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Messages - cybernesco

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It all depends on how good you are at producing dissimilar images. It is when you reach a point when your images are getting too similar that numbers don't matter anymore. For some people. it is after producing 10 images, some others 1000, some others 10000 and a few lucky gifted ones have unlimted imagination. Denis

I don't think that you will find one lens that is more versatile then the 24-105 4L. Of course the 85mm 1.2L and the 50 1.4 are sharper and excellent prime lenses but if you really want to carry only one lens with decent quality the 24-105 4L is it. Mixed with the 5d Mk II you have a top microstock camera as well as a top special event camera such as weddings, birthdays parties and so on. Of course for those event you'll need a 580 EX flash and know how to use it properly, because that lens is not the best in low light conditions. Denis

Adobe Stock / Re: Is FT giving us a very poor deal?
« on: April 09, 2010, 15:38 »

 The commissions are going to drop lower and lower as stock sites are going to continue to fight to recruit buyers to purchase the exact same images available at every single site willing to accept their photographs. 

I believe if you (yes YOU!) choose a site and commit some form of loyalty to them the ultimate result will be competition to recruit photographers instead of the status quo which is to recruit buyers. 


Very valid point and well said Mat..thank you


Adobe Stock / Re: Is FT ramming us from Behind ?????
« on: April 06, 2010, 22:19 »

Then I started looking into FT's new project Photoexpress. Through Photoexpress a buyer can get a subscription for $10 a month and have access to all of FT's free files plus 1 premium download. In other words FT is selling one of your images for $10 through a subscription process on a partner site which they own. So this made me ask .. ok can FT now sale our images for $10 a pop and pay us a 3% commission? This is a huge concern for me so I contacted FT about it.

Hello Randy, firstly I think everybody agree that Fotolia are and have been the worst communicator of all sites. It does show in the kind of replies you did get from them. However, without wanting to be a FT defender, I would like to point out that from what I can understand from the Photoexpress subsriptions page at that our photos are not sold at $10 a pop. That $9.99 deal is a subscription deal for which a buyer would have to pay $9.99 a month for a minimum of three months and would give him/her the right to download a maximum of 1 premium image a day for which I guess we get .32 per download.  I still don't like subscription but I think this scenario is better then the one you presented. Denis

Adobe Stock / Re: payment delay
« on: March 17, 2010, 11:44 »
It took 16 days for me to get paid. I don't think they are in financial trouble. The way the commission structure is setup and the volume of sales they are getting,  this must be highly profitable for the the owner(s). Denis

However worldwide... my guess is that there is no more then 100 making more then 50K a year.

No more than 100 making $50k+? You are way, way off with this guess - arenacreative is much closer to the mark at 500, but I think even he's a little low.

Good to know Thanks

However worldwide... my guess is that there is no more then 100 making more then 50K a year.

I make a good living. I live in Western Europe and although I'm reluctant to divulge my income, which is all earned from microstock, I was not a million miles from a 6 figure dollar income last year. There are plenty of microstockers pulling in good money, and I'm nearer the bottom of the top 150 sellers at my agency of choice.

 In my case, if it is the agency I think you are talking about,  I am at the bottom of the top 440 sellers. Thank you for your insight.

Count me in as making a fulltime income from microstock all be it on the video side. I have put a ton of effort and put  alot of money into equipment to handle HD at the bulk level. I still hold my current fulltime job in the medical field but it sure is nice to have stock income to fall back on if anything goes wrong. The article is dead on as far as work practices go. Nothing has come easy to me, I do have a niche in the medical field but I shoot all kinds of stuff every week. Between both jobs I work 60 plus hours a week. I might one day pull the plug on the day job and just work 40hrs a week on the stock job. Going fulltime is not for the faint of heart but working for one's self has a whole positive side to itself!


We have lots of financial information about the number one seller, however not too many of the top 200 sellers that will come forward like yourselves to divulge such information. Your little bits of information certainly give us a better perspective of what can be accomplished. Thank you vlad_the_imp  and jjneff. Denis

However worldwide... my guess is that there is no more then 100 making more then 50K a year.

I thought Arena Creative had a realistic view of the microstock industry in this blog post - so thought I would give it a link from here.

