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Messages - donding

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:17 »
From reading the iStock forum it appears the only ones affected by this are exclusive contributors since they are the only ones reporting these strange sales in the forum. Lisa mentioned yesterday she had some strange sales also so maybe it isn't just exclusives. Has any one else had strange sales that are not exclusive here? I know I haven't.


not me.  gee.. had I known the 'iStock fairie" was going to make an appearance to boast RCs for (mostly) exclusives around Christmas, I may have waited to drop my crown.  ha! ;)

From the looks of it all it probably would have only given you false hopes then you'd experience great disappointment then overwhelming depression.... :D

No really I feel sorry for the ones that have experienced these sales because I got a feeling from the amount of them over Christmas...the slowest time...they are more than likely bogus.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:31 »
From reading the iStock forum it appears the only ones affected by this are exclusive contributors since they are the only ones reporting these strange sales in the forum. Lisa mentioned yesterday she had some strange sales also so maybe it isn't just exclusives. Has any one else had strange sales that are not exclusive here? I know I haven't.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Question: ball head maximum weight
« on: December 26, 2010, 16:26 »

I've heard of Acratech before and a friend in the USA has one of theirs, however they are not available in Brazil.

Heh didn't you already get a tripod under the tree???

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 26, 2010, 14:10 »
Lobo...the guarder of the gates is still there, so I guess not everyone got to go on vacation.
He's said they are checking all purchases and downloads within the last 48 hours so maybe they will get it straighten out before the bosses come back... ;)

Oh, yes, I had my own version of the song, "I've got a Canon camera" and "Mama don't take my Fujichrome away"  ;D

;D!!  Works for me!  In my case it would be "canon camera" and "CF card".....

 :D :D In my case "Nikon camera" and "Lexar Professional CF card"....... ;D

StockFresh / Re: Uploading to Stockfresh
« on: December 26, 2010, 14:03 »
Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%

Indeed, there is the Windows key, although it looks unclear, everyone knows the Windows key is there.  I may clone it out.  Nobody ever bothered about it, but anyway....

I've had rejects on other sites for the windows key even when it wasn't real visible. I haven't even tried getting on StockFresh yet.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 26, 2010, 13:51 »
Some people do it just to see if it can be done....maybe it's a disgruntled contributor or buyer who knew they'd be gone, who knows. You know photographers come from every walk of life.

StockFresh / Re: Uploading to Stockfresh
« on: December 26, 2010, 13:27 »
Thank you!

Hmm, so I got these rejected for "visible logos and brands".  All logos were cloned out from the notebook, although possibly many can identify it as Sony Vaio:
This one puzzles even more, and even the zipper has no name or logo in it (I even checked the parka itself!)

Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%

I just scanned one last week of my father. It scanned fine with my scanner which has the attachment bar for them. It wasn't the sharpest scan I've seen and it was scratched as well, but the color was still fantastic.

Off Topic / Re: Happy Holidays
« on: December 26, 2010, 12:48 »
Happy holidays to all! :) Hugs and kisses too! :)

Heh it's a Merry Christmas seeing you here....been awhile... ;)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 26, 2010, 12:45 »
That's a big chunk of money either way. It doesn't look right especially since this is over Christmas, usually very few people do business during Christmas.

Hope you guys don't end up with a big bill from iStock after the first of the year.

I never used it either but I have some Kodachrome slides that some one else in the family took many years ago and fortunately my Epson Scanner will scan slides as well as negatives and the color is spectacular in those slides.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fraud going down at IS
« on: December 26, 2010, 12:28 »
From what I was reading over there it looks as if the exclusives are the ones reporting these sales.

If you have any KodaChrome slide film left you got til noon on Dec 30 to get it processed at the last place in the world that still processes it....Dwaynes Photo in Kansas City Missouri.

They will be out of the special chemicals used to process the film which is only available from Kodak.

It is the end of an era.


Off Topic / Re: Happy Holidays
« on: December 24, 2010, 18:45 »
I wrote Santa asking for a new tripod and guess what? There is a long package under my tree.  ;D

LOL.. :D
You must gave been a good girl then. I ain't got nothin' under my tree....of course I don't have one up either.. ;D
Santa quit coming to our house about 5 years ago.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:33 »
so what happens to the exclusive photographer that are not exclusive illustrators and have these jpeg's already on these other sites? Will iStock consider them in breach of contract?

