this at all! I wish big companies would take there heads out of there own arses.

This is one step behind being a wedding photographer. Sorry but it sounds like hell. Would you really give up the freedom of stock photography to go out onto a conveyor belt churning out hotel pictures. One grotty room after the other speaking to bossy managers asking to take it this way and that... OMG stay away people!!!

CRAP! :'( :'(

Just got this...


We're reaching out concerning your content which was purchased on February 17th, 2016.

These purchases were due to fraudulent activity on the website. We will be issuing refunds for the fraudulent purchases to return the funds to the card holder and these clips will be removed from your sales history. This account and associated information has been blocked permanently.

Our team has made cutting out refunds a top priority, and well continue to work to reduce any confusion about purchases or fraud on our site. Customer and contributor satisfaction is at the core of what we stand for at VideoBlocks and we will continue reduce any instances of refunds in the future. Thanks for your understanding.

If you have further questions or would like to talk more about this instance, please feel free to respond to this email or give us a call at +1-888-802-7316.

- The VideoBlocks Team

Sorry to here that!
I just don't understand the fraudulent credit card refunds.
Who in there right mind would steal a credit card to then buy stock footage of all things???
Am I missing something? Or is it just an excuse from the stock agencies?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Where is the "bottom"?
« on: February 16, 2016, 18:40 »
I believe that the industry will evolve like everything else. If the major stock sites are going in a downward spiral I think some new radical idea will spring up. Lets face it the world needs content more now than ever before. If the stock sites get too greedy then some clever kid out of uni will develop something alot better for all like they did back in 2002

Software / Re: Help with csv file please
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:23 »
I did that but the agencies ssid its not made correctly.
Thanks anyway

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've noticed a bug with SS that it always says invalid name description (or something like that) but if I refresh the page just after uploading and submitting the CSV then it works.

General Stock Discussion / Anyone With Google Adwords Experience?
« on: February 15, 2016, 16:57 »
I'm starting up my own video website selling a niche subject matter that I sell each day on a major stock site. I guess if they sell each day on a major stock site then why can't I do it for myself right and keep all the money:)
My site isn't ready yet but I've been playing around with google adwords spending $10 a day.
I've never done this before and looking at all the clicks I've had 99% are searching porn (which my clips are the total opposite) I then noticed negative keywords so put in all the filth I could think of. Anyway now I hardly get any clicks.
It turns out a famous porn star has a name that describes what I'm selling. So what . do I do? I've spent $70 on dirty folk searching for a porn star so not happy. Is it just a bit of tweeking with the keywords until you find a happy medium?
Anyone else have similar experiences?

I normally get within the first 2 spots so I'm happy with that but not getting the right people. Probably spotty teenage boys with no money.

Exclusive 4600 clips - on average $2100 a month.
I'm just about to go non-exclusive and I'm a little surprised by some of the low amounts?
I only do video stock - I have no photo's in my portfolio.

Hi Matt, thanks for the reply. Could you please guide me through the easiest process of uploading 5000 clips all without metadata embedded in them. I have csv files though :( am I going to have to copy and paste all data 5000 times? OMG!!!

@Ciderapple, please send me an email with your contact information and I will do my best to help.

email: [email protected]



Thanks Matt email sent.

Hi Matt, thanks for the reply. Could you please guide me through the easiest process of uploading 5000 clips all without metadata embedded in them. I have csv files though :( am I going to have to copy and paste all data 5000 times? OMG!!!

Take a look at ExifTool (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/). It's a free tool that support writing all sorts of metadata to many file types.
I am certain you can automate that pretty easily.

Thanks Dirkr taking a look now although I've never done anything like this before it sure looks interesting so thanks!

Hi Matt, thanks for the reply. Could you please guide me through the easiest process of uploading 5000 clips all without metadata embedded in them. I have csv files though :( am I going to have to copy and paste all data 5000 times? OMG!!!

I can't seem to find where I can upload my csv files into fotolia. I'm uploading a lot of clips and hoping I just can't find it rather than fotolia not having csv as an option.