My opinion is that for dabblers and hobbyists - I still think they can make a few bucks a month and have fun, if that's all they want.  For those who want to have it as a profession - it is an uphill battle.  Yes, I do think it is possible as there is never enough of the best of anything in any field - but even then it won't be easy.

Thanks for the link Leaf....excellent reading. I totally agree.  500 microstockers making it full time is about what I though too.  I am not there yet, although I made $19,000 in 2009 it is my best year yet with 1200 images. Maybe if I had quitted my full time job I would have made much more but I did not like the risk.  Denis 

Off Topic / Re: Flipping burgers
« on: March 05, 2010, 11:42 »
From June to August 1971 during school break, I was 16, my first job I worked in a Christmas wrapping paper factory. Basically I was simply stacking hundreds of boxes in a warehouse all day everyday. I can't remember too well... I was paid around a dollar an hour. Denis

Despite the earnings rating poll being all down, several BMEs and 2nd BMEs have been reported at SS and within this forum which put in doubt the accuracy of the poll rating. Denis

;)  Is Fifi driving any of these BME's.  It is wise to consider who is reporting these sales figures, the recently stated RPI is dismal at best and there is no where to go but up. A 0.071 RPI may satisfy and inspire some.

There are of course shooters who will produce niche images that drive real sales volume no matter what the market conditions are. However they are not representative of the whole.

No not just Fifi...I compted 11 reported BMEs and 2nd BMEs at SS. Two reported BMEs in this forum. I had my 2nd BME last month. Most of them are not niche. My RPI is $1.60

Despite the earnings rating poll being all down, several BMEs and 2nd BMEs have been reported at SS and within this forum which put in doubt the accuracy of the poll rating. Denis

If the poll is far 14% (14 out of 101) are making over $2000.00 a month which is more then I expected. Despite Yuri's thread gloomy outlook, microstock still look healthy. Who knows, maybe his port are loosing to the smaller ones. Denis

315 / Re: What the heck is going on with Crestock?
« on: February 26, 2010, 22:54 »

Payouts take months, as do image reviews. Response from support is almost non-existent, forums are devoid of official info.  

Those are definite signs of a dying agency. I stop uploading over a year ago. I always though that they had absolutely the wrong idea. They only wanted the very top cream of the crops of what the other sites already had. And expected us to be satisfy with a once in a while $0.25 download mixed with a rare $1.00 download. The two simply don't mix. If you only want the very top quality which demand thousands of dollars of equipment and top skills, how on earth will you keep your contributors happy with pocket change. Their collection has suffered because of their unusual reviewing policy and probably most buyers prefer other agencies due to the fact that Creststock is only a small portion of what other agencies already have.

You can discern the predictable fall of Crestsock with the following statements from the founder and CEO Geir Are Jensen:

"I believe there's a distinct difference between those who are in this business for the money, and those who are truly passionate about what they do."

Yeah right....those that are truly passionate.....only need $0.25 once in a while to be satisfy....

"We attract and nurture top photography talent and our strict approval process means we keep only the cream of the crop"

Yeah right....your strict approval process is such an attraction....who needs to be paid rightfully......when you have such an attraction


This place owns the crown for having the biggest "real info / pure BS" ratio in all microstock boards. A smart newbie can find lots of good info if he or she can spot the ones who don't talk cr@p and start paying attention.

I agree. Internet is a matter of knowing how to filter information for your own benefit. Everything I know from photography, I have learned it from internet. I have learned a great deal from the SS forum and god knows how much bs you had to filter out from their forum, not so much now. I have learned a lot from this forum too. In addition, where else can you freely compare micro sites and get to know the new emerging ones. Thank you Leaf for all your effort.



For the agencies it's like not being affected by fraudulent activities after all... Quite sick.

I find the statement opening this thread worst then that. The statement conveniently fail to acknowledge buyer's credits above $1.00 and all other currencies which make credit more then a $1.50.  The statement try to make us believe that the whole FT buyer's world revolve between $0.75 and a $1.00 per credit. This is so untrue. Like I said before as an example if you buy a package of 20 credits in Europe, it will cost you 1.14 euro per credit which is equal to anywhere between $1.50 and $1.60 depending on the rate. And most of the sales are from Europe not North America. Therefore, FT buyer's world definitely does not conveniently revolve around the US dollar.   This totally not true. Denis


In comparison to the differential in FT's strange floating 'credit value' in the various currencies and the numerous reductions in commissions, either directly or by stealth, it absolutely pales into insignificance.