Up until this point, they should not have had them on other sites, as most exclusive contributors realize any raster in a "photo" and thus, no-go on other sites.  So that is a non-issue.

So that's always been the case? If that is so it really does no good to offer non exclusive illustration to exclusive photographer's. Doesn't make a bit of sense.

Adobe Stock / Re: Slow Payments from Fotolia . . . again
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:02 »
I'm no longer with Fotolia, but it will be interesting to see how they handle the tax situation. Don't know if they changed their policy but with their withholding of taxes on some they will need to pay out what is owed by the end of the year rather you have met payout or not.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: December 24, 2010, 10:56 »
so what happens to the exclusive photographer that are not exclusive illustrators and have these jpeg's already on these other sites? Will iStock consider them in breach of contract?

... So apparently they feel they have a patent on the entire concept of printing and selling merchandise with images on them. Interesting to see how this one shakes out.  

Uh huh... I don't think Michelin, Bridgestone etc. are paying royalties to the heirs of the guy who invented the wheel or do they?

I believe that in order to use a patent...doesn't it have to be bought by the user or have permission of the owner? I'm not sure how they work, but I doubt you'd pay royalties to the owner of a patent. Gotta go Google it.....lol :o

Edit: Google....  there is a possibility of royalties having to be paid...lol
"Often inventors and innovators will come up with a way to make a better mousetrap. Often they will find others hold patents to a critical component to make this better mousetrap innovation or invention. Therefore they need to make a deal with the company or individual holding the patent so that they can use this technology to make their invention and sell it. One way to do this is to offer to pay them a per unit royalty on each unit made or sold. And most savvy companies who agree to this will want audit rights to check the books on how many items were built and/or sold by the better mousetrap maker. "

General - Top Sites / Re: Looking back on one year in Microstock
« on: December 23, 2010, 15:31 »
Thanks Dan for sharing that beautiful port again. That's the second time I've seen it and it still amazes me as to why you'd even consider microstock. It's just an amazingly beautiful portfolio. I know with everything that is happening in the microstock world any more, it's really hard to stay motivated to even shoot stock any more. I personally don't know that I will continue, unless things change dramatically and I really don't foresee that happening. Unless the enjoyment of microstock comes back into my life it will be difficult to continue. Guess we'll see what 2011 brings.

Good luck to you and hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... ;)


That landing page though, I really thought for a few seconds I had a bad link and went somewhere else.  The SnoopDog photo really threw me off for some reason, it took a while to sink in that you are a photographer and you took a photo of Snoop and aren't just a teenager that clipped a photo off the web.  I don't know, maybe just a font change to more of a story book, or the first few words in a celtic type of font...  I think it needs a Mat Hayward Photography or similar at the top so you don't lose visitors.  Forgive me for being so negative about the landing page when everything else is really really nice.

I thought the same thing as Pixart. I thought it was a joke at first. I wouldn't have dug further if I didn't know it was you.

This one is from StockXpert....

seems like they have quite a variety from all the stock sites. Really makes me question them.

Off Topic / Re: Happy Holidays
« on: December 21, 2010, 16:50 »
Same to everyone else....don't go broke for Christmas and don't get to intoxicated for New Year!!!

Alamy.com / Re: Bad serach or bad results?
« on: December 21, 2010, 16:30 »
Earlier today, I took the word Santa out of title, just referring to hat as Red and White Christmas Hat, but change didn't kick in yet. I'm going to put it back to original wording.

Doesn't it take 24 hours for it to be updated in the search engine after the change? I think I read that somewhere.

I think you're right. Since I saw RacePhoto's post within hours of the change, I was able to refer to images' live online description and essential keywords when re-editing the info     (?I thought your username was dongding, like a bell in reverse.)

Nope it's donding....I picked that name up many years ago when my sister's screen name was Dordo and I tryed to take the screen name of dingdong. I couldn't use dingdong so adopted donding...
Real name Donna... ;D

Alamy.com / Re: Bad serach or bad results?
« on: December 21, 2010, 16:05 »
Earlier today, I took the word Santa out of title, just referring to hat as Red and White Christmas Hat, but change didn't kick in yet. I'm going to put it back to original wording.

Doesn't it take 24 hours for it to be updated in the search engine after the change? I think I read that somewhere.

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