How on earth did these pass the review??? Most people who buy clips know how to edit so after they bought them they must then have realized it's only a still. It's like fraud. I don't like this at all, hope the agencies wise up to it...
Its a standard video technique that's been used for years, the Ken Burns effect.  I've sold a few, nothing wrong with it as its obvious to buyers from the preview.  I'm just not sure that its worth the effort for contributors when a proper video pan takes seconds to do.
I know the ken burns effect. I use it a lot myself for projects outside of stock, but I think selling it as footage is a bad isea because the customers buying footage are to the most part expecting moving images (and not just one image)

How on earth did these pass the review??? Most people who buy clips know how to edit so after they bought them they must then have realized it's only a still. It's like fraud. I don't like this at all, hope the agencies wise up to it...

My Getty footage sales haven't been reported yet and I haven't had below 40 sales per month since I started back in 2012. All mine are RF so just hoping the RR is calculated first?

For RF I'm beginning to see small download $ amounts too and I'm beginning to think that Getty / istock are taking the piss way too much on this! If I understand it correctly for all the big players they pay getty a large $ amount each year so they can download clips for next to nothing. We get a % of the next to nothing where as Getty keeps the large $ to join the club each year. Sounds like were all being conned!

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Managed Hosting
« on: January 11, 2016, 16:28 »
I've been wondering about selling video too. I only do video and have over 5000 clips so to get them all online I would need something like 3TB of hosting.
I've looked at Symbo but they don't have anywhere near enough storage and are pretty expensive. The only other option could be to buy Ktools pro for $299 lifetime cos and host it on something like godaddy as it has unlimited storage and bandwidth.

Does anyone else have experience on uploading your large video ports on any of these services?


have you tried or thought of trying Nimia? They give you different options, from just storing/hosting for your own Port or agency-style uploads. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/1kVU9Kq, might provide all (or some) of the features you need.

-- Cliff

Hi Cliff thanks for the advice. I've checked them out but only seem to see them as an agancy. Do you know of the page where they explain hosting? Maybe it's right in front of me and I'm missing it?

Thanks wordplanet too, I'll check it out!

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Managed Hosting
« on: January 08, 2016, 14:32 »
I've been wondering about selling video too. I only do video and have over 5000 clips so to get them all online I would need something like 3TB of hosting.
I've looked at Symbo but they don't have anywhere near enough storage and are pretty expensive. The only other option could be to buy Ktools pro for $299 lifetime cos and host it on something like godaddy as it has unlimited storage and bandwidth.

Does anyone else have experience on uploading your large video ports on any of these services?


VideoBlocks / Re: We need to help videoblocks to grow
« on: December 14, 2015, 12:24 »
Honestly you guys! Why support an agency which undercuts every single other. R u all wishing for video clips to soon be under $10 as you are supporting a pricing war???

You say wow u get 100% yippee the world is a wonderful place!...  but I say whats 100% of nothing???

I've never understood why google hasn't got into the image stock market? It would be pretty bad for us but just think if people could buy images and video via a simple web search? It's such a huge industry I'm surprised google haven't done an adobe thing and try to become a monopoly in this industry?

Most anti-Video Blocks people aren't responding to my original post.  I don't care if you sell at VB or not.  That's not the point I raised on my original post.
Your original post is non-sensical and narrow. There is nothing to respond to in the fashion you're looking for.

Then, say nothing.  You are wasting time of your own.  Just start your own thread instead of being a perpetual wino.
"You should make a buyer want to buy at $49 on VideoBlocks rather than paying more on Pond5 or any other sites"

You start your OP with this and expect everyone to agree?

You just don't get my point.  $79 sale on SS will give a contributor only $24 or so.  $79 sale on P5 will give contributor only $40 or so.   $49 sale on VB will give contributor $47 which is more than those $79 sale on other sites.  More money in our pocket is good, for me at least, maybe not for you.  :)

Well I was watching TV last Thursday and saw one of my clips on ITV prime time and I know that that sold for 400 or more depending on license. If that sold for 30 I would be absolutely gutted. That's why I don't upload my clips to low paying agencies...

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