I totally agree. Denis

What are "credits awarded"?
Sounds like they are giving it away as a promo tool. Something like printing money.

I think what he means by " awarding 20% in bonus credits"  is that at the moment the average size of credit bundles being bought by buyers has given them an average of 20% discount or therefore 20% more credits then if it was bought in smaller bundles. However, in his calculation, he conveniently omitted all credits bough at over $1.00 as well, most importantly, all credits bought in other currencies which goes as high as $1.55-$1.60 per credit.


As an example from a France site a package of 20 credits will average 1.14 euro which is equal to about $1.57 US at today's rate. And if a buyer buy an image of mine from this package then I get 31/157 and not 31/100.  But I am sure that you can explain this.

Out of curiosity, what do the credit packages cost on the non US sites? I can only see the credit prices when I log in and when I log in, it gives me the prices in dollars.

Look at the bottom right, 



I responded the following on their forum


Hi everyone,

As a backgrounder, all of you know that Fotolia's previous credit pricing ranged from $0.75 to $1, depending on the amount of credits purchased. On average, customers purchased credits at a rate of $0.94 each. Fotolia paid contributors as if those credits were purchased at $1, regardless.

Fotolia management

With all due respect, thank you for responding.

However most buyer buys from Europe in euro or in pound sterling.  I don't know why you say credit pricing are between  $0.75 and $1 when in fact it is more like between $0.75 and $1.57. As an example from a France site a package of 20 credits will average 1.14 euro which is equal to about $1.57 US at today's rate. And if a buyer buy an image of mine from this package then I get 31/157 and not 31/100.  But I am sure that you can explain this.

Thank you for your support   


The following is the latest from Chad regarding Purchase incentives and commission structure:

Hi everyone,

We have been carefully monitoring sales since the new bundle pricing was implemented earlier this month. We're very pleased with the results and would like to provide you with the following update.

As a backgrounder, all of you know that Fotolia's previous credit pricing ranged from $0.75 to $1, depending on the amount of credits purchased. On average, customers purchased credits at a rate of $0.94 each. Fotolia paid contributors as if those credits were purchased at $1, regardless.

In February, the new credit bundles were created to incentivize customers towards buying larger bundles. If we succeeded, that would mean a larger number of credits in the system, benefiting contributors by way of increased downloads.

Even though we're only several weeks into the change, we're proud to report some initial success. On average, we're awarding 20% in bonus credits. Thus, we will continue to pay contributors commissions based on $1 credits.

We also saw a dramatic increase in the number of credits awarded. In fact, it jumped from 6% in January to 20% in February to date. Without calculating the effects of Fotolia's natural growth rate, that means we introduced an additional 14% in credits into Fotolia's ecosystem.

This additional growth in the system, along with our natural viral growth and our aggressive sales and marketing program will translate into continued success for all contributors in Fotolia's family.

We thank you for your continued support. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and report back to you with any changes.

Fotolia management


DepositPhotos / Re: Who has had sales at DepositPhotos?
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:08 »
3 sales, 1 standard, 2 subs. Quite encouraging for a new site. I agree with cybernesco, we should support sites like this. However, most sites become greedy once they become popular. It's a shame but microstock agencies don't answer to anyone, so they do what they like.

edit: modified referral link

Basically the philosophy of greedy agencies is "if you (contributors) don't like our policies go some place else, someone else will take your place". My philosophy on this is, if contributors are replaceable so are agencies.   Denis

DepositPhotos / Re: Who has had sales at DepositPhotos?
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:44 »
We should always encourage new emerging microstock sites that have good prospect and fair policies for everyone involved as this is one of the few methods we have to go against sites that could or have grown to be greedy and unfair to their contributors. Lets put some balance to this industry, click on my referral link below and signed-up. Thank you


Illustration - General / Re: INTUOS4 - Anybody using one?
« on: February 18, 2010, 03:04 »
I have the wacom cintiq 21". Had it for little over a year now. This is the top tool to handle photoshop. Unfortunately it is pricey. However if you can buy it with two months worth of microstock earning,  I would recommend it as it is deductible from your taxes and you'll definitely speed up your work with ultimate precision and therefore pay for itself in the long run. Denis

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